使用 fgets() 利用 C 程序

Exploit on a C program with fgets()


Consider the code snippet below. The goal of the attacker is to execute code of the attacker’s choosing, for example, to spawn a shell, or to erase the contents of the file system.

/* barfoo is called with a non-zero value if the user is 
authenticated. Else it is called with 0.*/

void barfoo (int authstatus) {
      char packet[1024];
      fgets (packet, 1023, stdin);
      if(authstatus != 0) system (packet);
      else syslog ("Not authorised to process packet");

Q1: Suppose that I were to compile this program with stack canaries enabled. Assume that libc is not compiled with stack canaries enabled. Would the attacker be able to exploit this program?

Q2: Suppose that I were to compile this program with stack canaries (return-address protection) enabled. Assume that libc is compiled with stack canaries enabled. Would the attacker be able to exploit this program?

Q3: Suppose that I were to run this program on a system that has non-executable pages (i.e., W-xor-X protection) enabled. Would the attacker be able to exploit this program?



我们可以尝试使用 ROP(return 面向编程)攻击,但要执行它,我们需要指向缓冲区的开头,因此,我们需要覆盖 return 栈上的地址。我也看不出我们如何进行格式化字符串利用或类似的东西。

此外,在这种情况下,由于我们使用 fgets() 而不是 gets() 来读取输入,它将在此处读取 1022 个字符后停止读取,那么我们还能如何利用该程序?

我在原始 ROP 论文中读到我们可以使用帧指针覆盖,但我不确定这意味着什么,也不知道它在这里究竟如何工作。


像其他评论者一样,我很确定 fgets 调用本身是不可利用的。但是看看 syslog https://linux.die.net/man/3/syslog:

void syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...);
syslog ("Not authorised to process packet");

如果它开始在堆栈的某处寻找它的格式字符串,我想知道是否可以说服它尝试 packet.


stdin 是一个 FILE 结构,可以被覆盖,通过 vtable 指针触发函数调用(如果它被操纵)

https://seb-sec.github.io/2020/04/29/file_exploitation.html https://github.com/CptGibbon/House-of-Corrosion
