为什么这个用于查找 2 个四元数之间的 angular 速度的简单 MP 会失败?
Why does this simple MP for finding angular velocity between 2 quaternions fail?
作为示例问题,我正在尝试根据链接的建议,使用数学程序在给定起始四元数、结束四元数和特定 dt 的情况下找到 angular 速度。
import numpy as np
from pydrake.all import Quaternion
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, eq, le, ge, SolverOptions, SnoptSolver
from pydrake.all import Quaternion_, AutoDiffXd
import pdb
epsilon = 1e-9
quaternion_epsilon = 1e-9
# Following the suggestion from:
def apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(q, w, t):
# This currently returns a runtime warning of division by zero
# https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/issues/10451
norm_w = np.linalg.norm(w)
if norm_w <= epsilon:
return q
norm_q = np.linalg.norm(q)
if abs(norm_q - 1.0) > quaternion_epsilon:
print(f"WARNING: Quaternion {q} with norm {norm_q} not normalized!")
a = w / norm_w
if q.dtype == AutoDiffXd:
delta_q = Quaternion_[AutoDiffXd](np.hstack([np.cos(norm_w * t/2.0), a*np.sin(norm_w * t/2.0)]).reshape((4,1)))
return Quaternion_[AutoDiffXd](q/norm_q).multiply(delta_q).wxyz()
delta_q = Quaternion(np.hstack([np.cos(norm_w * t/2.0), a*np.sin(norm_w * t/2.0)]).reshape((4,1)))
return Quaternion(q/norm_q).multiply(delta_q).wxyz()
def backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt):
q, qprev, v = np.split(q_qprev_v, [
return q - apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(qprev, v, dt)
N = 2
prog = MathematicalProgram()
q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=4, name='q')
v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=3, name='v')
dt = [0.0, 1.0] # dt[0] is unused
for k in range(N):
(prog.AddConstraint(np.linalg.norm(q[k][0:4]) == 1.)
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] unit quaternion constraint"))
for k in range(1, N):
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda q_qprev_v, dt=dt[k] : backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt),
lb=[0.0]*4, ub=[0.0]*4,
vars=np.concatenate([q[k], q[k-1], v[k]]))
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] backward euler constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])))
.evaluator().set_description("Initial orientation constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[-1], np.array([-0.2955511242573139, 0.25532186031279896, 0.5106437206255979, 0.7659655809383968])))
.evaluator().set_description("Final orientation constraint"))
initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars())
q_guess = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]*N
prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(q, q_guess, initial_guess)
v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guess
prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(v, v_guess, initial_guess)
solver = SnoptSolver()
result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess)
if not result.is_success():
print("---------- INFEASIBLE ----------")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)
print(f"q_sol = {q_sol}")
v_sol = result.GetSolution(v)
print(f"v_sol = {v_sol}")
['q[1] backward euler constraint[0]: 0.000000 <= -1.295551 <= 0.000000', 'q[1] backward euler constraint[1]: 0.000000 <= 0.255322 <= 0.000000', 'q[1] backward euler constraint[2]: 0.000000 <= 0.510644 <= 0.000000', 'q[1] backward euler constraint[3]: 0.000000 <= 0.765966 <= 0.000000']
# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guess
我不能 100% 确定我对链接答案中建议的解释和实施是正确的。我假设涉及四元数的直接转录经常进行,但我找不到任何例子......
附带问题:为什么 snopt 声称我的问题不可行?
import numpy as np
from pydrake.all import Quaternion
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, eq, le, ge, SolverOptions, SnoptSolver
from pydrake.all import Quaternion_, AutoDiffXd
epsilon = 1e-9
quaternion_epsilon = 1e-9
def quat_multiply(q0, q1):
w0, x0, y0, z0 = q0
w1, x1, y1, z1 = q1
return np.array([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0,
x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 + w1*x0,
-x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0,
x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 + w1*z0], dtype=q0.dtype)
# Following the suggestion from:
def apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(q, w_axis, w_mag, t):
delta_q = np.hstack([np.cos(w_mag* t/2.0), w_axis*np.sin(w_mag* t/2.0)])
return quat_multiply(q, delta_q)
def backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt):
q, qprev, w_axis, w_mag = np.split(q_qprev_v, [
4+4, 8 + 3])
return q - apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(qprev, w_axis, w_mag, dt)
N = 2
prog = MathematicalProgram()
q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=4, name='q')
w_axis = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=3, name="w_axis")
w_mag = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=1, name="w_mag")
dt = [0.0, 1.0] # dt[0] is unused
for k in range(N):
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda x: [x @ x], [1], [1], q[k])
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] unit quaternion constraint"))
# Impose unit length constraint on the rotation axis.
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda x: [x @ x], [1], [1], w_axis[k])
.evaluator().set_description(f"w_axis[{k}] unit axis constraint"))
for k in range(1, N):
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda q_qprev_v, dt=dt[k] : backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt),
lb=[0.0]*4, ub=[0.0]*4,
vars=np.concatenate([q[k], q[k-1], w_axis[k], w_mag[k]]))
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] backward euler constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])))
.evaluator().set_description("Initial orientation constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[-1], np.array([-0.2955511242573139, 0.25532186031279896, 0.5106437206255979, 0.7659655809383968])))
.evaluator().set_description("Final orientation constraint"))
w_axis_guess = [[0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 1.]]
w_mag_guess = [[0], [0.]]
# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guess
for k in range(N):
prog.SetInitialGuess(w_axis[k], [0, 0, 1])
prog.SetInitialGuess(w_mag[k], [0])
prog.SetInitialGuess(q[k], [1., 0., 0., 0.])
solver = SnoptSolver()
result = solver.Solve(prog)
if not result.is_success():
print("---------- INFEASIBLE ----------")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)
print(f"q_sol = {q_sol}")
w_axis_sol = result.GetSolution(w_axis)
print(f"w_axis_sol = {w_axis_sol}")
w_mag_sol = result.GetSolution(w_mag)
print(f"w_mag_sol = {w_mag_sol}")
- 使用 [0, 0, 0] 作为 angular 速度的初始猜测可能很糟糕。请注意,在您的原始代码中,您有
w / np.linalg.norm(w)
,其中 w
是 angular 速度。首先,这会导致被零除,其次,只要你的除数很小,梯度 w.r.t 除数就会很大,如此大的梯度会导致基于梯度的非线性优化求解器出现问题。
- 我没有使用 angular 速度
作为决策变量,而是将决策变量更改为 angular 速度的轴和大小,因此无需执行除法 w / np.linalg.norm(w)
- 当有单位长度约束
x' * x = 1
作为初始猜测。原因是当 x
为 0 时此约束 x' * x
的梯度为 0,因此基于梯度的求解器可能不知道如何移动 x
Side question: Why does snopt claim my problem is infeasible?
当snopt声称问题不可行时,并不意味着问题是全局不可行的,只是意味着在它被卡住的邻域中,它找不到解决方案,而在远离它的地方可能有解决方案它被卡住的地方。通常如果你改变最初的猜测,并从解决方案的附近开始,snopt 将更有可能找到解决方案。
作为示例问题,我正在尝试根据链接的建议,使用数学程序在给定起始四元数、结束四元数和特定 dt 的情况下找到 angular 速度。
import numpy as np
from pydrake.all import Quaternion
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, eq, le, ge, SolverOptions, SnoptSolver
from pydrake.all import Quaternion_, AutoDiffXd
import pdb
epsilon = 1e-9
quaternion_epsilon = 1e-9
# Following the suggestion from:
def apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(q, w, t):
# This currently returns a runtime warning of division by zero
# https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/issues/10451
norm_w = np.linalg.norm(w)
if norm_w <= epsilon:
return q
norm_q = np.linalg.norm(q)
if abs(norm_q - 1.0) > quaternion_epsilon:
print(f"WARNING: Quaternion {q} with norm {norm_q} not normalized!")
a = w / norm_w
if q.dtype == AutoDiffXd:
delta_q = Quaternion_[AutoDiffXd](np.hstack([np.cos(norm_w * t/2.0), a*np.sin(norm_w * t/2.0)]).reshape((4,1)))
return Quaternion_[AutoDiffXd](q/norm_q).multiply(delta_q).wxyz()
delta_q = Quaternion(np.hstack([np.cos(norm_w * t/2.0), a*np.sin(norm_w * t/2.0)]).reshape((4,1)))
return Quaternion(q/norm_q).multiply(delta_q).wxyz()
def backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt):
q, qprev, v = np.split(q_qprev_v, [
return q - apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(qprev, v, dt)
N = 2
prog = MathematicalProgram()
q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=4, name='q')
v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=3, name='v')
dt = [0.0, 1.0] # dt[0] is unused
for k in range(N):
(prog.AddConstraint(np.linalg.norm(q[k][0:4]) == 1.)
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] unit quaternion constraint"))
for k in range(1, N):
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda q_qprev_v, dt=dt[k] : backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt),
lb=[0.0]*4, ub=[0.0]*4,
vars=np.concatenate([q[k], q[k-1], v[k]]))
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] backward euler constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])))
.evaluator().set_description("Initial orientation constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[-1], np.array([-0.2955511242573139, 0.25532186031279896, 0.5106437206255979, 0.7659655809383968])))
.evaluator().set_description("Final orientation constraint"))
initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars())
q_guess = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]*N
prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(q, q_guess, initial_guess)
v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guess
prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(v, v_guess, initial_guess)
solver = SnoptSolver()
result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess)
if not result.is_success():
print("---------- INFEASIBLE ----------")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)
print(f"q_sol = {q_sol}")
v_sol = result.GetSolution(v)
print(f"v_sol = {v_sol}")
['q[1] backward euler constraint[0]: 0.000000 <= -1.295551 <= 0.000000', 'q[1] backward euler constraint[1]: 0.000000 <= 0.255322 <= 0.000000', 'q[1] backward euler constraint[2]: 0.000000 <= 0.510644 <= 0.000000', 'q[1] backward euler constraint[3]: 0.000000 <= 0.765966 <= 0.000000']
提供正确答案作为猜测时,程序成功解决# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guess
我不能 100% 确定我对链接答案中建议的解释和实施是正确的。我假设涉及四元数的直接转录经常进行,但我找不到任何例子......
附带问题:为什么 snopt 声称我的问题不可行?
import numpy as np
from pydrake.all import Quaternion
from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, eq, le, ge, SolverOptions, SnoptSolver
from pydrake.all import Quaternion_, AutoDiffXd
epsilon = 1e-9
quaternion_epsilon = 1e-9
def quat_multiply(q0, q1):
w0, x0, y0, z0 = q0
w1, x1, y1, z1 = q1
return np.array([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0,
x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 + w1*x0,
-x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0,
x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 + w1*z0], dtype=q0.dtype)
# Following the suggestion from:
def apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(q, w_axis, w_mag, t):
delta_q = np.hstack([np.cos(w_mag* t/2.0), w_axis*np.sin(w_mag* t/2.0)])
return quat_multiply(q, delta_q)
def backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt):
q, qprev, w_axis, w_mag = np.split(q_qprev_v, [
4+4, 8 + 3])
return q - apply_angular_velocity_to_quaternion(qprev, w_axis, w_mag, dt)
N = 2
prog = MathematicalProgram()
q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=4, name='q')
w_axis = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=3, name="w_axis")
w_mag = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=N, cols=1, name="w_mag")
dt = [0.0, 1.0] # dt[0] is unused
for k in range(N):
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda x: [x @ x], [1], [1], q[k])
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] unit quaternion constraint"))
# Impose unit length constraint on the rotation axis.
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda x: [x @ x], [1], [1], w_axis[k])
.evaluator().set_description(f"w_axis[{k}] unit axis constraint"))
for k in range(1, N):
(prog.AddConstraint(lambda q_qprev_v, dt=dt[k] : backward_euler(q_qprev_v, dt),
lb=[0.0]*4, ub=[0.0]*4,
vars=np.concatenate([q[k], q[k-1], w_axis[k], w_mag[k]]))
.evaluator().set_description(f"q[{k}] backward euler constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])))
.evaluator().set_description("Initial orientation constraint"))
(prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(q[-1], np.array([-0.2955511242573139, 0.25532186031279896, 0.5106437206255979, 0.7659655809383968])))
.evaluator().set_description("Final orientation constraint"))
w_axis_guess = [[0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., 1.]]
w_mag_guess = [[0], [0.]]
# v_guess = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 2., 3.]] # Uncomment this for the correct guess
for k in range(N):
prog.SetInitialGuess(w_axis[k], [0, 0, 1])
prog.SetInitialGuess(w_mag[k], [0])
prog.SetInitialGuess(q[k], [1., 0., 0., 0.])
solver = SnoptSolver()
result = solver.Solve(prog)
if not result.is_success():
print("---------- INFEASIBLE ----------")
q_sol = result.GetSolution(q)
print(f"q_sol = {q_sol}")
w_axis_sol = result.GetSolution(w_axis)
print(f"w_axis_sol = {w_axis_sol}")
w_mag_sol = result.GetSolution(w_mag)
print(f"w_mag_sol = {w_mag_sol}")
- 使用 [0, 0, 0] 作为 angular 速度的初始猜测可能很糟糕。请注意,在您的原始代码中,您有
w / np.linalg.norm(w)
是 angular 速度。首先,这会导致被零除,其次,只要你的除数很小,梯度 w.r.t 除数就会很大,如此大的梯度会导致基于梯度的非线性优化求解器出现问题。 - 我没有使用 angular 速度
作为决策变量,而是将决策变量更改为 angular 速度的轴和大小,因此无需执行除法w / np.linalg.norm(w)
了。请注意,我在轴上施加了单位长度约束。 - 当有单位长度约束
x' * x = 1
为 0 时此约束x' * x
的梯度为 0,因此基于梯度的求解器可能不知道如何移动x
Side question: Why does snopt claim my problem is infeasible?
当snopt声称问题不可行时,并不意味着问题是全局不可行的,只是意味着在它被卡住的邻域中,它找不到解决方案,而在远离它的地方可能有解决方案它被卡住的地方。通常如果你改变最初的猜测,并从解决方案的附近开始,snopt 将更有可能找到解决方案。