CUDA - CUBLAS:解决许多 (3x3) 密集线性系统的问题

CUDA - CUBLAS: issues solving many (3x3) dense linear systems

我正在尝试使用 CUDA 10.1 解决大约 1200000 个线性系统(3x3,Ax=B),特别是使用 CUBLAS 库。我从 this (useful!) post 中得到启发,并在统一内存版本中重写了建议的代码。该算法首先使用 cublasgetrfBatched() 执行 LU 分解,然后连续两次调用 cublastrsm() 求解上三角或下三角线性系统。代码附在下面。它可以正确处理大约 10000 个矩阵,在这种情况下,执行 LU 分解(在 NVIDIA GeForce 930MX 上)需要大约 570 毫秒,求解系统需要大约 311 毫秒。


  1. 过载问题:为超过 10k 的矩阵分配内存时崩溃。为什么?我如何改进我的代码才能解决整批 120 万个矩阵?

  2. 时间问题:我的目标是在 1 秒内解决所有这些系统。我目前是否遵循正确的方法?还有其他建议吗?

  3. 是否可能 and/or 有用,如果有用,如何使用 'streams' 批次的 10k 矩阵?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <ratio>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <cusolverDn.h>

//#include "Utilities.cuh"

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;

void rearrange(double** vec, int* pivotArray, int N, int numMatrices) {
  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      double temp = vec[nm][i];
      vec[nm][i] = vec[nm][pivotArray[N*i + nm] - 1];
      vec[nm][pivotArray[N * i + nm] - 1] = temp;

/* MAIN  */
int main() {

  const int N = 3; 
  const int numMatrices = 10000; // I want 1200000

  // random generator to fill matrices and coefficients
  random_device device;
  mt19937 generator(device());
  uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(1., 5.);

  //ALLOCATE MEMORY - using unified memory
  double** h_A;
  cudaMallocManaged(&h_A, sizeof(double*) * numMatrices);
  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    cudaMallocManaged(&(h_A[nm]), sizeof(double) * N * N);

  double** h_b;
  cudaMallocManaged(&h_b, sizeof(double*) * numMatrices);
  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    cudaMallocManaged(&(h_b[nm]), sizeof(double) * N );
  cout << " memory allocated" << endl;

  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
        h_A[nm][j * N + i] = distribution(generator);
  cout << " Matrix filled " << endl;

  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      h_b[nm][i] = distribution(generator);
  cout << " Coeff. vector filled " << endl;
  cout << endl;

  // --- CUDA solver initialization
  cublasHandle_t cublas_handle;
  int* PivotArray;
  cudaMallocManaged(&PivotArray, N * numMatrices * sizeof(int));
  int* infoArray;
  cudaMallocManaged(&infoArray, numMatrices * sizeof(int));

  high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
  cublasDgetrfBatched(cublas_handle, N, h_A, N, PivotArray, infoArray, numMatrices);
  high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(t2 - t1);
  cout << "It took " << time_span.count() * 1000. << " milliseconds." << endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < numMatrices; i++)
    if (infoArray[i] != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Factorization of matrix %d Failed: Matrix may be singular\n", i);

 // rearrange coefficient 
 // (temporarily on CPU, this step will be on a GPU Kernel as well)
  high_resolution_clock::time_point tA = high_resolution_clock::now();
  rearrange(h_b, PivotArray, N, numMatrices);
  high_resolution_clock::time_point tB = high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration<double> time_spanA = duration_cast<duration<double>>(tB - tA);
  cout << "rearrangement took " << time_spanA.count() * 1000. << " milliseconds." << endl;

  // --- Function solves the triangular linear system with multiple right-hand sides
  // --- Function overrides b as a result 
  const double alpha = 1.f;
  high_resolution_clock::time_point t3 = high_resolution_clock::now();
  cublasDtrsmBatched(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_SIDE_LEFT, CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_LOWER, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_DIAG_UNIT, N, 1, &alpha, h_A, N, h_b, N, numMatrices);
  cublasDtrsmBatched(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_SIDE_LEFT, CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_DIAG_NON_UNIT, N, 1, &alpha, h_A, N, h_b, N, numMatrices);
  high_resolution_clock::time_point t4 = high_resolution_clock::now();
  duration<double> time_span2 = duration_cast<duration<double>>(t4 - t3);
  cout << "second step took " << time_span2.count() * 1000. << " milliseconds." << endl;
  // --- Free resources
  if (h_A) cudaFree(h_A);
  if (h_b) cudaFree(h_b);

  return 0;

Overload issue: it crashes allocating memory for more than 10k matrices. Why? How can I improve my code in order to solve the whole batch of 1.2 million matrices?


  //ALLOCATE MEMORY - using unified memory
  double** h_A;
  cudaMallocManaged(&h_A, sizeof(double*) * numMatrices);
  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    cudaMallocManaged(&(h_A[nm]), sizeof(double) * N * N);

  double** h_b;
  cudaMallocManaged(&h_b, sizeof(double*) * numMatrices);
  for (int nm = 0; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    cudaMallocManaged(&(h_b[nm]), sizeof(double) * N );

问题是每次调用 cudaMallocManaged 都有一个 最小粒度 。这意味着如果你请求分配 1 个字节,它实际上会用掉大约 4kbyte 的内存(我相信这是 linux 分配粒度。看起来你在 windows,我相信windows 分配粒度可能更大)。此外,当您启动内核时,这会在托管内存子系统上造成巨大的低效数据传输负载(内核将在您的 cublas 调用中启动)。

一个更好的方法是进行一次大分配,而不是 allocation-in-a-loop,然后使用指针算法细分该分配。代码可能如下所示:

  //ALLOCATE MEMORY - using unified memory
  double** h_A;
  cudaMallocManaged(&h_A, sizeof(double*) * numMatrices);
  cudaMallocManaged(&(h_A[0]), sizeof(double)*numMatrices*N*N);
  for (int nm = 1; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    h_A[nm] = h_A[nm-1]+ N * N;

  double** h_b;
  cudaMallocManaged(&h_b, sizeof(double*) * numMatrices);
  cudaMallocManaged(&(h_b[0]), sizeof(double) * numMatrices * N);
  for (int nm = 1; nm < numMatrices; nm++) {
    h_b[nm] = h_b[nm-1] + N;


Time issue: my goal would be to solve all of these systems in less than 1 second. Am I currently following the correct approach? Any suggestions otherwise?

通过更改您的代码,我能够 运行 在 1GB GPU (GeForce GT640) 上成功地使用:

const int numMatrices = 1200000;


$ ./t81
 memory allocated
 Matrix filled
 Coeff. vector filled

It took 70.3032 milliseconds.
rearrangement took 60.02 milliseconds.
second step took 156.067 milliseconds.

您的 GPU 可能有点慢,但我认为整体时间应该不会超过 1 秒。

Would it be possible and/or useful, and if yes how, to use 'streams' of batches of 10k matrices?

有了上面的变化,我认为你不需要担心这个。流在这里对计算操作的重叠没有帮助。它们可以帮助 copy/compute 重叠(尽管在您的 GPU 上可能不多)但是这很难在 windows 上使用托管内存进行架构。对于 windows 用法,如果您想探索 copy/compute overlap.

,我可能建议切换到主机和设备内存的普通 CUDA 分离

顺便说一句,您可以获得一组 cublas 调用,通过使用直接反转可以更快地完成工作。 CUBLAS 有一种批量直接反演的方法。我通常不会建议将此用于线性方程的求解,但对于一组 3x3 或 4x4 的反演可能需要考虑,您可以在其中使用行列式方法轻松检查奇点。 是一个例子。