根据 UICollectionView 内容大小高度更改 UITableViewCell 高度

Change UITableViewCell Height based UICollectionView content size height

我正在使用 UICollectionView.


UICollectionView 位于 UITableViewCellheightForRowAt方法中的UITableViewCellreturn UITableView.automaticDimension

用于创建日历的 UICollectionView 根据显示的天数更新其高度,例如 11 月 有其 第一天是星期天 所以要将这一天放在标签 "Sunday"collectionView 必须添加一整行。

通常 每个月有 5 行(周),但是当 一个月的第一天 发生在 星期日 collectionview returns 6

现在正如我所说,我可以根据行数 returns 更新 UICollectionView 的高度,但我无法动态更改 [=71= TableViewCell 的 ]height 包含 collectionView

如何根据其中 CollectionView 的高度调整 tableViewCell 的大小?



我已将包含 CalendarView

的单元格的高度设置为 UITableView.automaticDimension

在classCalendarView: UIView我创建了一个变量CGFloat calendarH来设置collectionView的默认高度

CollectionView 实现

我添加了一个观察器,它在 collctionView 发生变化时跟踪其高度

我目前可以更改 collectionView 的高度,但它的超级视图 (bookingCalendarView) 和 tableView 单元格继续保持固定高度并且不适应 collectionView

您需要为集合视图的高度限制创建 @IBOutlet





首先,我建议您忘记使用“自动调整大小”的集合视图。 UICollectionView 旨在根据集合视图的大小 布局单元格 ,当单元格过多时提供自动滚动。

尝试“自我调整”可能在一个实例中工作,但在另一个实例中失败。在这种情况下它失败的原因是因为您的 table 视图布局单元格并计算其高度 之前填充集合视图,因此在它可以“自我调整大小”之前。

相反,因为您知道您的单元格高度是 75,所以您可以计算您的日历需要多少行,然后为您的集合视图设置 .constant 高度限制,或者(因为您已经在使用 heightForRowAt) 计算那里的行高。


let dateComponents = DateComponents(year: year, month: month)
// startDate will be the first date of the month (Jan 1, Feb 1, Mar 1, etc...)
guard let startDate = calendar.date(from: dateComponents) else {
    fatalError("Something is wrong with the date!")
// get the range of days in the month
guard let range = calendar.range(of: .day, in: .month, for: startDate) else {
    fatalError("Something is wrong with the date!")
// get number of days in the month
let numberOfDaysInMonth = range.count
// get the day of the week for the first date in the month
//  this returns 1-based numbering
//  Nov 1, 2020 was a Sunday, so this would return 1
let startDayOfWeek = Calendar.current.component(.weekday, from: startDate)
// add the "leading days to the start date"
//  so, if startDayOfWeek == 3 (Tuesday)
//  we need to add 2 "empty day cells" for Sunday and Monday
let totalCellsNeeded = numberOfDaysInMonth + (startDayOfWeek - 1)
// calculate number of rows needed -- this will be 4, 5 or 6
//  the only time we get 4 is if Feb 1st in a non-leapYear falls on a Sunday
let numRows = Int(ceil(Double(totalCellsNeeded) / Double(7)))
// we now know the Height needed for the collection view
//  you said your calendar cell height is 75, so...
//  cvHeight = numRows * 75

我们可以把它放在一个循环中,然后 print() 像这样将信息发送到调试控制台:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    let calendar = Calendar.current

    // 2026 is the next year where Feb starts on a Sunday
    //  so let's use that year to see that we get 4 rows for Feb
    let year = 2026
    for month in 1...12 {
        let dateComponents = DateComponents(year: year, month: month)
        // startDate will be the first date of the month (Jan 1, Feb 1, Mar 1, etc...)
        guard let startDate = calendar.date(from: dateComponents) else {
            fatalError("Something is wrong with the date!")
        // get the range of days in the month
        guard let range = calendar.range(of: .day, in: .month, for: startDate) else {
            fatalError("Something is wrong with the date!")
        // get number of days in the month
        let numberOfDaysInMonth = range.count
        // get the day of the week for the first date in the month
        //  this returns 1-based numbering
        //  Nov 1, 2020 was a Sunday, so this would return 1
        let startDayOfWeek = Calendar.current.component(.weekday, from: startDate)
        // add the "leading days to the start date"
        //  so, if startDayOfWeek == 3 (Tuesday)
        //  we need to add 2 "empty day cells" for Sunday and Monday
        let totalCellsNeeded = numberOfDaysInMonth + (startDayOfWeek - 1)
        // calculate number of rows needed -- this will be 4, 5 or 6
        //  the only time we get 4 is if Feb 1st in a non-leapYear falls on a Sunday
        let numRows = Int(ceil(Double(totalCellsNeeded) / Double(7)))
        // we now know the Height needed for the collection view
        //  you said your calendar cell height is 75, so...
        //  cvHeight = numRows * 75
        // debug output
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE"
        let dayName = dateFormatter.string(from: startDate)
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "LLLL y"
        let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from: startDate)
        let dayPadded = dayName.padding(toLength: 10, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0)
        let datePadded = dateString.padding(toLength: 16, withPad: " ", startingAt: 0)

        print("\(datePadded) has \(numberOfDaysInMonth) days, starting on \(dayPadded) requiring \(numRows) rows")


January 2026     has 31 days, starting on Thursday   requiring 5 rows
February 2026    has 28 days, starting on Sunday     requiring 4 rows
March 2026       has 31 days, starting on Sunday     requiring 5 rows
April 2026       has 30 days, starting on Wednesday  requiring 5 rows
May 2026         has 31 days, starting on Friday     requiring 6 rows
June 2026        has 30 days, starting on Monday     requiring 5 rows
July 2026        has 31 days, starting on Wednesday  requiring 5 rows
August 2026      has 31 days, starting on Saturday   requiring 6 rows
September 2026   has 30 days, starting on Tuesday    requiring 5 rows
October 2026     has 31 days, starting on Thursday   requiring 5 rows
November 2026    has 30 days, starting on Sunday     requiring 5 rows
December 2026    has 31 days, starting on Tuesday    requiring 5 rows


  • cellForRowAt ...计算出需要的高度并在单元格中设置CV高度,或者
  • heightForRowAt ... 计算并return 行所需的高度
