Sql 带有 OLEDB 的字符串在 VBA 中给出错误 1004

Sql string with OLEDB gives error 1004 in VBA

我想将一个文本文件导入 excel,通过 VBA 宏过滤我想要的内容。当我在 sql 字符串中使用 LIKE 运算符时,出现错误 1004。 我试过 *% 作为通配符, ALike 而不是 Like 但没有区别。


946737295   9CE78280    FF  1   5   FF  FF  FF  FF  FF
946737295   9CE78280    C0  FF  0   0   0   0   FF  FF
946737295   9CE68082    C0  4   0   FF  FF  FF  FF  FF


Sub import_txt()

Dim input_path As String
input_path = "C:\test_7.txt"

Dim strSql As Variant
strSql = "SELECT * FROM [test_7]" & _
   " WHERE Column2 Like '*E7*' AND" & _
   " Column4='FF'"
    ActiveWorkbook.Queries.Add Name:="test_7", Formula:= _
    "let" & "    Origine = Csv.Document(File.Contents(""" & input_path & """),[Delimiter=""#(tab)"", Columns=10, Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None])," & "    #""Modifica tipo"" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Origine,{{""Column1"", type text}, {""Column2"", type text}, {""Colum" & _
    "n3"", type text}, {""Column4"", type text}, {""Column5"", type text}, {""Column6"", type text}, {""Column7"", type text}, {""Column8"", type text}, {""Column9"", type text}, {""Column10"", type text}})" & "in" & "    #""Modifica tipo"""
With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
    "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=test_7;Extended Properties=""""" _
    , Destination:=Range("$A")).QueryTable
    .CommandType = xlCmdSql
    .CommandText = Array(strSql) 'Array("SELECT * FROM [test_7]")
    .RowNumbers = False
    .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
    .PreserveFormatting = True
    .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
    .BackgroundQuery = True
    .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
    .SavePassword = False
    .SaveData = True
    .AdjustColumnWidth = True
    .RefreshPeriod = 0
    .PreserveColumnInfo = True
    .ListObject.DisplayName = "test_7"
    .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
End Sub

SQL 语句不适用于 Power Query 提供程序。但是您完全可以通过与您的查询关联的公式实现您想要的。


Sub readTxt()
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim Conn As WorkbookConnection
Dim mFormula As String
Dim query As WorkbookQuery

Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set Ws = Wb.ActiveSheet

mFormula = "let " & _
    "Source = Csv.Document(File.Contents(""C:\Users\Loïc\Desktop\test\test.txt""),[Delimiter="";"", Encoding=65001, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.Csv])," & _
    "#""Step1"" = Table.SelectRows(Source, each Text.Contains([Column2], ""E7"") and [Column3] = ""FF"")" & _
    "in #""Step1"""
Set query = Wb.Queries.Add("Test text", mFormula)

With Ws.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
     "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1;Data Source=$Workbook$;Location=" & "Test text" & ";Extended Properties=""""", Destination:=Ws.Range("A1"), XlListObjectHasHeaders:=xlYes).QueryTable
     .CommandType = xlCmdSql
     .AdjustColumnWidth = False
     .ListObject.Name = "test"
     .CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [" & "Test text" & "]"
     .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
 End With
End Sub


您将找到 Microsoft 的 Power Query M 公式语言的文档 here

帮助您使用 VBA 构建 M 公式的最后一个提示:使用宏记录器!