
Calculator in C using stack

我正在尝试用 c 语言创建一个计算器,它可以优先计算并获得正确的结果,例如:

((5+5)/3)*3) -- > 9

((1+2) * 3) -- > 9


(2+5) * (2+5),我的程序给出了错误的答案。

我正在使用 2 个堆栈。一种用于运算符,一种用于数字。它的工作原理是:

((4 - 2) * 5) + 3 --> 普通中缀表达式:
+ * - 4 2 5 3


Read + (an operation), push it onto the stack,  
Read * (an operation), push it onto the stack,  
Read - (an operation), push it onto the stack,  
Read 4 (a number), the top of the stack is not a number, so push it onto the     stack.  
Read 2 (a number), the top of the stack is a number, so pop from the stack     twice, you get 4 - 2, calculate it (2), and push the result (2) onto the stack.      
Read 5 (a number), the top of the stack is a number, so pop from the stack twice, you get 2 * 5, push the result (10) onto the stack.  
Read 3 (a number), the top of the stack is a number, so pop from the stack twice, you get 3 + 10, push the result (13) onto the stack.  
Nothing left to read, pop from the stack and return the result (13).  


#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXSIZE 102

typedef struct
    char stk[MAXSIZE];
    int top;

typedef struct stack
    int stk[MAXSIZE];
    int itop;

void push(char);
char  pop(void);
void display(void);

int main()
  a.itop = 0;
  char string[MAXSIZE],vyb,vyb2;
  int cislo1,cislo2,vysledok;

  while (gets(string) != NULL){
    for(int j = strlen(string); j > 0; j--){
      if(string[j] == '*' || string[j] == '/' || string[j] == '+' || string[j] == '-')

    for(int j = 0; j < strlen(string); j++){
        char pomoc[2];
        pomoc[0] = string[j];
        pomoc[1] = '[=11=]';
      else if(isdigit(string[j])&&(a.itop)){
         cislo1 = int_pop();
         vyb2 = pop();
         char pomoc[2];
         pomoc[0] = string[j];
         pomoc[1] = '[=11=]';
         cislo2 =  atoi(pomoc);
         if(vyb2 == '+')
            vysledok = cislo1+cislo2;
         else if(vyb2 == '-')
            vysledok = cislo1-cislo2;
         else if(vyb2 == '*')
            vysledok = cislo1*cislo2;
         else if(vyb2 == '/')
            vysledok = cislo1 / cislo2;
         //printf("  v   %d",vysledok);

/*  Function to add an element to the stack */
void push (char c)
    s.stk[s.top] = c;
    //printf ("pushed element is = %c \n", s.stk[s.top]);

/*  Function to delete an element from the stack */
char pop ()
    char num = s.stk[s.top];
   // printf ("poped element is = %c\n", s.stk[s.top]);

int empty()
    if (s.top == - 1)
        printf ("Stack is Empty\n");
        return (s.top);
    return 1;

void display ()
    int i;
    if (!empty)
        printf ("Stack is empty\n");
        printf ("\n The status of the stack is \n");
        for (i = s.top; i >= 0; i--)
            printf ("%c\n", s.stk[i]);
    printf ("\n");

void int_push (int c)
    a.stk[a.itop] = c;
    //printf ("pushed element is = %d \n", a.stk[a.itop]);

/*  Function to delete an element from the stack */
int int_pop ()
    int num = a.stk[a.itop];
   // printf ("poped element is = %d\n", a.stk[a.itop]);


放置断点 - 您将得到以下表达式: + + * 2 5 2 5。问题在于,您的解释器将其解释为 (2+5+2)*5 而不是 (2+5) * (2+5).

那么,您可能想知道如何解决这个问题。没有简单的单一解决方案 - 您可以修复自己的解释器或构建一个全新的机制,因为构建表达式的方式无法处理超过一对的分词。

例如,您可能希望在单独构建表达式之前计算括号中的所有值,可能在括号接受的情况下使用递归 - 但是,如果您确实选择使用该方法,则可能需要更改您完全使用表达式的方式,因为这是一种不同的方法。


无论哪种方式,我真的建议您总体上与口译员一起工作 - 您真的可以学到很多关于分析字符串和使用不同输入的知识,人们甚至可以用计算器做与您类似的事情 before

EDIT:您要求提供示例,所以在这里 - 这是使用递归的完全不同方法的示例。这样,您一次只处理一对括号,因此您不会遇到当前遇到的问题。注意 - 我基于此的来源(几乎复制粘贴了线程的编辑和一些个人评论)来自堆栈交换上的代码审查,你可以看到它 here 如果你有兴趣。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void getInput(char * in) {
 printf("> ");
 fgets(in, 256, stdin);

int isLeftParantheses(char p) {
if (p == '(') return 1;
else return 0;

int isRightParantheses(char p) {
if (p == ')') return 1;
else return 0;

int isOperator(char p) {
if (p == '+' || p == '-' || p == '*' || p == '/') return p;
else return 0;

int performOperator(int a, int b, char p) {
 switch(p) {
    case '+': return a+b;
    case '-': return a-b;
    case '*': return a*b;
    case '/':
        if (b == 0) { printf("Can't divide by 0, aborting...\n"); exit(1); }  // now we dont want the world to expload here do we.
        return a/b;
       puts("Bad value in switch.\n"); // A replacement which was mentioned in the thread- better have a default response just in case something goes wrong.
return 0;

char isDigit(char p) {
if (p >= '0' && p <= '9') return 1;
else return 0;

int charToDigit(char p) {
if (p >= '0' && p <= '9') return p - '0';
else return 0;

int isNumber(char * p) {
while(*p) {
    if (!isDigit(*p)) return 0;
return 1;

int len(char * p)
 return (int) strlen(p); // This was bugged in the source, so I fixed it like the thread advised.

int numOfOperands(char * p) {
int total = 0;
while(*p) {
    if (isOperator(*p)) total++;
return total+1;

int isMDGRoup(char *p)

for(; *p; p++) // used to be a while loop in the source, but this is better imho. more readable, also mentioned on the thread itself.
    if (!isDigit(*p) && *p != '/' && *p != '*') return 0;
return 1;
int getLeftOperand(char * p, char * l) {
// Grab the left operand in p, put it in l,
//and return the index where it ends.
int i = 0;

// Operand is part of multi-*/ group
if (isMDGRoup(p)) {
    while(1) {
        if (*p == '*' || *p == '/') break;
        l[i++] = *p++;
    return i;

// Operand is in parantheses (so that's how you write it! sorry for my bad english :)
if(isLeftParantheses(*p)) {
    int LeftParantheses = 1;
    int RightParantheses= 0;
    while(1) {
        if (isLeftParantheses(*p))  LeftParantheses++;
        if (isRightParantheses(*p)) RightParantheses++;

        if (isRightParantheses(*p) && LeftParantheses == RightParantheses)
        l[i++] = *p++;
    // while (!isRightParantheses(*p)) {
    //  l[i++] = *p++;
    // }
    l[i] = '[=10=]';
    return i+2;

// Operand is a number
while (1) {
    if (!isDigit(*p)) break;
    l[i++] = *p++;
l[i] = '[=10=]';
return i;

int getOperator(char * p, int index, char * op) {
*op = p[index];
return index + 1;

int getRightOperand(char * p, char * l) {
// Grab the left operand in p, put it in l,
//and return the index where it ends.
while(*p && (isDigit(*p) || isOperator(*p) ||
             isLeftParantheses(*p) || isRightParantheses(*p))) {
    *l++ = *p++;
*l = '[=10=]';

return 0;

int isEmpty(char * p) {
// Check if string/char is empty
if (len(p) == 0) return 1;
else return 0;

int calcExpression(char * p) {
// if p = #: return atoi(p)
// else:
//  L = P.LeftSide
//  O = P.Op
//  R = P.RightSide
//  return PerformOp(calcExpression(L), calcExpression(R), O)


// if p is a number, return it
if (isNumber(p)) return atoi(p);

// Get Left, Right and Op from p.
char leftOperand[256] = ""; char rightOperand[256]= "";
char op;

int leftOpIndex   = getLeftOperand(p, leftOperand);
int operatorIndex = getOperator(p, leftOpIndex, &op);
int rightOpIndex  = getRightOperand(p+operatorIndex, rightOperand);

printf("%s, %c, %s", leftOperand, op, rightOperand);

if (isEmpty(rightOperand)) return calcExpression(leftOperand);

return performOperator(

int main()
char in[256];
while(1) {
    // Read input from user
    if (strncmp(in, "quit", 4) == 0) break;

    // Perform calculations
    int result = calcExpression(in);
    printf("%d\n", result);