ASP.NET 在 ModelState 检查期间核心更改模型并 return 查看

ASP.NET Core change model during ModelState check and return to View


public async Task<IActionResult> SaveProject(MainProjectViewModel model, string id = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    bool validClientCheck = this.CheckIfClientNameAndIdAreValid(model.ProjectModel.ClientName, model.ProjectModel.ClientId);

                    if (!validClientCheck)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("ProjectModel.ClientId", $"Please select a valid client!");
                        model.ProjectModel.ClientId = null;

                    return View(model);

                await this.projectService.SaveProject(model, "create");
            return RedirectToAction("SaveProject", "Project", new { id = model.ProjectModel.Id });

即使我在视图中有 model.ProjectModel.ClientId = null;,ClientId 的隐藏字段仍然填充有客户端 ID。如何在 return 将其添加到视图之前更改模型?

当涉及 ModelState 的验证时,View 中的模型绑定并不简单。 对于 post 形式的特定字段,您可以在变量 ModelState 中使用键访问它。如果要修改那个字段的值,应该修改变量ModelState中的值,而不是页面model.


// Add custom error before the model validation...
ModelState.AddModelError("ProjectModel.ClientId", $"Please select a valid client!");
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
     // Modify the value to empty
     ModelState["ProjectModel.ClientId"].RawValue = "";  //add this line after set model error
return View(model);