如何使用 SoftLayer Python 客户端获取计费项目详细信息?

How to get billing item details using the SoftLayer Python client?

如何使用 Python SoftLayer 客户端(使用 v5.7.1)确定 NFS 计费项(持久存储)的位置(例如:dal10)?

我在 SO 上使用了一些其他示例并想出了这个,但是调用失败了:

objectFilter = {"billingItem": {"id": {"operation": "12345"}}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SoftLayer/transports.py", line 240, in __call__
    raise _es(ex.faultCode, ex.faultString)
SoftLayer.exceptions.SoftLayerAPIError: SoftLayerAPIError(SOAP-ENV:Server): Internal Error

尝试使用以下 python 脚本来获取计费项目详细信息和位置。


import SoftLayer

API_USERNAME = 'set me'

API_KEY = 'set me'

client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env(username=API_USERNAME, api_key=API_KEY)

billingItemId = 1234
mask = "mask[location]"

    response = client['SoftLayer_Billing_Item'].getObject(mask=mask, id=billingItemId)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
    If there was an error returned from the SoftLayer API then bomb out with the
    error message.
    print("Unable to retrieve the billing item information. "
          % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))