在 F# interactive 中,如何从 List.map 获取 [<fun:Invoke@3233>] 的结果?

In F# interactive, how to get the results of [<fun:Invoke@3233>] from List.map?

新手 F# 问题总数。

2019年Visual studioF#交互文件,我有:

open System

module Visit =
    type Model =
            Id: int
            Name: string

    let init col cel =
            Id = col*100 + cel*10 + 1
            Name = sprintf "My Name is col: %d  cel: %d"  col cel       

    let getName m = m.Name

module Cell =
    type Model =
            Id: int
            Visit: Visit.Model

    let init col cel =
            Id = col*10 + cel
            Visit = Visit.init col cel

    let getVisit (m:Model) = Visit.getName m.Visit

module Column =
    type Model =
            Id: int
            Appointments: Cell.Model list

    let init =
        {   Id = 0
            Appointments = [0 .. 3] |> List.map (Cell.init 0)  }

    let findAppointment m =
         m.Appointments |> List.map ( fun cell -> Cell.getVisit)
        // m.Appointments |> List.map ( fun cell -> printfn "%A" cell; cell.Id) 

    let find =
        init |> findAppointment


val 查找:(Cell.Model -> 字符串)列表 = [fun:Invoke@3233; fun:Invoke@3233; fun:Invoke@3233; fun:Invoke@3233]

如何在列表中获取实际的名称(字符串)函数结果(不是 [fun:Invoke@...),...]???


罪魁祸首是 Cell.getVisit 未应用于单元格,即它应该是

m.Appointments |> List.map (fun cell -> Cell.getVisit cell)

m.Appointments |> List.map Cell.getVisit