如何在 MS Access 中编写查询来整理与其他记录的时间段重叠的记录?

How to write a query in MS Access to sort out the records that overlap other record's time period?

我有一个中间 table 如下所示

Ref#    |Time                   |id
10      |10/23/2020 6:48:03 PM  |9
10      |10/23/2020 6:53:56 PM  |12  <-- target output record
10      |10/23/2020 7:53:56 PM  |9
12      |10/23/2020 7:48:03 PM  |11
12      |10/23/2020 7:55:56 PM  |11

我的目标是在给定相同 Ref# 的情况下,整理出属于其他 ID 时间线的任何不同 ID。在上面的例子中,id 12 与 id 9 的时间段重叠。非常感谢。

嗯。 . .您似乎想要介于另一个 ID 之间的任何东西。所以,我在想:

select t.*
from t
where exists (select 1
              from t as t2
              where t2.ref = t1.ref and
                    t2.id <> t.id
              group by t2.id
              having t.time > min(t2.time) and
                     t.time < max(t2.time)

或者使用 group by 可能更有效:

select t.*
from t inner join
     (select ref, id, min(time) as min_time, amx(time) as max_time
      from t
      group by ref, id
     ) as tt
     on t.ref = tt.ref and
        t.id <> tt.id and
        t.time > tt.min_time and
        t.time < tt.max_time;