yylex 的多重定义

Multiple definition of yylex

我已经尝试了下面的 lex 和 yacc 文件,它似乎对许多函数有多个定义,例如 yylex、yyrestart 等等。试了几种方法和网上的资料都无法解决。任何帮助都将不胜感激。

try1.l 文件如下,

#include "y.tab.h"
int linenum=1;
int temp_int;

\n     {linenum++;}

[\t ]         /* skip spaces */;
\/\/[^\n]*    /* ignore comments */;

"+"     {return '+';}
"-"     {return '-';}
"*"     {return '*';}
"/"     {return '/';}
")"     {return ')';}
"("     {return '(';}

[0-9]+   {sscanf(yytext, "%d", &temp_int);
          yylval.int_val = temp_int;
          return INT;}

.  {printf("LEX: unknown input string found in line %d \n", linenum);

int yywrap(void) {return 1;}

try1.y 文件如下,

/* Put new code here */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

extern int linenum;

/* define all types of variables and terminals */  

  int int_val;

/* define the individual types of variables and terminals */

%token <int_val> INT   
%type <int_val> expr

/* assign priorities to operators in order to 
   avoid shift/reduce conflicts (grammar ambiguities) */

%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%left UMINUS

/* the start variable of your program */

%start program

/* The main Grammar with its actions */


program : expr        {printf("Expr value = %d \n", );}
        | error       {printf("YACC: syntax error near line %d \n", linenum);

expr :'('expr')'        {$$ = ;}  
     | expr '+' expr    {$$ =  + ;}
     | expr '-' expr    {$$ =  - ;}
     | expr  '*' expr   {$$ =  * ;}
     | expr '/' expr    {$$ =  / ;}
     | '-' expr  %prec UMINUS  {$$ = -;}
     | INT              {$$ = ;}


/* link lex code */

#include "lex.yy.c"

/* insert additional code here */

int main(){
    return yyparse();

int yyerror(char *s) {fprintf(stderr, "%s \n",s);}



同时使用 lex 和 yacc(或 flex 和 bison)时,生成的编译器(yacc 输出)通常 #include 是生成的词法分析器源。

您可以在 try1.y 和输出 try1.tab.c 代码中看到:

/* link lex code */

#include "lex.yy.c"

/* insert additional code here */

因此,要么从 try1.tab.c 中手动删除它,要么不要将 lex.yy.ctry1.tab.c 一起编译。


$ flex try1.l
$ bison -d try1.y
$ gcc -g -Wall try1.tab.c -o try1.exe
