无法理解这个 "message sequence mismatch error"

cannot understand this "message sequence mismatch error"

我使用了 link 中回答的程序并做了一些修改。 下面是我修改后的代码:

#include <linux/netlink.h>

#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/route/qdisc.h>
#include <netlink/route/qdisc/plug.h>
#include <netlink/socket.h>

#include <atomic>
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <chrono>

 * Netlink route socket.
struct Socket {
  Socket() : handle{nl_socket_alloc()} {

    if (handle == nullptr) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to allocate socket!"};

    if (int err = nl_connect(handle, NETLINK_ROUTE); err < 0) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to connect netlink socket: " +

  Socket(const Socket &) = delete;
  Socket &operator=(const Socket &) = delete;
  Socket(Socket &&) = delete;
  Socket &operator=(Socket &&) = delete;

  ~Socket() { nl_socket_free(handle); }

  struct nl_sock *handle;

 * Read all links from netlink socket.
struct LinkCache {
  explicit LinkCache(Socket *socket) : handle{nullptr} {
    if (int err = rtnl_link_alloc_cache(socket->handle, AF_UNSPEC, &handle);
        err < 0) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to allocate link cache: " +

  LinkCache(const LinkCache &) = delete;
  LinkCache &operator=(const LinkCache &) = delete;
  LinkCache(LinkCache &&) = delete;
  LinkCache &operator=(LinkCache &&) = delete;

  ~LinkCache() { nl_cache_free(handle); }

  struct nl_cache *handle;

 * Link (such as "eth0" or "wlan0").
struct Link {
  Link(LinkCache *link_cache, const std::string &iface)
      : handle{rtnl_link_get_by_name(link_cache->handle, iface.c_str())} {

    if (handle == nullptr) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Link does not exist:" + iface};

  Link(const Link &) = delete;
  Link &operator=(const Link &) = delete;
  Link(Link &&) = delete;
  Link &operator=(Link &&) = delete;

  ~Link() { rtnl_link_put(handle); }

  struct rtnl_link *handle;

 * Queuing discipline.
struct QDisc {
  QDisc(const std::string &iface, const std::string &kind)
      : handle{rtnl_qdisc_alloc()} {
    if (handle == nullptr) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to allocate qdisc!"};

    struct rtnl_tc *tc = TC_CAST(handle);

    // Set link
    LinkCache link_cache{&socket};
    Link link{&link_cache, iface};
    rtnl_tc_set_link(tc, link.handle);

    // Set parent qdisc
    uint32_t parent = 0;

    if (int err = rtnl_tc_str2handle("root", &parent); err < 0) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to parse handle: " +

    rtnl_tc_set_parent(tc, parent);

    // Set kind (e.g. "plug")
    if (int err = rtnl_tc_set_kind(tc, kind.c_str()); err < 0) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to set kind: " +

  QDisc(const QDisc &) = delete;
  QDisc &operator=(const QDisc &) = delete;
  QDisc(QDisc &&) = delete;
  QDisc &operator=(QDisc &&) = delete;

  ~QDisc() {
    if (int err = rtnl_qdisc_delete(socket.handle, handle); err < 0) {
      std::cerr << "Unable to delete qdisc: " << nl_geterror(err) << std::endl;


  void send_msg() {
    int flags = NLM_F_CREATE;

    if (int err = rtnl_qdisc_add(socket.handle, handle, flags); err < 0) {
      throw std::runtime_error{"Unable to add qdisc: " +

  Socket socket;
  struct rtnl_qdisc *handle;

 * Queuing discipline for plugging traffic.
class Plug {
  Plug(const std::string &iface, uint32_t limit, std::string msg)
      : qdisc_{iface, "plug"} {

    rtnl_qdisc_plug_set_limit(qdisc_.handle, limit);

    // set_enabled(enabled_);

  // void set_enabled(bool enabled) {
  //   if (enabled) {
  //     rtnl_qdisc_plug_buffer(qdisc_.handle);
  //   } else {
  //     rtnl_qdisc_plug_release_one(qdisc_.handle);
  //   }

  //   qdisc_.send_msg();
  //   enabled_ = enabled;
  // }

  void set_msg(std::string msg) {
    if (msg == "buffer") {
      int ret = rtnl_qdisc_plug_buffer(qdisc_.handle);
    } else if(msg == "commit") {
      int ret = rtnl_qdisc_plug_release_one(qdisc_.handle);
    } else {
      int ret = rtnl_qdisc_plug_release_indefinite(qdisc_.handle);


  // bool is_enabled() const { return enabled_; }

  QDisc qdisc_;

  // bool enabled_;

std::atomic<bool> quit{false};

void exit_handler(int /*signal*/) { quit = true; }

// this function busy wait on job queue until there's something 
//and calls release operation i.e. unplug qdisc to release output packets 
//generated for a particular epoch
void transmit_ckpnt(std::queue<int> &job_queue, Plug &plug){



        int id = job_queue.front();
        std::string s = std::to_string(id);

        std::cout<<"called from parallel thread "<<s<<"\n"; 

        //release buffer


int main() {
  std::string iface{"veth-host"};
  constexpr uint32_t buffer_size = 10485760;
  // bool enabled = true;

  Plug plug{iface, buffer_size, "buffer"};

   * Set custom exit handler to ensure destructor runs to delete qdisc.
  struct sigaction sa {};
  sa.sa_handler = exit_handler;
  sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, nullptr);

  pid_t wpid;
  int status = 0;
  std::queue<int> job_queue;
  int ckpnt_no  = 1;

  std::thread td(transmit_ckpnt, std::ref(job_queue), std::ref(plug));

    //plug the buffer at start of the epoch

    //wait for completion of epoch
    ckpnt_no += 1;  

  // while (!quit) {
  //   std::cout << "Plug set to " << plug.is_enabled() << std::endl;
  //   std::cout << "Press <Enter> to continue.";
  //   std::cin.get();

  //   plug.set_enabled(!plug.is_enabled());
  // }

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

代码演练: 该程序创建了一个 plug/unplug 类型的 qdisc,在插入操作期间,网络数据包在其中被缓冲,在拔出操作期间,网络数据包被缓冲从第一个插件(队列规则 qdisc 的前面)释放到 qdisc 中的第二个插件。如果插入和拔出操作交替存在,则上述程序可以正常工作。但是我想按照它的构建方式使用它,即像 this link 中提到的那样,即

     TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER (epoch i)
         TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER (epoch i+1) 
             TCQ_PLUG_RELEASE_ONE (for epoch i)
                 TCQ_PLUG_BUFFER (epoch i+2)
                     ..............................so on

在我的程序中,主线程在每个纪元开始时开始缓冲,并继续执行。作业线程从作业队列中获取作业 ID,并将缓冲的数据包从队列的头部释放到下一个塞子。但这给出了以下错误:

./a.out: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnl-3.so.200: no version information available (required by ./a.out)
./a.out /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnl-route-3.so.200: no version information available (required by ./a.out)
called from parallel thread 1
called from parallel thread 2
called from parallel thread 3
called from parallel thread 4
called from parallel thread 5
called from parallel thread 6
called from parallel thread 7
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
 what(): Unable to add qdisc: Message sequence number mismatch


预期的序列计数器由 libnl 存储为 nl_sock 结构的一部分(reference). When multiple threads call libnl functions, this can cause inconsistencies, such as a data race (two threads writing to the sequence counter at same time) or a race condition (time-of-check-time-of-use problem, where one thread checks if the counter satisfies some condition, then performs some operation, but in between the other thread modifies the counter). See here 有关数据竞争和竞争条件的更多详细信息。

旁注:g++clang++ 都支持 -fsanitize=thread 标志,它会自动将额外的调试代码插入二进制文件中,以帮助检测此类数据竞争(reference).尽管在这种情况下,它可能没有那么有用,因为您还必须使用此标志编译 libnl,这可能并不容易。

来自 libnl 文档 (reference):

The next step is to check the sequence number of the message against
the currently expected sequence number. The application may provide
its own sequence number checking algorithm by setting the callback
function NL_CB_SEQ_CHECK to its own implementation. In fact, calling
nl_socket_disable_seq_check() to disable sequence number checking will
do nothing more than set the NL_CB_SEQ_CHECK hook to a function which
always returns NL_OK.


  1. 使用互斥体来保护对可能修改序列计数器的 libnl 函数的所有访问。

  2. 使用nl_socket_disable_seq_check禁用序列计数器检查。

在我看来,1) 是更可靠的解决方案。如果您更关心性能而不是健壮性,那么您可以选择 2).

选项 1:使用互斥体来保护对 libnl 函数的访问

包括标准库中的互斥锁 header:

#include <mutex>


class Plug {
  std::mutex seq_counter_mutex_;

set_msg 的开头,使用 std::lock_guard 获取函数持续时间内的互斥量。这样可以保证同一时间只能有一个线程进入函数:

  void set_msg(std::string msg) {
    std::lock_guard guard{seq_counter_mutex_};

选项 2:禁用序列号检查

Socket class 中,在构造函数的末尾,您可以禁用序列计数器检查:
