如何用 RISC-V 汇编语言打印总数?

How to print the total in RISC-V Assembly language?

这段代码应该将数字存储在一个数组中,然后打印正数的总和和负数的总和。我不确定我做错了什么! 它打印出没有总数的消息。我在 RARS 模拟器中使用 RISC-V 汇编语言


Positive Integers Total: 
Negative Integers Total: 
Negative Integers Total: 
-- program is finished running (0) --


#----Calculate the Sum of Positive and Negative Numbers In An Array----#
array:      .word 22,-35,48,10,-15,-30,25,20,-1,-26,-18,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,-9,1,-4,-3,-2,1,6,0 #array input
positiveSum:    .word 0
negativeSum:    .word 0

#outcome messages
position:       .word 0 #index posisiont of array
length:     .word 9
posTotal:       .ascii "\nPositive Integers Total: "
negTotal:       .ascii "\nNegative Integers Total: "

       la t0,array      #load array to register t0 
       lw t1,position
       lw s1, positiveSum   #load the positive sum to s1, and negative sum to s2
       lw s2,negativeSum

           #calculate the index position in terms of memory
           #each integer needs 4 bytes
           #so shift left the value in t1 and store it in t3
    slli t3,t1,2
        add t3,t3,t0        #add the base address and the above result
        lw t4,0(t3)     #load the word from above address into t4
        beqz t4,exit        #exit loop when reaching 0
        j checkSign     #if value is not 0 jump to check integer sign

        bltz t4,addNegative     #check if array value is negative 
    j addPositive       # if yes goto addnegative
                        #if not goto addpositive
        add s1,s1,t4        #add all positive integers to s1 register
        j increment     #increment
        add s2,s2,t4        #add the negative integers to the s2 register
        j increment     #increment
        addi t1,t1,1        #increment the current index in t1 by 1
        j loop
exit:               #end of program
        la a0,posTotal   
        li a7,4         #print the positive sum 
        la a0,negTotal
        li a7,4     #print the negative sum 

    ori a7, zero, 10    #program exit system call
    ecall           # exit program

您只打印 posTotal 和 negTotal。在将它们转换为 ascii 格式后,您还需要打印 positiveSum 和 negativeSum。

我不知道你的 ecall 是如何工作的,但是当你把你的总和的 ascii 放在 a0 中时,你需要添加两个 ecall 调用(这个解决方案总是有效的),或者如果 ecall 需要更多除了一个参数之外,使用 a1.

将 Sum 作为第二个参数

您打印了两次 Negative Integers Total:,因为您没有在字符串末尾添加 [=12=],所以第一次打印第一个字符串但继续打印,直到找到 \0。

我建议您在字符串之间添加对齐指令,例如 .balign 4

posTotal:       .ascii "\nPositive Integers Total: [=10=]"
.balign 4
negTotal:       .ascii "\nNegative Integers Total: [=10=]"

第一个j checkSign和第二个j increment没用