Kotlinx 序列化 MissingFieldException

Kotlinx Serialization MissingFieldException

我正在使用 Ktor 从 Moshi 转换为 kotlinx 序列化,当我尝试发出获取数据的请求时出现此错误

kotlinx.serialization.MissingFieldException: Field 'attachments' is required, but it was missing



    "data": {
        "id": "1299418846990921728",
        "text": "This is a test"

但是我的序列化 class 的 attachments 字段可以为空(它只在需要时出现在响应中)所以它应该忽略它我认为就像它对 Moshi

data class ResponseData(
    val id: Long
    val attachments: Attachments?,
    val author_id: String?,
    val text: String

在我的 Ktor 客户端设置中,我将其设置为忽略未知密钥

private val _client: HttpClient = HttpClient(engine) {
    install(JsonFeature) {
        val json = Json {
            this.isLenient = true
            this.ignoreUnknownKeys = true
        serializer = KotlinxSerializer(json)



为了让它真正成为可选的,您需要给它一个默认值,例如,数据 class 与可空值

data class ResponseData(
    val id: Long
    val attachments: Attachments? = null,
    val author_id: String? = null,
    val text: String


从 v1.3.0 开始,您可以配置 Json 功能以将缺失的字段视为 null,使用 explicitNulls = false

install(JsonFeature) {
    serializer = KotlinxSerializer(
        json = kotlinx.serialization.json.Json {
            explicitNulls = false

explicitNulls 的文档:

Specifies whether null values should be encoded for nullable properties and must be present in JSON object during decoding. When this flag is disabled properties with null values without default are not encoded; during decoding, the absence of a field value is treated as null for nullable properties without a default value. true by default.