SPARK 实例化错误 w.r.t。挥发性类型

SPARK instantiation error w.r.t. volatile type


    type Item_Type is private;
package Util.Pool is
    type Pool is limited new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private;

    procedure Get_Available (From: in out Pool; Available: out Natural);
    overriding procedure Finalize (Object: in out Pool);
    type Item_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Item_Type;
    type Item_Array_Access is access all Item_Array;

    Null_Item_Array: constant Item_Array_Access := null;

    protected type Protected_Pool is
        function Get_Available return Natural;
        Available: Natural := 0;
        Items: Item_Array_Access := Null_Item_Array;
    end Protected_Pool;

    type Pool is limited new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
        List: Protected_Pool;
    end record;
end Util.Pool;

完整代码编译时没有错误和警告,但 SPARK 证明步骤失败并显示以下内容:

gnatprove -PX:\Path\To\project.gpr -j0 --mode=flow --ide-progress-bar -u main.adb
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
main.adb:11:05: instantiation error at
main.adb:11:05: effectively volatile type "Protected_Pool" must be declared at library level (SPARK RM 7.1.3(3))
main.adb:11:05: instantiation error at
main.adb:11:05: component "List" of non-volatile type "Pool" cannot be volatile
gnatprove: error during generation of Global contracts

我已阅读 SPARK 手册的 corresponding parts,但我无法理解如何根据它们修复我的代码。 TIA.

看起来您正在 Main 中实例化泛型。这是不是'at library level'。


with Util.Pool;
package My_Util_Pool is new Util.Pool (Integer);

main.adb 现在开始

with My_Util_Pool;
with ...;
procedure Main is