timecop.travel 测试 returns false 而不是 true - rails

timecop.travel test returns false instead of true - rails

我正在编写一个单元测试来检查是否已经过了 24 小时。如果 24 小时过去了,那么它应该 return true


test   "messenger tag is more than 24 hours" do
        Timecop.travel 2.days.ago
        account = accounts(:messenger_v2)
        contact_d = Contact.create! account: account, name: 'Mr Right', phone_number: nil, external_id: '155581474881005', contact_type: 'MessengerV2', source: 'Inbound', is_registered: true, primary_contact: true
        conversation = Conversation.create! contact: contact_d, account: account, status: 'Open', unread: true, conversation_type: 'Private'
        Message.create! contact: contact_d, message_type: 'Text', text: 'I have some enquries', direction: 'IN', account: account, conversation: conversation, external_id: "in_a#{Time.now.to_i.to_s}"
        msg = conversation.messages.incoming
        time_created = msg.last.created_at
        messenger_tags = time_created < 24.hours.ago
        assert_equal true, messenger_tags


test_messenger_tag_is_more_than_24_hours                        FAIL (0.14s)
        Expected: true
          Actual: false
        test/models/message_test.rb:175:in `block in <class:MessageTest>'


创建消息后,您需要turn off Timecop使用Timecop.return

test "messenger tag is more than 24 hours" do
    Timecop.travel 2.days.ago
    account = accounts(:messenger_v2)
    contact_d = Contact.create! account: account, name: 'Mr Right', phone_number: nil, external_id: '155581474881005', contact_type: 'MessengerV2', source: 'Inbound', is_registered: true, primary_contact: true
    conversation = Conversation.create! contact: contact_d, account: account, status: 'Open', unread: true, conversation_type: 'Private'
    Message.create! contact: contact_d, message_type: 'Text', text: 'I have some enquries', direction: 'IN', account: account, conversation: conversation, external_id: "in_a#{Time.now.to_i.to_s}"
    msg = conversation.messages.incoming
    time_created = msg.last.created_at
    messenger_tags = time_created < 24.hours.ago
    assert_equal true, messenger_tags

更新 或者你可以阻止到 Timecop.travel,以避免调用 @Stefan 在下面的评论中提到的 Timecop.return

test "messenger tag is more than 24 hours" do
    Timecop.travel 2.days.ago do
        account = accounts(:messenger_v2)
        contact_d = Contact.create! account: account, name: 'Mr Right', phone_number: nil, external_id: '155581474881005', contact_type: 'MessengerV2', source: 'Inbound', is_registered: true, primary_contact: true
        conversation = Conversation.create! contact: contact_d, account: account, status: 'Open', unread: true, conversation_type: 'Private'
        Message.create! contact: contact_d, message_type: 'Text', text: 'I have some enquries', direction: 'IN', account: account, conversation: conversation, external_id: "in_a#{Time.now.to_i.to_s}"
        msg = conversation.messages.incoming
        @time_created = msg.last.created_at
    messenger_tags = @time_created < 24.hours.ago
    assert_equal true, messenger_tags