获取 class 的 outerHeight 并取最大值

get outerHeight of class and take the biggest value

我使用 .outerHeight 设置另一个 div 的高度,使用 class 作为选择器。

var $example = $('.example');
var $height = $example.outerHeight();
var $styles = { 'height': $height }

我想在我的网站的多个 "slides" 上使用它:

<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="example">Some Content</div>
  <div class="wrapper_sub">Other Content</div>
<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="example">Some Content</div>
  <div class="wrapper_sub">Other Content</div>
<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="example">Some Content</div>
  <div class="wrapper_sub">Other Content</div>

如何获得每个 .example.outerHeight,只取 最高值 并将其附加到所有 .wrapper_sub divs?

遍历 .example 个元素并获取最大值。然后将此值应用于那些元素:

//Set an empty array
var arr = [];

//Loop through the elements
$('.example').each(function() {
   //Push each value into the array

//Get the max value with sort function
var maxH = arr.sort(function(a,b) { return b-a })[0];

//Apply the max value to the '.example' elements
$('.example').css({'height': maxH + 'px'});


var maxHeight = 0; // Initialize to zero
var $example = $('.example'); // Cache to improve performance

$example.each(function() { // Loop over all the elements having class example

    // Get the max height of elements and save in maxHeight variable
    maxHeight = parseFloat($(this).outerHeight()) > maxHeight ? parseFloat($(this).outerHeight()) : maxHeight;

$('.wrapper_sub').height(maxHeight); // Set max height to all example elements