如何显示 ESO Harps s1d 适合文件? (Python)
How to display ESO Harps s1d fits file? (Python)
您好,我想在拟合文件的 python 上绘制光谱。 ESO 有一个关于如何显示一维光谱的指南和一个应该工作的代码如下:
import sys
from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
import numpy as np
hdulist = pyfits.open( "your_1d_spectrum_here.fits" )
# print column information
# get to the data part (in extension 1)
scidata = hdulist[1].data
wave = scidata[0][0]
arr1 = scidata[0][1]
arr2 = scidata[0][2]
# etc.
# where arr1 will contain the data corresponding to the column named: hdulist[1].columns[1]
# where arr2 will contain the data corresponding to the column named: hdulist[1].columns[2]
# etc.
# To plot using maptplotlib:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(wave, arr1)
但是当将此代码放入并使用 s1d 文件时,我得到了 IndexError: list index out of range
HDUlist.info() 包含一个索引为 0 的主 HDU
No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format
0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 3051 (313088,) float32
[ 45.182148 71.06376 3.1499128 ... 631.7653 628.2799
632.91364 ]
所以我不知道如何绘制这个光谱,因为它只有 1d。
Eso 也有一个更复杂的代码来绘制网站上的光谱 https://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data/help/1dspectra.html#Python the file is the 1dspectrum.py which can be downloaded. Once I've inputted my file on there, I get an index error too which can be seen in the gyazo https://gyazo.com/e30a1f39e5f33821b5a5c54f3939a028
尝试了 Iguananaut 的解决方案
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.units import u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import specutils
f = fits.open('C:/Users/Rp199/Desktop/J0608_59_harps_2018/HARPS.2018-05-23T23_44_45.005_s1d_A.fits')
No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format
0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 3055 (313093,) float32
检查了 headers,它们是一样的,所以我删除了 BUNIT 并将 CTYPE1 更改为 CUNIT1
del header['BUNIT']
header['CTYPE1'] = header['CUNIT1']
del header['CTYPE1']
spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f)
IORegistryError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-62aceed26d07> in <module>
----> 1 spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f)
2 spec
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\nddata\mixins\ndio.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
55 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
---> 56 return registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\registry.py in read(cls, format, *args, **kwargs)
517 fileobj = args[0]
--> 519 format = _get_valid_format(
520 'read', cls, path, fileobj, args, kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\registry.py in _get_valid_format(mode, cls, path, fileobj, args, kwargs)
597 if len(valid_formats) == 0:
598 format_table_str = _get_format_table_str(cls, mode.capitalize())
--> 599 raise IORegistryError("Format could not be identified based on the"
600 " file name or contents, please provide a"
601 " 'format' argument.\n"
IORegistryError: Format could not be identified based on the file name or contents, please provide a 'format' argument.
The available formats are:
Format Read Write Auto-identify
----------------- ---- ----- -------------
APOGEE apStar Yes No Yes
APOGEE apVisit Yes No Yes
APOGEE aspcapStar Yes No Yes
ASCII Yes No Yes
ECSV Yes No Yes
HST/COS Yes No Yes
IPAC Yes No Yes
JWST s2d Yes No Yes
JWST s3d Yes No Yes
JWST x1d Yes No Yes
SDSS-I/II spSpec Yes No Yes
SDSS-III/IV spec Yes No Yes
Subaru-pfsObject Yes No Yes
iraf Yes No Yes
muscles-sed Yes No Yes
tabular-fits Yes Yes Yes
wcs1d-fits Yes No Yes
我假设因为我的文件是 s1d.fits 文件所以格式应该是 wcs1d-fits?我试图在 Fits 查看器中查看 headers 以识别格式,但找不到任何内容。当输入 wcs1d-fits 格式时:
spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f, format="wcs1d-fits")
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-c038104effad> in <module>
----> 1 spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f, format="wcs1d-fits")
2 spec
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\nddata\mixins\ndio.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
55 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
---> 56 return registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\registry.py in read(cls, format, *args, **kwargs)
522 reader = get_reader(format, cls)
--> 523 data = reader(*args, **kwargs)
525 if not isinstance(data, cls):
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\specutils\io\default_loaders\wcs_fits.py in wcs1d_fits_loader(file_name, spectral_axis_unit, flux_unit, hdu_idx, **kwargs)
63 logging.info("Spectrum file looks like wcs1d-fits")
---> 65 with fits.open(file_name, **kwargs) as hdulist:
66 header = hdulist[hdu_idx].header
67 wcs = WCS(header)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\hdulist.py in fitsopen(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
162 raise ValueError(f'Empty filename: {name!r}')
--> 164 return HDUList.fromfile(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache,
165 lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\hdulist.py in fromfile(cls, fileobj, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
401 """
--> 403 return cls._readfrom(fileobj=fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap,
404 save_backup=save_backup, cache=cache,
405 lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\hdulist.py in _readfrom(cls, fileobj, data, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
1052 if not isinstance(fileobj, _File):
1053 # instantiate a FITS file object (ffo)
-> 1054 fileobj = _File(fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap, cache=cache)
1055 # The Astropy mode is determined by the _File initializer if the
1056 # supplied mode was None
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\utils\decorators.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
533 warnings.warn(message, warning_type, stacklevel=2)
--> 535 return function(*args, **kwargs)
537 return wrapper
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\file.py in __init__(self, fileobj, mode, memmap, overwrite, cache)
193 self._open_filename(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
194 else:
--> 195 self._open_filelike(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
197 self.fileobj_mode = fileobj_mode(self._file)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\file.py in _open_filelike(self, fileobj, mode, overwrite)
545 if mode == 'ostream':
--> 546 self._overwrite_existing(overwrite, fileobj, False)
548 # Any "writeable" mode requires a write() method on the file object
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\file.py in _overwrite_existing(self, overwrite, fileobj, closed)
442 # The file will be overwritten...
443 if ((self.file_like and hasattr(fileobj, 'len') and fileobj.len > 0) or
--> 444 (os.path.exists(self.name) and os.path.getsize(self.name) != 0)):
445 if overwrite:
446 if self.file_like and hasattr(fileobj, 'truncate'):
~\anaconda3\lib\genericpath.py in exists(path)
17 """Test whether a path exists. Returns False for broken symbolic links"""
18 try:
---> 19 os.stat(path)
20 except (OSError, ValueError):
21 return False
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not method
我查看了从 this page 下载的随机频谱。实际上它只包含一个 HDU,因此如果您尝试从不存在的 HDU 访问数据,您将得到一个 IndexError
您链接到的代码可能很旧(毕竟它在“存档”页面上)并且也只是一个示例,不一定适合绘制任何 FITS 文件中的数据。
specutils 软件包有许多用于分析和绘制一维光谱的实用程序。它还可以从许多常见的 FITS 格式中读取光谱,而无需手动执行太多操作。
>>> f = fits.open('https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/lasilla/instruments/harps/inst/monitoring/sundata/ceres_2006-05-22_s1d.fits')
>>> f.info()
f = fits.open('https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/lasilla/instruments/harps/inst/monitoring/sundata/ceres_2006-05-22_s1d.fits')
查看 header,尤其是前十几个 header 关键字,可以为我们提供很多关于如何解释文件中数据的线索:
>>> header = f[0].header
>>> header[:12]
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 1 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 313237 / length of data axis 1
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
CRPIX1 = 1. / Reference pixel
CRVAL1 = 3781.19 / Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT1 = 0.01 / Coordinate increment par pixel
CTYPE1 = 'Angstrom' / Units of coordinate
BUNIT = 'Relative Flux' / Units of data values
我们可以从 BUNIT = 'Relative Flux'
它不包含光谱阵列,而是光谱从第一个像素的 3781.19 Å 开始(我们从 CRVAL1
获得;记住 CRPIXn
,与 FITS 文件中的其他索引一样,使用从 1 开始的 Fortran-style 索引,而不是从 0 开始的 C/Python,所以这就是说数组的第 0 个元素是通量3781.19 Å 的光谱)。
它还说 CDELT1 = 0.01 / Coordinate increment par pixel
所以每个像素都是 +0.01 Å。
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.units import u
>>> flux = f[0].data
>>> ref = header['CRVAL1']
>>> step = header['CDELT1']
>>> wave = np.arange(ref, ref + (len(flux) * step), step) * u.AA
>>> plt.plot(wave, flux)
Specutils 原则上可以使这更容易。要从 FITS 文件中读取 Spectrum1D
>>> from specutils import Spectrum1D
>>> spec = Spectrum1D.read(f)
不幸的是,在这种情况下,Specutils 无法读取文件,我得到:
ValueError: 'Relative Flux' did not parse as unit: At col 0, Relative is not a valid unit. If this is meant to be a custom unit, define it with 'u.def_unit'. To have it recognized inside a file reader or other code, enable it with 'u.add_enabled_units'. For details, see https://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/units/combining_and_defining.html
这是我之前写的文件格式错误时的部分意思。对于将进入 FITS 文件的 BUNIT
header 的任何单位,“相对通量”不是有效的已知名称。因为我不知道在这种情况下通量单位应该是什么,所以我只是删除了它:
>>> del header['BUNIT']
此文件的另一个问题是它没有正确使用 CTYPE1
关键字。这应该是 CUNIT1
。我不知道他们为什么这样做。我再次更新了 header:
>>> header['CUNIT1'] = header['CTYPE1]
>>> del header['CTYPE1']
>>> spec = Spectrum1D.read(f)
>>> spec
<Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [0.0043928 , 0.00500706, 0.00511265, ..., 0.00435138, 0.00433926,
0.00433523]>, spectral_axis=<SpectralAxis [3781.19, 3781.2 , 3781.21, ..., 6913.53, 6913.54, 6913.55] Angstrom>)>
并且可以像这样绘制(仅遵循 specutils 文档):
>>> from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
>>> quantity_support()
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> ax.step(spec.spectral_axis, spec.flux)
>>> fig.show()
您好,我想在拟合文件的 python 上绘制光谱。 ESO 有一个关于如何显示一维光谱的指南和一个应该工作的代码如下:
import sys
from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
import numpy as np
hdulist = pyfits.open( "your_1d_spectrum_here.fits" )
# print column information
# get to the data part (in extension 1)
scidata = hdulist[1].data
wave = scidata[0][0]
arr1 = scidata[0][1]
arr2 = scidata[0][2]
# etc.
# where arr1 will contain the data corresponding to the column named: hdulist[1].columns[1]
# where arr2 will contain the data corresponding to the column named: hdulist[1].columns[2]
# etc.
# To plot using maptplotlib:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(wave, arr1)
但是当将此代码放入并使用 s1d 文件时,我得到了 IndexError: list index out of range
HDUlist.info() 包含一个索引为 0 的主 HDU
No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format
0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 3051 (313088,) float32
打印此数据显示它是一维数组: [ 45.182148 71.06376 3.1499128 ... 631.7653 628.2799 632.91364 ]
所以我不知道如何绘制这个光谱,因为它只有 1d。
Eso 也有一个更复杂的代码来绘制网站上的光谱 https://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data/help/1dspectra.html#Python the file is the 1dspectrum.py which can be downloaded. Once I've inputted my file on there, I get an index error too which can be seen in the gyazo https://gyazo.com/e30a1f39e5f33821b5a5c54f3939a028
尝试了 Iguananaut 的解决方案 以此作为以下代码:
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.units import u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import specutils
f = fits.open('C:/Users/Rp199/Desktop/J0608_59_harps_2018/HARPS.2018-05-23T23_44_45.005_s1d_A.fits')
No. Name Ver Type Cards Dimensions Format
0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 3055 (313093,) float32
检查了 headers,它们是一样的,所以我删除了 BUNIT 并将 CTYPE1 更改为 CUNIT1
del header['BUNIT']
header['CTYPE1'] = header['CUNIT1']
del header['CTYPE1']
spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f)
IORegistryError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-62aceed26d07> in <module>
----> 1 spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f)
2 spec
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\nddata\mixins\ndio.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
55 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
---> 56 return registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\registry.py in read(cls, format, *args, **kwargs)
517 fileobj = args[0]
--> 519 format = _get_valid_format(
520 'read', cls, path, fileobj, args, kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\registry.py in _get_valid_format(mode, cls, path, fileobj, args, kwargs)
597 if len(valid_formats) == 0:
598 format_table_str = _get_format_table_str(cls, mode.capitalize())
--> 599 raise IORegistryError("Format could not be identified based on the"
600 " file name or contents, please provide a"
601 " 'format' argument.\n"
IORegistryError: Format could not be identified based on the file name or contents, please provide a 'format' argument.
The available formats are:
Format Read Write Auto-identify
----------------- ---- ----- -------------
APOGEE apStar Yes No Yes
APOGEE apVisit Yes No Yes
APOGEE aspcapStar Yes No Yes
ASCII Yes No Yes
ECSV Yes No Yes
HST/COS Yes No Yes
IPAC Yes No Yes
JWST s2d Yes No Yes
JWST s3d Yes No Yes
JWST x1d Yes No Yes
SDSS-I/II spSpec Yes No Yes
SDSS-III/IV spec Yes No Yes
Subaru-pfsObject Yes No Yes
iraf Yes No Yes
muscles-sed Yes No Yes
tabular-fits Yes Yes Yes
wcs1d-fits Yes No Yes
我假设因为我的文件是 s1d.fits 文件所以格式应该是 wcs1d-fits?我试图在 Fits 查看器中查看 headers 以识别格式,但找不到任何内容。当输入 wcs1d-fits 格式时:
spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f, format="wcs1d-fits")
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-c038104effad> in <module>
----> 1 spec = specutils.Spectrum1D.read(f, format="wcs1d-fits")
2 spec
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\nddata\mixins\ndio.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
55 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
---> 56 return registry.read(self._cls, *args, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\registry.py in read(cls, format, *args, **kwargs)
522 reader = get_reader(format, cls)
--> 523 data = reader(*args, **kwargs)
525 if not isinstance(data, cls):
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\specutils\io\default_loaders\wcs_fits.py in wcs1d_fits_loader(file_name, spectral_axis_unit, flux_unit, hdu_idx, **kwargs)
63 logging.info("Spectrum file looks like wcs1d-fits")
---> 65 with fits.open(file_name, **kwargs) as hdulist:
66 header = hdulist[hdu_idx].header
67 wcs = WCS(header)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\hdulist.py in fitsopen(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
162 raise ValueError(f'Empty filename: {name!r}')
--> 164 return HDUList.fromfile(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache,
165 lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\hdulist.py in fromfile(cls, fileobj, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
401 """
--> 403 return cls._readfrom(fileobj=fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap,
404 save_backup=save_backup, cache=cache,
405 lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\hdu\hdulist.py in _readfrom(cls, fileobj, data, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
1052 if not isinstance(fileobj, _File):
1053 # instantiate a FITS file object (ffo)
-> 1054 fileobj = _File(fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap, cache=cache)
1055 # The Astropy mode is determined by the _File initializer if the
1056 # supplied mode was None
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\utils\decorators.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
533 warnings.warn(message, warning_type, stacklevel=2)
--> 535 return function(*args, **kwargs)
537 return wrapper
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\file.py in __init__(self, fileobj, mode, memmap, overwrite, cache)
193 self._open_filename(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
194 else:
--> 195 self._open_filelike(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
197 self.fileobj_mode = fileobj_mode(self._file)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\file.py in _open_filelike(self, fileobj, mode, overwrite)
545 if mode == 'ostream':
--> 546 self._overwrite_existing(overwrite, fileobj, False)
548 # Any "writeable" mode requires a write() method on the file object
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\file.py in _overwrite_existing(self, overwrite, fileobj, closed)
442 # The file will be overwritten...
443 if ((self.file_like and hasattr(fileobj, 'len') and fileobj.len > 0) or
--> 444 (os.path.exists(self.name) and os.path.getsize(self.name) != 0)):
445 if overwrite:
446 if self.file_like and hasattr(fileobj, 'truncate'):
~\anaconda3\lib\genericpath.py in exists(path)
17 """Test whether a path exists. Returns False for broken symbolic links"""
18 try:
---> 19 os.stat(path)
20 except (OSError, ValueError):
21 return False
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not method
我查看了从 this page 下载的随机频谱。实际上它只包含一个 HDU,因此如果您尝试从不存在的 HDU 访问数据,您将得到一个 IndexError
您链接到的代码可能很旧(毕竟它在“存档”页面上)并且也只是一个示例,不一定适合绘制任何 FITS 文件中的数据。
specutils 软件包有许多用于分析和绘制一维光谱的实用程序。它还可以从许多常见的 FITS 格式中读取光谱,而无需手动执行太多操作。
>>> f = fits.open('https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/lasilla/instruments/harps/inst/monitoring/sundata/ceres_2006-05-22_s1d.fits')
>>> f.info()
f = fits.open('https://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/lasilla/instruments/harps/inst/monitoring/sundata/ceres_2006-05-22_s1d.fits')
查看 header,尤其是前十几个 header 关键字,可以为我们提供很多关于如何解释文件中数据的线索:
>>> header = f[0].header
>>> header[:12]
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 1 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 313237 / length of data axis 1
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
CRPIX1 = 1. / Reference pixel
CRVAL1 = 3781.19 / Coordinate at reference pixel
CDELT1 = 0.01 / Coordinate increment par pixel
CTYPE1 = 'Angstrom' / Units of coordinate
BUNIT = 'Relative Flux' / Units of data values
我们可以从 BUNIT = 'Relative Flux'
它不包含光谱阵列,而是光谱从第一个像素的 3781.19 Å 开始(我们从 CRVAL1
获得;记住 CRPIXn
,与 FITS 文件中的其他索引一样,使用从 1 开始的 Fortran-style 索引,而不是从 0 开始的 C/Python,所以这就是说数组的第 0 个元素是通量3781.19 Å 的光谱)。
它还说 CDELT1 = 0.01 / Coordinate increment par pixel
所以每个像素都是 +0.01 Å。
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.units import u
>>> flux = f[0].data
>>> ref = header['CRVAL1']
>>> step = header['CDELT1']
>>> wave = np.arange(ref, ref + (len(flux) * step), step) * u.AA
>>> plt.plot(wave, flux)
Specutils 原则上可以使这更容易。要从 FITS 文件中读取 Spectrum1D
>>> from specutils import Spectrum1D
>>> spec = Spectrum1D.read(f)
不幸的是,在这种情况下,Specutils 无法读取文件,我得到:
ValueError: 'Relative Flux' did not parse as unit: At col 0, Relative is not a valid unit. If this is meant to be a custom unit, define it with 'u.def_unit'. To have it recognized inside a file reader or other code, enable it with 'u.add_enabled_units'. For details, see https://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/units/combining_and_defining.html
这是我之前写的文件格式错误时的部分意思。对于将进入 FITS 文件的 BUNIT
header 的任何单位,“相对通量”不是有效的已知名称。因为我不知道在这种情况下通量单位应该是什么,所以我只是删除了它:
>>> del header['BUNIT']
此文件的另一个问题是它没有正确使用 CTYPE1
关键字。这应该是 CUNIT1
。我不知道他们为什么这样做。我再次更新了 header:
>>> header['CUNIT1'] = header['CTYPE1]
>>> del header['CTYPE1']
>>> spec = Spectrum1D.read(f)
>>> spec
<Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [0.0043928 , 0.00500706, 0.00511265, ..., 0.00435138, 0.00433926,
0.00433523]>, spectral_axis=<SpectralAxis [3781.19, 3781.2 , 3781.21, ..., 6913.53, 6913.54, 6913.55] Angstrom>)>
并且可以像这样绘制(仅遵循 specutils 文档):
>>> from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
>>> quantity_support()
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> ax.step(spec.spectral_axis, spec.flux)
>>> fig.show()