警告:支持指针的对象将在 std::pair 的完整表达式末尾被销毁

warning: object backing the pointer will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression for std::pair


    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> c;
    for (auto& b : c) {
        const auto& [s, i] = b;
        std::string_view v = s.substr(i);
        std::cout << v;

我认为 b 持有对 std::pair<std::string, int> 的引用,因此 s 应该是对对象中的字符串的引用。为什么这会产生悬空指针错误?我在这里错过了什么?神箭 link: https://godbolt.org/z/4zMvbr

std::string_view v = s.substr(i);中,隐含地std::string::substr returns std::string by value, i.e. it returns a temporary std::string. std::string could be convertedstd::string_view,由std::string::data()构造而成,即指向临时std::string的底层数组的指针.完整表达式后,临时std::string被销毁,std::string_view持有的指针变成悬空指针

It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the resulting string view does not outlive the string.

std::string get_string();
int f(std::string_view sv);
int x = f(get_string()); // OK
std::string_view sv = get_string(); // Bad: holds a dangling pointer