通过 vImage 提取图像通道有副作用

Extracting image channels via vImage comes with side effect

我正在尝试使用 vImageConvert_ARGB8888toPlanar8 API to extract RGB channels. Suppose the following inputImage is a solid white image from: https://www.solidbackgrounds.com/images/1080x1920/1080x1920-white-solid-color-background.jpg


let inputImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "1080x1920-white-solid-color-background.jpg")

guard let sourceCGImage = inputImage.cgImage,
      let sourceImageFormat = vImage_CGImageFormat(cgImage: sourceCGImage),
      var sourceImageBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(cgImage: sourceCGImage,
                                                 format: sourceImageFormat) else {

let componentCount = sourceImageFormat.componentCount
var argbSourcePlanarBuffers: [vImage_Buffer] = (0..<componentCount).map { _ in
    let bitsPerPixel = UInt32(8)

    guard let buffer = try? vImage_Buffer(width: Int(sourceImageBuffer.width),
                                          height: Int(sourceImageBuffer.height),
                                          bitsPerPixel: bitsPerPixel) else {
        fatalError("Error creating planar buffers.")

    return buffer

                                &argbSourcePlanarBuffers[0],  // R
                                &argbSourcePlanarBuffers[1],  // G
                                &argbSourcePlanarBuffers[2],  // B
                                &argbSourcePlanarBuffers[3],  // A

print("Image H: \(sourceCGImage.height), W: \(sourceCGImage.width)")
let capacity = sourceCGImage.width * sourceCGImage.height
print("capacity: \(capacity)")

// Repeat the following code for other 3 channels
let channelDataPtrR = argbSourcePlanarBuffers[0].data.bindMemory(to: Pixel_8.self,
                                                                 capacity: capacity)
let channelRawDataR = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: channelDataPtrR, count: capacity)
let channelDataR = Array(channelRawDataR)
var histogramR = [Double](repeating: 0.0, count: 255 + 1)
channelDataR.map { histogramR[Int([=10=])] += 1.0 }
for (i, px) in histogramR.enumerated() {
    if px > 0.0 {
        print("Pixel Val \(i): \(px)")


Image H: 1920, W: 1080
capacity: 2073600
Pixel Val 0: 129600.0
Pixel Val 255: 1944000.0
Pixel Val 0: 129600.0
Pixel Val 255: 1944000.0
Pixel Val 0: 129600.0
Pixel Val 255: 1944000.0
Pixel Val 0: 129600.0
Pixel Val 255: 1944000.0

问题:如果图像应该是纯白色(即所有像素值 = 255?),我怎么会得到像素值 0

另请注意,如果我 运行 上面的代码使用 Xcode 的模拟器,我会得到不同数量的 Pixel Val 0,但总数 capacity 仍然是 2073600.

这可能是因为缓冲区的实际行字节比图像宽(请参阅 Finding the Sharpest Image in a Sequence of Captured Images 中的 Create Floating Point Pixels to Use in vDSP 以获得解释行字节如何超出图像的边界框)。

如果您使用 Specifying Histograms with vImage 中的代码,您应该得到您期望的值:

     var histogramBinZero = [vImagePixelCount](repeating: 0, count: 256)
        var histogramBinOne = [vImagePixelCount](repeating: 0, count: 256)
        var histogramBinTwo = [vImagePixelCount](repeating: 0, count: 256)
        var histogramBinThree = [vImagePixelCount](repeating: 0, count: 256)
        histogramBinZero.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { zeroPtr in
            histogramBinOne.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { onePtr in
                histogramBinTwo.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { twoPtr in
                    histogramBinThree.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { threePtr in
                        var histogramBins = [zeroPtr.baseAddress, onePtr.baseAddress,
                                             twoPtr.baseAddress, threePtr.baseAddress]
                        histogramBins.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { histogramBinsPtr in
                            let error = vImageHistogramCalculation_ARGB8888(&sourceImageBuffer,
                            guard error == kvImageNoError else {
                                fatalError("Error calculating histogram: \(error)")
        for (i, px) in histogramBinTwo.enumerated() {
            if px > 0 {
                print("Pixel Val \(i): \(px)")