
Why are two threads calculating slower than one?

我正在开发使用 Java 制作的基准测试应用程序。我 运行 这个代码在主线程上两次,然后在两个单独的线程中一次:

if (testing == null) {
    testing = new byte[TEST_SIZE][TEST_SIZE][TEST_SIZE];

for (int x = 0; x < TEST_SIZE; x ++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < TEST_SIZE; y ++) {
        for (int z = 0; z < TEST_SIZE; z ++) {
            testing[x][y][z] = (byte)RANDOM.nextInt(100);

if (finished == Test.LOOP_COUNT - 1) {
    testing = null;


Starting test Array Handling with a single core.
Loop #1 finished in 1.820588011 seconds.
Loop #2 finished in 1.779667175 seconds.
Finished in 3 seconds.
Starting test Array Handling with multiple cores.
Loop #2 finished in 9.433253526 seconds.
Loop #1 finished in 9.465652985 seconds.
Finished in 9 seconds.

我在某处读到一些东西说两个线程 运行 真正快速的操作不会像单个线程那样执行,但是两个线程处理更苛刻的操作优于单个线程。我不认为是这种情况,因为每个循环都要求很高。我能想到的唯一原因是线程实际上并没有 运行 在它们自己的内核上。这可能是问题所在吗?我有一个 2 核 4 线程英特尔酷睿 i7-3537U。



package net.jibini.park.tests;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

 * @author zgoethel12
public abstract class Test {

public static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
public static final int LOOP_COUNT = 2;

public static final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Test> tests = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Test>();

public int finished = 0;
public int longestTime = 0;
public double timeSum = 0;

static {
    tests.add(new TestArray());

public abstract String getName();

public void runTest(final boolean multithread) {

    new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                finished = 0;
                longestTime = 0;
                timeSum = 0;

                if (multithread) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i ++) {
                        final int f = i;
                        new Thread(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                doLoop(f + 1);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i ++) {
                        doLoop(i + 1);

                while (finished < LOOP_COUNT) {

                System.out.println("Finished in " + (multithread ? longestTime : (int)timeSum) + " seconds.");


public void doLoop(int id) {

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    handleLoopFinish(id, start);


public abstract void doTest(int id);

public void handleLoopFinish(int id, long start) {

    long current = System.nanoTime();
    long difference = current - start;
    double seconds = (double)difference / 1000000000;
    if (seconds > longestTime) {
        longestTime = (int)seconds;
    timeSum += seconds;
    System.out.println("Loop #" + id + " finished in " + seconds + " seconds.");
    finished ++;




package net.jibini.park.tests;

 * @author zgoethel12
public class TestArray extends Test {

public static final int TEST_SIZE = 512;

byte[][][] testing = null;

public void doTest(int id) {

    if (testing == null) {
        testing = new byte[TEST_SIZE][TEST_SIZE][TEST_SIZE];

    for (int x = 0; x < TEST_SIZE; x ++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < TEST_SIZE; y ++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < TEST_SIZE; z ++) {
                testing[x][y][z] = (byte)RANDOM.nextInt(100);

    if (finished == Test.LOOP_COUNT - 1) {
        testing = null;


public String getName() {
    return "Array Handling";


启动第二个线程,这取决于您 select 执行多线程的库,需要大量开销,以及您似乎正在执行的操作,具体取决于大小 TEST_SIZE 很可能由一个 CPU 非常有效地执行,因为您以连续的方式遍历内存中的数组。

我在课程作业中了解到,内置的 Thread Java 库比 ForkJoin 框架的开销要大得多,因此使用该库可能会获得更多预期结果。

作为资源,这是我在并发中使用的一个不错的网站 class: http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~djg/teachingMaterials/spac/grossmanSPAC_forkJoinFramework.html

小心做热身跑,如下所述。它们对于确保您可以看到好处至关重要。我们尝试进行约 100 次跑步,其中约 10 次作为热身,以确保您获得良好的平均成绩。由于上下文 switching/other 计算机进程可能会增加您的试验的可变性,因此对多次运行进行平均有很大帮助!

您似乎只使用了一个 RANDOM 对象。恐怕这是在两个线程之间共享的,这会使它们变得非常慢。
