如何使用乳胶将 table 的长标题拆分为多行?

How to split the long headings of a table in multiple lines using latex?

如何使用乳胶创建 table 完全如下。 table 必须适合 2 列页面格式中的 1 列,但 table 标题太长,第一列中的内容也太长。所以,我想用粗体格式将第一列的列标题和内容拆分成多行。

不太清楚为什么 \makecell 不是 co-operating 用于加粗文本并设计一个实心边框,但这是我的乳胶代码:


&\makecell[lt]{Financial \ benefit \ of the \users}
& \makecell[lt]{Financial\ loss of the \ users} 
&\makecell[lt]{Interruption \ of user’ \ daily activity}
&\makecell[lt]{Monetary \ reward \ for works}\

\makecell[lt]{Category 1: \ Work in \ the retail \ sector}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}\
\makecell[lt]{Category 2: \ Work in \ the industry \ sector}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}\
\makecell[lt]{Category 3: \ Work in \ the corporate \ sector}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}
 & \ding{51}\

package array 为您提供了一种新的表格单元格类型

p={fixed width}








\textbf{\hfil Type}&
\textbf{Financial benefit of the users}&
\textbf{Financial loss of the users }&
\textbf{Interruption of user daily activity}&
\textbf{Monetary reward for works}\ 
\textbf{Category 1: Work in  the retail  sector } &\textbf{v}&&v&v \
\textbf{Category 2: Work in  the industry  sector} &v&v&v&v \  
\textbf{Category 3: Work in  the corporate  sector}  &&v&v&v \
