验证页面的日历视图是否显示当前月份和日期 - behat 测试自动化脚本
Validate the calendar view of a page displays current month and date - behat test automation script
我是测试自动化的新手,目前我们正在使用 behat + mink + selenium 的组合来自动化测试。我想检查日历视图是否显示正确的月份和日期。这是我的小黄瓜脚本:
Feature: Users see the current date when the calendar view is clicked!
Scenario: As a registered user, when I click on calendar, the page should display current date (mm-dd)
Given I go to "URL"
When I fill in "username" with "username"
When I fill in "password" with "password"
Then I press "edit-submit"
Then I follow "calendar"
Then I should see "June 28"
这是我在 FeatureContext.php 文件中添加的:
public function getCurrentDate() {
return $this->currentDate()->format('Y-m-d');
protected function currentDate() {
return new Date();
Then I should see "current date (mm-dd)"
我不确定这是否可行,但正如我之前所说,我是新手,我不确定我将如何实施这样的事情。我将 Behat 与 mink 和 selenium 一起使用。
我想通了,想 post 一个解决方案,以防将来有人需要它:
将此添加到您的 FeatureContext.php 文件中。
// call currentDate() to fetch and format the date (month year)
public function getCurrentDate() {
return $this->currentdate = $this->currentDate()->format('F Y');
// Get current date time
protected function currentDate() {
return new DateTime();
//month year date matcher does not take any arguments
* Checks, that page contains specified text.
* @Then /^match current month year with page$/
public function MonthYearDateMatcher()
我是测试自动化的新手,目前我们正在使用 behat + mink + selenium 的组合来自动化测试。我想检查日历视图是否显示正确的月份和日期。这是我的小黄瓜脚本:
Feature: Users see the current date when the calendar view is clicked!
Scenario: As a registered user, when I click on calendar, the page should display current date (mm-dd)
Given I go to "URL"
When I fill in "username" with "username"
When I fill in "password" with "password"
Then I press "edit-submit"
Then I follow "calendar"
Then I should see "June 28"
这是我在 FeatureContext.php 文件中添加的:
public function getCurrentDate() {
return $this->currentDate()->format('Y-m-d');
protected function currentDate() {
return new Date();
Then I should see "current date (mm-dd)"
我不确定这是否可行,但正如我之前所说,我是新手,我不确定我将如何实施这样的事情。我将 Behat 与 mink 和 selenium 一起使用。 谢谢您的帮助!
我想通了,想 post 一个解决方案,以防将来有人需要它:
将此添加到您的 FeatureContext.php 文件中。 每个函数顶部的注释解释了它的作用!
// call currentDate() to fetch and format the date (month year)
public function getCurrentDate() {
return $this->currentdate = $this->currentDate()->format('F Y');
// Get current date time
protected function currentDate() {
return new DateTime();
//month year date matcher does not take any arguments
* Checks, that page contains specified text.
* @Then /^match current month year with page$/
public function MonthYearDateMatcher()