fib 函数与模板有什么区别?

what's the difference about fib function with template?


template<int x>
struct factorial
    enum :unsigned long long{ value = x * factorial<x - 1>::value };

struct factorial<1>
    enum :unsigned long long{ value = 1 };


struct factorial<1>
    enum :unsigned long long{ value = 1 };

struct factorial<0>
    enum :unsigned long long{ value = 1 };

如果我把0换成1有什么不同? 我在我的机器和 cppinsight 上尝试了它们,没有区别并且工作找到了,但是 cw 说:

fatal error: recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of 1024
    enum :unsigned long long{ value = x * factorial<x - 1>::value };
main.cpp:8:43: note: in instantiation of template class 'factorial<-1024>' requested here
main.cpp:8:43: note: in instantiation of template class 'factorial<-1023>' requested here
main.cpp:8:43: note: in instantiation of...


如果您不为 factorial<0> 提供专门化,它将采用主模板的定义,因此要实例化 factorial<0>;你必须计算:

0 * factorial<0 - 1>::value;

还必须计算 factorial<-1>::value,所以 factorial<-2>::value 等等...

一旦发生在 factorial<-1024>,就达到了编译器的递归限制,它会因给定错误而停止。