Lua 编程 WikiBooks "Instructions" 到底是什么意思

What exactly does the Lua Programming WikiBooks mean by "Instructions" 说:

Statements are pieces of code that can be executed and that contain an instruction and expressions to use with it. Some statements will also contain code inside of themselves that may, for example, be run under certain conditions. Dissimilarly to expressions, they can be put directly in code and will execute.

指令是什么意思? 我是不是看得太深了

总的来说,那篇文章似乎写得很差。包含诸如“分配 [...] 用于分配”之类的宝石。您的困惑也可能只是这种尴尬风格的结果。按照我的阅读方式,这本书分为:

  • 语句:做一些具体的事情,比如将两个值添加到一个变量中。
  • 说明:一般情况下您可以执行的操作,例如将任意两个值相加。

这似乎暗示了两者之间的某种 abstraction-application 关系。
