删除或更改 ETL 2 中的记录

Delete or change records in ETL 2

我想跟进我之前 POST 的一个问题:


 ; with todelete as (
      select *, 
           count(*) over (partition by label) as cnt, 
           lag(cost) over (partition by label order by time ASC) as lastcost
           ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by label order by time ASC) as r_number
      from Table1
delete from todelete 
    where cnt > 1 and r_number between 1 and (cnt/2)*2 and  cost=ISNULL(lastcost,cost)

,然而,在测试过程中,当这些移动发生在 table 时,我遇到了一个问题(它们无法阻止)。:

label   cost   time
x2       29    14/5/2020 01:00:00
x3       20    14/5/2020 01:02:00
x2       29    15/5/2020 03:12:02

对于相同的 'Label' 我有两条相同的行(时间戳除外)具有相同的 'cost'。 而只是上述解决方案将删除这两条记录。我只需要删除旧的。




我有 table 条记录:

label   cost   time
x2       29    14/5/2020 01:00:00
x3       20    14/5/2020 01:02:00
x2       30    15/5/2020 03:12:02


; with todelete as (
          select *, 
               count(*) over (partition by label) as cnt, 
               lag(cost) over (partition by label order by time ASC) as lastcost
               ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by label order by time ASC) as r_number
          from Table1
    delete from todelete 
        where cnt > 1 and r_number between 1 and (cnt/2)*2 and  cost=ISNULL(lastcost,cost)

他们想要一个 table:

label   cost   time
x3       20    14/5/2020 01:02:00
x2       30    15/5/2020 03:12:02


label   cost   time
x2       29    14/5/2020 01:00:00
x3       20    14/5/2020 01:02:00
x2       29    15/5/2020 03:12:02


我会得到一个 table:

 label     cost   time
    x3       20    14/5/2020 01:02:00



我试试这个: 我无法解决它。 在这里你看到它会为我删除两条记录(我只想要旧的): https://rextester.com/TLLQ93275

在这种情况下,它可以正常工作,但如果“x2”具有相同的价格(例如,29),它也会删除这两个条目。 https://rextester.com/RHB70490



; with todelete as (
      select *, 
           count(*) over (partition by label) as cnt, 
     lag(cost) over (partition by label order by time ASC) as lastcost
     ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by label order by time ASC) as r_number
      ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by label order by time DESC) as r_number2
    ,RANK() over (partition by cost order by time asc) as TEST
    ,Row_NUMBER() over (partition by label order by TIME DESC) as TEST2
       from Table1
DELETE from todelete 
    where (cnt > 1 and r_number between 1 and (cnt/2)*2 and cost=ISNULL(lastcost,cost) AND TEST2 !=1)  OR (cnt>1 AND TEST2<>1 AND r_number2 != 1)
