Swift - CLOcation 数组的可编码解码数组

Swift - Codable Decode array of arrays of CLLocation

我有一个包含 CLLocation 数组的结构。这是为了支持多折线(换句话说,一堆可能不连续的线)。我希望编码和解码这些数据。我在编写编码和解码方法时遇到问题,因为默认情况下 CLLocation 不可编码。

    struct MyTrack {
      let coords: [[CLLocation]]?
      enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case coords

    extension MyTrack: Decodable {
      init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        coords = try values.decodeIfPresent([[CLLocation]].self, forKey: .coords)?
            .map { ([=11=] as AnyObject).map { CLLocation(model: [=11=]) } }

它目前在 Xcode 中抛出两个错误:


类型 'AnyObject' 的值没有成员 'map'


因为 CLLocation 默认情况下是不可编码的,所以我按照教程围绕它创建了一个包装器结构,代码如下:

extension CLLocation: Encodable {
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case latitude
        case longitude
        case altitude
        case horizontalAccuracy
        case verticalAccuracy
        case speed
        case course
        case timestamp
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(coordinate.latitude, forKey: .latitude)
        try container.encode(coordinate.longitude, forKey: .longitude)
        try container.encode(altitude, forKey: .altitude)
        try container.encode(horizontalAccuracy, forKey: .horizontalAccuracy)
        try container.encode(verticalAccuracy, forKey: .verticalAccuracy)
        try container.encode(speed, forKey: .speed)
        try container.encode(course, forKey: .course)
        try container.encode(timestamp, forKey: .timestamp)

struct Location: Codable {
    let latitude: CLLocationDegrees
    let longitude: CLLocationDegrees
    let altitude: CLLocationDistance
    let horizontalAccuracy: CLLocationAccuracy
    let verticalAccuracy: CLLocationAccuracy
    let speed: CLLocationSpeed
    let course: CLLocationDirection
    let timestamp: Date

extension CLLocation {
    convenience init(model: Location) {
      self.init(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(model.latitude, model.longitude), altitude: model.altitude, horizontalAccuracy: model.horizontalAccuracy, verticalAccuracy: model.verticalAccuracy, course: model.course, speed: model.speed, timestamp: model.timestamp)

您正在解码 CLLocation,而不是您的包装器结构。您应该改为解码包装器结构。另外,你不应该转换为 AnyObject.

extension MyTrack: Decodable {
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        coords = try values.decodeIfPresent([[Location]].self, forKey: .coords)?
            .map { [=10=].map(CLLocation.init) }