使用 PrettyTable 打印出目录中 Python 个文件的详细信息

Using PrettyTable to print out details of Python files in directory

我正在尝试编写一个 FileAnalyzer class,它将在目录中搜索 Python 文件,并以 PrettyTable 的形式提供每个 Python 文件的详细信息。我对每个 Python 文件中的 classes、函数、行和字符的数量感兴趣。

了解 OOP 的诀窍...这是我目前拥有的代码:

class FileAnalyzer:
    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        The files_summary attribute stores the summarized data for each Python file in the specified directory.
        self.directory: str = os.listdir(directory) #Directory to be scanned

        self.analyze_files()  # summarize the python files data

        self.files_summary: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {
            dir: {
                'Number of Classes': cls,
                'Number of Functions': funccount,
                'Number of Lines of Code': codelines,
                'Number of Characters': characters

    def analyze_files(self) -> None:
        This method scans a directory for python files. For every python file, it determines the number of classes,
        functions, lines of code, and characters. The count for each one is returned in a tuple.
        for dir in self.directory:
            if dir.endswith('.py'):  # Check for python files
                with open(dir, "r") as pyfile:

                    cls = 0  # Initialize classes count
                    for line in pyfile:
                        if line.startswith('Class'):
                            cls += 1

                    funccount = 0  # Initialize function count
                    for line in pyfile:
                        if line.startswith('def'):
                            funccount += 1

                    #Get number of lines of code
                    i = -1 #Account for empty files
                    for i, line in enumerate(pyfile):

                    codelines = i + 1

                    #Get number of characters
                    characters = 0
                    characters += sum(len(line) for line in pyfile)

        return [cls, funccount, codelines, characters]

    def pretty_print(self) -> None:
        This method creates a table with the desired counts from the Python files using the PrettyTable module.
        pt: PrettyTable = PrettyTable(field_names=['# of Classes', '# of Functions', '# Lines of Code (Excluding Comments)',
                                                   '# of characters in file (Including Comments)'])

        for cls, funccount, codelines, characters in self.files_summary():
            pt.add_row([cls, funccount, codelines, characters])



当我尝试 运行 代码时,当前出现 NameError: name 'cls' is not defined 错误。在 __init__ 中调用 self.analyze_files() 是否不足以将返回值传递给 __init__?理想情况下,对于

def func1():

def func2():

class Foo:
    def __init__(self):

class Bar:
    def __init__(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

PrettyTable 会告诉我有 2 个 classes、4 个函数、25 行和 270 个字符。对于以下文件:

definitely not function

This is def not a function def 

PrettyTable 会告诉我该文件有 0 个函数。我希望 self.analyze_files() 将汇总数据填充到 self.files_summary 中,而不将任何其他参数传递给 analyze_files()。并且同样将数据从 files_summary 传递到 pretty_print 而没有将单独的参数传递给 pretty_print.


self.files_summary: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {
            dir: {
                'Number of Classes': self.analyze_files()[0],
                'Number of Functions': self.analyze_files()[1],
                'Number of Lines of Code': self.analyze_files()[2],
                'Number of Characters': self.analyze_files()[3]


        for self.analyze_files()[0], self.analyze_files()[1], self.analyze_files()[2], self.analyze_files()[3] in self.files_summary():
            pt.add_row([self.analyze_files()[0], self.analyze_files()[1], self.analyze_files()[2], self.analyze_files()[3]])

        return pt
当我调用 FileAnalyzer 时,

in pretty_print 没有执行任何操作...


If I do something like [cls, funccount, codelines, characters] = self.analyze_files() within init, doesn't seem to reference the returned values properly either

虽然在风格上有点奇怪,但这实际上是非常好的语法。如果您的 __init__ 方法看起来像这样,它 运行 没有错误:

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        The files_summary attribute stores the summarized data for each Python file in the specified directory.
        self.directory: str = os.listdir(directory) #Directory to be scanned

        [cls, funccount, codelines, characters] = self.analyze_files()

        self.files_summary: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {
            dir: {
                'Number of Classes': cls,
                'Number of Functions': funccount,
                'Number of Lines of Code': codelines,
                'Number of Characters': characters

然而,存在许多问题。首先,在上面的方法中,您使用了变量名 dir,但作用域中没有这样的变量。不幸的是,dir 也是 Python built-in 函数的名称。如果你在这段代码之后插入一个 breakpoint() 并打印 self.files_summary 的值,你会看到它看起来像这样:

{<built-in function dir>: {'Number of Classes': 0, 'Number of Functions': 0, 'Number of Lines of Code': 0, 'Number of Characters': 0}}

一般来说,永远不要选择隐藏 Python built-in 的变量名,因为它会导致意外且难以调试的问题。如果您使用支持 Python 语法高亮显示的像样的编辑器,您会看到这些 built-in 被调用,这样您就可以避免这个错误。

认为 而不是 dir 你的意思是 self.directory (或者只是 directory,因为此时该变量在范围内) .


在您的 pretty_print 方法中,您正在尝试 调用 self.files_summary,如下所示:

for cls, funccount, codelines, characters in self.files_summary():

但是 self.files_summary 不是函数,不可调用。它是一本字典,这也意味着在这样的 for 循环中使用它并没有什么意义。由于您在 __init__.


如果我是你,我会把这个程序分解成单独的部分,并在尝试将它们组合在一起之前先让每个部分都正常工作。充分利用交互式 Python 提示符和调试器;在使用变量之前,在代码中使用 breakpoint() 语句来调查变量的内容。


import os
import re

from prettytable import PrettyTable

re_class = re.compile(r'class')
re_def = re.compile(r'\s*def')

class FileAnalyzer:
    def __init__(self, path: str) -> None:
        self.path = path

    def analyze_files(self) -> None:
        self.files = []

        for entry in os.listdir(self.path):
            if not entry.endswith('.py'):

            with open(entry, "r") as pyfile:

                cls = 0
                funccount = 0
                codelines = 0
                characters = 0

                for line in pyfile:
                    codelines += 1
                    characters += len(line)

                    if re_class.match(line):
                        cls += 1
                    elif re_def.match(line):
                        funccount += 1

            self.files.append((entry, cls, funccount, codelines, characters))

    def pretty_print(self) -> None:
        pt: PrettyTable = PrettyTable(
                         '# of Classes', '# of Functions',
                         '# Lines of Code (Excluding Comments)',
                         '# of characters in file (Including Comments)'])

        for path, cls, funccount, codelines, characters in self.files:
            pt.add_row([path, cls, funccount, codelines, characters])


x = FileAnalyzer('.')

请注意,我在您的 analyze_files 函数中删除了多个 for 循环;没有理由多次遍历每个文件。这将构建一个名为 files 的实例变量,它是一个结果列表。 pretty_print 方法简单地迭代这个列表。

如果我 运行 我的 Python 临时目录中的上述代码,我得到:

|         Filename         | # of Classes | # of Functions | # Lines of Code (Excluding Comments) | # of characters in file (Including Comments) |
|       yamltest.py        |      0       |       0        |                  30                  |                     605                      |
|       analyzer.py        |      1       |       3        |                  53                  |                     1467                     |
|         quake.py         |      0       |       0        |                  37                  |                     1035                     |
| test_compute_examples.py |      1       |       1        |                  10                  |                     264                      |
|   compute_examples.py    |      1       |       1        |                  4                   |                      82                      |