What is the point of sending timestamp?
Bob creates message and timestamp: M + Timestamp = L
Bob hashes the L: H(L)
Bob signs the H(L) with his private key: Sign(H(L))
Bob sends this signature and L to Alice: L || Sign(H(L))
Alice open H(L) with Bob's public key.
Alice hashes the L: H(L)
Alice compares if the H(L)s match.
If so source integrity has been established. Thus, we can ensure that message is sent by Bob.
那么为什么我们要在消息中包含时间戳?我们已经知道消息来自 Bob,检查时间戳是否延迟有什么意义?
如果 Alice 检查消息的年龄,and/or 收集 already-received 条消息的时间戳,她可以抵御重放攻击。
重放攻击是指有人捕获了来自 Bob 的真实消息,但稍后再次(或改为)发送它。
Bob creates message and timestamp: M + Timestamp = L
Bob hashes the L: H(L)
Bob signs the H(L) with his private key: Sign(H(L))
Bob sends this signature and L to Alice: L || Sign(H(L))
Alice open H(L) with Bob's public key.
Alice hashes the L: H(L)
Alice compares if the H(L)s match.
If so source integrity has been established. Thus, we can ensure that message is sent by Bob.
那么为什么我们要在消息中包含时间戳?我们已经知道消息来自 Bob,检查时间戳是否延迟有什么意义?
如果 Alice 检查消息的年龄,and/or 收集 already-received 条消息的时间戳,她可以抵御重放攻击。
重放攻击是指有人捕获了来自 Bob 的真实消息,但稍后再次(或改为)发送它。