Terraform (0.12.29) 导入未按预期工作;导入成功但计划显示销毁并重新创建

Terraform (0.12.29) import not working as expected; import succeeded but plan shows destroy & recreate

一些背景: 我们有 Terraform 代码来创建各种 AWS 资源。其中一些资源是为每个 AWS 账户创建的,因此被构造为存储在我们项目的 account-scope 文件夹中。那是我们只有一个 AWS 区域的时候。现在我们的应用程序是多区域的,因此这些资源将在每个区域为每个 AWS 账户创建。

为了做到这一点,我们现在将这些 TF 脚本移动到 region-scope 文件夹,每个区域将 运行。由于这些资源不再是 'account scope' 的一部分,我们已将它们从帐户范围 Terraform state 中删除。 现在,当我尝试导入这些资源时

通过 运行ning 从 xyz-region-scope 目录导入资源:

terraform import -var-file=config/us-west-2/default.tfvars -var-file=variables.tfvars -var-file=../globals.tfvars -var profile=xyz-stage -var region=us-west-2 -var tfstate_bucket=ab-xyz-stage-tfstate-5b8873b8 -no-color <RESOURCE_NAME> <RESOURCE_ID>



我原以为导入会更新我本地机器上 terraform 状态文件中的资源,但在 xyz-region-scope/state/xyz-stage/terraform.tfstate 下创建的 terraform 状态文件没有更新。


terraform show

运行 地形规划:

terraform plan -var-file=config/us-west-2/default.tfvars -var-file=variables.tfvars -var-file=../globals.tfvars -var profile=xyz-stage -var region=us-west-2 -var tfstate_bucket=ab-xyz-stage-tfstate-5b8873b8 -no-color

但 terraform 计划输出显示 Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 5 to destroy. 那些资源将被销毁并重新创建。


请注意,我们将远程状态存储在 S3 存储桶中 ,但我目前没有在 S3 存储桶中为 区域范围 创建远程 TF 状态文件(我不过 account scope 确实有一个)。我原以为 Import..Plan..Apply 进程也会为区域范围创建一个。

编辑: 我看到在 运行ning 导入后在 S3 中为区域范围创建的远程 TF 状态文件。我在旧帐户范围的这个新区域范围 tf 状态文件之间看到的一个区别是:新文件在任何资源 resources[] > instances[]

下没有任何 "depends_on"


Local machine: macOS v10.14.6

Terraform v0.12.29
+ provider.aws v3.14.1
+ provider.null v2.1.2
+ provider.random v2.3.1
+ provider.template v2.1.2

编辑 2:

这是我的导入和 terraform 计划:

terraform import module.buckets.random_id.cloudtrail_bucket_suffix cqLFzQ
terraform import module.buckets.aws_s3_bucket.cloudtrail_logging_bucket "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd"
terraform import  module.buckets.aws_s3_bucket_policy.cloudtrail_logging_bucket "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd"
terraform import  module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.default "ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff"
terraform import  module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.random_id.bucket_suffix  nY6U_w
terraform import module.encryption.module.data_key.aws_iam_policy.decrypt "arn:aws:iam::123412341234:policy/ab_data_key_xyz_stage_decrypt"
terraform import module.encryption.module.data_key.aws_iam_policy.encrypt "arn:aws:iam::123412341234:policy/ab_data_key_xyz_stage_encrypt"

mymachine:xyz-region-scope kuldeepjain$ ../scripts/terraform.sh xyz-stage plan -no-color
+ set -o posix
+ IFS='
++ blhome
+ BASH_LIB_HOME=/usr/local/lib/mycompany/ab/bash_library/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
+ source /usr/local/lib/mycompany/ab/bash_library/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/s3/bucket.sh
+ main xyz-stage plan -no-color
+ '[' 3 -lt 2 ']'
+ local env=xyz-stage
+ shift
+ local command=plan
+ shift
++ get_region xyz-stage
++ local env=xyz-stage
++ shift
+++ aws --profile xyz-stage configure get region
++ local region=us-west-2
++ '[' -z us-west-2 ']'
++ echo us-west-2
+ local region=us-west-2
++ _get_bucket xyz-stage xyz-stage-tfstate
++ local env=xyz-stage
++ shift
++ local name=xyz-stage-tfstate
++ shift
+++ _get_bucket_list xyz-stage xyz-stage-tfstate
+++ local env=xyz-stage
+++ shift
+++ local name=xyz-stage-tfstate
+++ shift
+++ aws --profile xyz-stage --output json s3api list-buckets --query 'Buckets[?contains(Name, `xyz-stage-tfstate`) == `true`].Name'
++ local 'bucket_list=[
+++ _count_buckets_in_json '[
+++ local 'json=[
+++ shift
+++ echo '[
+++ jq '. | length'
++ local number_of_buckets=1
++ '[' 1 == 0 ']'
++ '[' 1 -gt 1 ']'
+++ echo '[
+++ jq -r '.[0]'
++ local bucket_name=ab-xyz-stage-tfstate-5b8873b8
++ echo ab-xyz-stage-tfstate-5b8873b8
+ local tfstate_bucket=ab-xyz-stage-tfstate-5b8873b8
++ get_config_file xyz-stage us-west-2
++ local env=xyz-stage
++ shift
++ local region=us-west-2
++ shift
++ local config_file=config/us-west-2/xyz-stage.tfvars
++ '[' '!' -f config/us-west-2/xyz-stage.tfvars ']'
++ config_file=config/us-west-2/default.tfvars
++ echo config/us-west-2/default.tfvars
+ local config_file=config/us-west-2/default.tfvars
+ export TF_DATA_DIR=state/xyz-stage/
+ TF_DATA_DIR=state/xyz-stage/
+ terraform get
+ terraform plan -var-file=config/us-west-2/default.tfvars -var-file=variables.tfvars -var-file=../globals.tfvars -var profile=xyz-stage -var region=us-west-2 -var tfstate_bucket=ab-xyz-stage-tfstate-5b8873b8 -no-color
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.

module.encryption.module.data_key.data.null_data_source.key: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.data.template_file.dependencies: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.data.template_file.dependencies: Refreshing state...
module.encryption.module.data_key.data.aws_region.current: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.data.aws_caller_identity.current: Refreshing state...
data.aws_caller_identity.current: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.data.aws_kms_alias.encryption_key_alias: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.data.aws_caller_identity.current: Refreshing state...
module.encryption.module.data_key.data.aws_caller_identity.current: Refreshing state...
module.encryption.module.data_key.data.aws_kms_alias.default: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.data.template_file.encryption_configuration: Refreshing state...
module.encryption.module.data_key.data.aws_iam_policy_document.decrypt: Refreshing state...
module.encryption.module.data_key.data.aws_iam_policy_document.encrypt: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.random_id.bucket_suffix: Refreshing state... [id=nY6U_w]
module.encryption.module.data_key.aws_iam_policy.decrypt: Refreshing state... [id=arn:aws:iam::123412341234:policy/ab_data_key_xyz_stage_decrypt]
module.encryption.module.data_key.aws_iam_policy.encrypt: Refreshing state... [id=arn:aws:iam::123412341234:policy/ab_data_key_xyz_stage_encrypt]
module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.default: Refreshing state... [id=ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff]
module.buckets.random_id.cloudtrail_bucket_suffix: Refreshing state... [id=cqLFzQ]
module.buckets.aws_s3_bucket.cloudtrail_logging_bucket: Refreshing state... [id=ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd]
module.buckets.data.aws_iam_policy_document.restrict_access_cloudtrail: Refreshing state...
module.buckets.aws_s3_bucket_policy.cloudtrail_logging_bucket: Refreshing state... [id=ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd]


An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
-/+ destroy and then create replacement
 <= read (data resources)

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # module.buckets.data.aws_iam_policy_document.restrict_access_cloudtrail will be read during apply
  # (config refers to values not yet known)
 <= data "aws_iam_policy_document" "restrict_access_cloudtrail"  {
      + id   = (known after apply)
      + json = (known after apply)

      + statement {
          + actions   = [
              + "s3:GetBucketAcl",
          + effect    = "Allow"
          + resources = [
              + (known after apply),
          + sid       = "AWSCloudTrailAclCheck"

          + principals {
              + identifiers = [
                  + "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com",
              + type        = "Service"
      + statement {
          + actions   = [
              + "s3:PutObject",
          + effect    = "Allow"
          + resources = [
              + (known after apply),
          + sid       = "AWSCloudTrailWrite"

          + condition {
              + test     = "StringEquals"
              + values   = [
                  + "bucket-owner-full-control",
              + variable = "s3:x-amz-acl"

          + principals {
              + identifiers = [
                  + "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com",
              + type        = "Service"

  # module.buckets.aws_s3_bucket.cloudtrail_logging_bucket must be replaced
-/+ resource "aws_s3_bucket" "cloudtrail_logging_bucket" {
      + acceleration_status         = (known after apply)
      + acl                         = "private"
      ~ arn                         = "arn:aws:s3:::ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd" -> (known after apply)
      ~ bucket                      = "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
      ~ bucket_domain_name          = "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd.s3.amazonaws.com" -> (known after apply)
      ~ bucket_regional_domain_name = "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" -> (known after apply)
      + force_destroy               = false
      ~ hosted_zone_id              = "Z3BJ6K6RIION7M" -> (known after apply)
      ~ id                          = "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd" -> (known after apply)
      ~ region                      = "us-west-2" -> (known after apply)
      ~ request_payer               = "BucketOwner" -> (known after apply)
        tags                        = {
            "mycompany:finance:accountenvironment"   = "xyz-stage"
            "mycompany:finance:application"          = "ab-platform"
            "mycompany:finance:billablebusinessunit" = "my-dev"
            "name"                                = "Cloudtrail logging bucket"
      + website_domain              = (known after apply)
      + website_endpoint            = (known after apply)

      ~ lifecycle_rule {
          - abort_incomplete_multipart_upload_days = 0 -> null
            enabled                                = true
          ~ id                                     = "intu-lifecycle-s3-int-tier" -> (known after apply)
          - tags                                   = {} -> null

            transition {
                days          = 32
                storage_class = "INTELLIGENT_TIERING"

      - logging {
          - target_bucket = "ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff" -> null
          - target_prefix = "logs/cloudtrail-logging/" -> null
      + logging {
          + target_bucket = (known after apply)
          + target_prefix = "logs/cloudtrail-logging/"

      ~ versioning {
          ~ enabled    = false -> (known after apply)
          ~ mfa_delete = false -> (known after apply)

  # module.buckets.aws_s3_bucket_policy.cloudtrail_logging_bucket must be replaced
-/+ resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "cloudtrail_logging_bucket" {
      ~ bucket = "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
      ~ id     = "ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd" -> (known after apply)
      ~ policy = jsonencode(
              - Statement = [
                  - {
                      - Action    = "s3:GetBucketAcl"
                      - Effect    = "Allow"
                      - Principal = {
                          - Service = "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com"
                      - Resource  = "arn:aws:s3:::ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd"
                      - Sid       = "AWSCloudTrailAclCheck"
                  - {
                      - Action    = "s3:PutObject"
                      - Condition = {
                          - StringEquals = {
                              - s3:x-amz-acl = "bucket-owner-full-control"
                      - Effect    = "Allow"
                      - Principal = {
                          - Service = "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com"
                      - Resource  = "arn:aws:s3:::ab-xyz-stage-cloudtrail-logging-72a2c5cd/*"
                      - Sid       = "AWSCloudTrailWrite"
              - Version   = "2012-10-17"
        ) -> (known after apply)

  # module.buckets.random_id.cloudtrail_bucket_suffix must be replaced
-/+ resource "random_id" "cloudtrail_bucket_suffix" {
      ~ b64         = "cqLFzQ" -> (known after apply)
      ~ b64_std     = "cqLFzQ==" -> (known after apply)
      ~ b64_url     = "cqLFzQ" -> (known after apply)
        byte_length = 4
      ~ dec         = "1923270093" -> (known after apply)
      ~ hex         = "72a2c5cd" -> (known after apply)
      ~ id          = "cqLFzQ" -> (known after apply)
      + keepers     = {
          + "aws_account_id" = "123412341234"
          + "env"            = "xyz-stage"
        } # forces replacement

  # module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.aws_s3_bucket.default must be replaced
-/+ resource "aws_s3_bucket" "default" {
      + acceleration_status         = (known after apply)
      + acl                         = "log-delivery-write"
      ~ arn                         = "arn:aws:s3:::ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff" -> (known after apply)
      ~ bucket                      = "ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff" -> (known after apply) # forces replacement
      ~ bucket_domain_name          = "ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff.s3.amazonaws.com" -> (known after apply)
      ~ bucket_regional_domain_name = "ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" -> (known after apply)
      + force_destroy               = false
      ~ hosted_zone_id              = "Z3BJ6K6RIION7M" -> (known after apply)
      ~ id                          = "ab-xyz-stage-access-logging-9d8e94ff" -> (known after apply)
      ~ region                      = "us-west-2" -> (known after apply)
      ~ request_payer               = "BucketOwner" -> (known after apply)
        tags                        = {
            "mycompany:finance:accountenvironment"   = "xyz-stage"
            "mycompany:finance:application"          = "ab-platform"
            "mycompany:finance:billablebusinessunit" = "my-dev"
            "name"                                = "Access logging bucket"
      + website_domain              = (known after apply)
      + website_endpoint            = (known after apply)

      - grant {
          - permissions = [
              - "READ_ACP",
              - "WRITE",
            ] -> null
          - type        = "Group" -> null
          - uri         = "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery" -> null
      - grant {
          - id          = "0343271a8c2f184152c171b223945b22ceaf5be5c9b78cf167660600747b5ad8" -> null
          - permissions = [
              - "FULL_CONTROL",
            ] -> null
          - type        = "CanonicalUser" -> null

      - lifecycle_rule {
          - abort_incomplete_multipart_upload_days = 0 -> null
          - enabled                                = true -> null
          - id                                     = "intu-lifecycle-s3-int-tier" -> null
          - tags                                   = {} -> null

          - transition {
              - days          = 32 -> null
              - storage_class = "INTELLIGENT_TIERING" -> null

      + logging {
          + target_bucket = (known after apply)
          + target_prefix = "logs/access-logging/"

      ~ versioning {
          ~ enabled    = false -> (known after apply)
          ~ mfa_delete = false -> (known after apply)

  # module.buckets.module.access_logging_bucket.random_id.bucket_suffix must be replaced
-/+ resource "random_id" "bucket_suffix" {
      ~ b64         = "nY6U_w" -> (known after apply)
      ~ b64_std     = "nY6U/w==" -> (known after apply)
      ~ b64_url     = "nY6U_w" -> (known after apply)
        byte_length = 4
      ~ dec         = "2643367167" -> (known after apply)
      ~ hex         = "9d8e94ff" -> (known after apply)
      ~ id          = "nY6U_w" -> (known after apply)
      + keepers     = {
          + "aws_account_id" = "123412341234"
          + "env"            = "xyz-stage"
        } # forces replacement

Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 5 to destroy.

我当前的远程 TF 状态(LEFT)与旧帐户范围(RIGHT)的 Diff 片段 cloudtrail_bucket_suffix:

计划显示存储桶名称不同(bucket 强制更换)。


你需要让bucket name达到稳定状态,然后其他的也会稳定。由于您为存储桶名称使用随机后缀,我怀疑您忘记导入它。 random_id 资源允许这样的导入:

terraform import module.buckets.random_id.cloudtrail_bucket_suffix cqLFzQ


但是,您需要删除 keepers,因为它们会触发 random_id 资源的替换。 keepers 用于在其他资源发生变化时触发依赖资源的重新创建。

我认为这不是您想要的存储桶,因为您定义的管理器似乎是 stable/static:account_idenv 都不太可能针对此部署进行更改。如果你真的需要它们,你可以尝试手动操作状态。