将一个极长的过滤器传递给 dotnet 测试?

Passing an extremely long filter to dotnet test?

我正在尝试将一个非常长的过滤器传递给 dotnet test --filter。但是,它太长了,我收到“路径太长”错误。


或者以某种方式将过滤器从文件“管道”到 --filter 参数 dotnet test?

这是一个 OS 限制。你对此无能为力。

参见:Exec and (very) long commands on Windows

cmd.exe has a maximum command-line length limit of 8191 characters
Win32's CreateProcess has a maximum lpCommandLine length of 32,768 characters.


参见:Command prompt (Cmd. exe) command-line string limitation

Modify programs that require long command lines so that they use a file that contains the parameter information, and then include the name of the file in the command line.