Windows 具有依赖关系的服务的关闭顺序

Order of shutdown of Windows services with dependencies

我有一个 C# 服务需要在 OS 重新启动后关闭之前将特定文本写入 SQL 服务器数据库。所以服务 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS 不应该在我的服务之前停止,为了实现这一点,我使用命令

sc.exe config MyService depend= MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS


SHUTDOWN is in progress.
Login failed for user 'user'.
Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state

OnShutdown() 中尝试写入数据库时​​。有时错误是“无效句柄”错误..

我错过了什么?此外,sc.exe qc MyService 显示依赖关系,但 services.msc 下的依赖关系不显示任何内容。为什么?


Note that during service shutdown, by default, the SCM does not take dependencies into consideration. The SCM enumerates the list of running services and sends the SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN command. Therefore, a service may fail because another service it depends on has already stopped.

To set the shutdown order of services manually, create a multistring registry value that contains the service names in the order in which they should be shut down and assign it to the Control key's PreshutdownOrder value, as follows:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\PreshutdownOrder="Shutdown Order"

Service Control Handler Function