为华为相机套件添加 "pro mode" 时出现问题

Problem adding "pro mode" for Huawei Camera Kit


private CameraKit mCameraKit;
mCameraKit = CameraKit.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
//If the current mobile phone does not support the kit or the SDK version is incompatible, NULL is returned. Compatibility processing is required.
if (mCameraKit == null) {


  1. 目前,专业模式仅支持 Kirin 990Kirin 9000.
  2. 的设备
  3. 以下代码供您参考如何为您的应用添加模式。目前只有后置摄像头支持专业模式。
// Query the camera list of the device.
String[] cameraLists = mCameraKit.getCameraIdList();
// Query the modes supported by the current camera.
int[] modes = mCameraKit.getSupportedModes(cameraLists[0]);
// Create a mode.
mCameraKit.createMode(cameraLists[0], mCurrentModeType, mModeStateCallback, mCameraKitHandler);


  1. 将 mCurrentModeType 设置为 PRO_PHOTO_MODE 或 PRO_VIDEO_MODE。

  2. 使用 mCurrentModeType 创建模式对象。

  3. 调用Mode对象的setParameter方法开启相应能力

  4. 使用Mode对象的takePicture、startRecording、stopRecording方法进行拍照和录像。参考details.


// Query the functions supported by the mode.
List<CaptureRequest.Key<?>> parameters = mModeCharacteristics.getSupportedParameters();
// Query the supported ISO range.
List<Integer> values = mModeCharacteristics.getParameterRange(RequestKey.HW_PRO_SENSOR_ISO_VALUE);
// Set the ISO value. The first value is used as an example.
mMode.setParameter(RequestKey.HW_ PRO_SENSOR_ISO_VALUE, values.get(0));