如果 Visa 不允许,adyen 如何提供提现?

How does adyen offer cashout if this is not allowed by Visa?

A​​dyen 对现金返还和提款的定义如下: https://docs.adyen.com/point-of-sale/cashback-and-cash-out

With their purchase (cashback). Without a purchase (cash out).

Visa Transaction Acceptance Device Guide 说:“现金返还金额等于总交易额的回复 金额(这是不允许的)。


我查看了 mastercard 文档并发现了这个:

Merchants in South Africa that have received prior approval from their acquirers may offer a purchase with cash back transaction with or without an accompanying purchase to any cardholder for intra-country transactions. PIN verification must be obtained for each purchase with cash back transaction without an accompanying purchase.

因此根据此万事达卡允许现金返还而无需伴随购买。看来不允许这是 VISA 特定的或者我误解了文档。

https://docs.adyen.com/point-of-sale/cashback-and-cash-out 的完整引述是:

Shoppers using an EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale) card in Australia can obtain a small amount of cash from their account, either:

  • With their purchase (cashback).
  • Without a purchase (cash out).

所以确实不能使用 Visa 或 Mastercard,只能使用 EFTPOS 卡。