为什么我的带有 ElementReference 和 IJSRuntime.InvokeAsync 的 blazor 组件在 for 循环中不起作用
Why is my blazor component with ElementReference and IJSRuntime.InvokeAsync inside for loop not working
在 blazor(服务器)组件的标记中,我试图对循环内添加的每个元素调用 javascript 函数。有点难以解释...希望这段代码对您有所帮助:
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JS
@for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ElementReference div;
<div @ref="div">this should get replaced....</div>
JS.InvokeVoidAsync("Test", div, i); @* where Test is defined as: function Test(el, i) { el.innerHTML = i; }*@
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JS
@foreach(var data in jsonItems)
ElementReference div;
<div @ref="div"></div>
JS.InvokeVoidAsync("JsonView.renderJSON", data, div); @* https://github.com/pgrabovets/json-view *@
private readonly IEnumerable<string> jsonItems = new List<string> {"{}", "{}"};
我已经创建了这个 blazor fiddle 如果有帮助... https://blazorfiddle.com/s/428ov3ku
在为 ElementReference 对象分配对元素的引用之前,您不能使用它。您的组件尚未创建和呈现,因此没有可用的 ElementReference 对象。您只能在渲染组件后使用 ElementReference 对象。
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
@foreach (var div in divs)
<div @ref="div.ElementReference"></div>
private readonly IEnumerable<Div> divs = new List<Div> { new Div{JSON="{1}" },
new Div{JSON="{2}"},
new Div{JSON="{3}"}};
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
@foreach (var div in divs)
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync(
"exampleJsFunctions.jsonRenderer", div.JSON, div.ElementReference);
public class Div
public ElementReference ElementReference { get; set; }
public string JSON { get; set; }
将脚本放在 _Host.cshtml 文件的底部...
window.exampleJsFunctions = {
jsonRenderer: function (json, element) {
element.innerText = json;
在 blazor(服务器)组件的标记中,我试图对循环内添加的每个元素调用 javascript 函数。有点难以解释...希望这段代码对您有所帮助:
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JS
@for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ElementReference div;
<div @ref="div">this should get replaced....</div>
JS.InvokeVoidAsync("Test", div, i); @* where Test is defined as: function Test(el, i) { el.innerHTML = i; }*@
@page "/"
@inject IJSRuntime JS
@foreach(var data in jsonItems)
ElementReference div;
<div @ref="div"></div>
JS.InvokeVoidAsync("JsonView.renderJSON", data, div); @* https://github.com/pgrabovets/json-view *@
private readonly IEnumerable<string> jsonItems = new List<string> {"{}", "{}"};
我已经创建了这个 blazor fiddle 如果有帮助... https://blazorfiddle.com/s/428ov3ku
在为 ElementReference 对象分配对元素的引用之前,您不能使用它。您的组件尚未创建和呈现,因此没有可用的 ElementReference 对象。您只能在渲染组件后使用 ElementReference 对象。
@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
@foreach (var div in divs)
<div @ref="div.ElementReference"></div>
private readonly IEnumerable<Div> divs = new List<Div> { new Div{JSON="{1}" },
new Div{JSON="{2}"},
new Div{JSON="{3}"}};
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
@foreach (var div in divs)
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync(
"exampleJsFunctions.jsonRenderer", div.JSON, div.ElementReference);
public class Div
public ElementReference ElementReference { get; set; }
public string JSON { get; set; }
将脚本放在 _Host.cshtml 文件的底部...
window.exampleJsFunctions = {
jsonRenderer: function (json, element) {
element.innerText = json;