YouTube 数据 API 'youtube#channel' 查询:'brandingSettings.image' 从 2020 年 11 月 11 日起不再可用?

YouTube Data API 'youtube#channel' query: the 'brandingSettings.image' is no longer available as of 11-11-2020?

使用 YouTube 数据 API,进行 'youtube#channel' 查询,brandingSettings.image 自 11-11-2020 起不再可用?有没有其他人注意到这一点?有什么办法可以让 brandingSettings.image.bannerImageUrl 向前发展吗?

这是 API URL 用于 return 频道的 bannerImageUrl:[your key].

谢谢, -基思

确实,官方 API 修订历史文档明确指出(尽管日期不同):

September 9, 2020

This update covers the following API changes. All changes will go into effect on or after 9 September 2020, the date of this announcement. With that in mind, developers should no longer rely on any of the API features listed below.

  • The following API resources, methods, parameters, and resource properties are deprecated immediately and will stop working on or after the date of this announcement:
    • The following channel resource properties:
      • The brandingSettings.image object and all of its child properties


此公告表示不会替代已弃用和删除的 Channel 资源属性。 brandingSettings.image.


此外,据我所知,没有其他 API 端点可以以一种或另一种方式提供这些属性。