如何使用 ChoETL 附加到同一个 csv 文件?

How to append to the same csv file with ChoETL?

目前我在下面的代码调用 JsonToCsv() 来解析 JSON 文件并相应地附加到 csv,所以结果是这样的:


File Name    Page  Practice Name
file1.json   1     Associates & Co 

但是,如您所见,我正在使用 for 循环迭代一堆 JSON 文件,我的意图是解析它们并将它们附加到 csv。所以如果我有 3 json 个文件,预期的 csv 文件应该像这样:

File Name    Page  Practice Name
fileXYZ.json 1     XYZ & Co
fileAB2.json 1     ABC & Co
file1.json   1     Associates & Co

然而,发生的事情是 csv 文件被覆盖,我只能看到 csv 文件中最后一个文件的结果。我如何让它附加到同一个文件?

static void Main(string[] args)
    //Output to CSV
    foreach (var jsonFile in Directory.GetFiles(jsonFilesPath))
        JsonToCsv(jsonFile, csvFilePath);

public static void JsonToCsv(string jsonInputFile, string csvFile)
    using (var p = new ChoJSONReader(jsonInputFile).WithJSONPath("$..readResults"))
        using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csvFile)//.WithFirstLineHeader())
            .WithField("FileName", fieldName: "File Name")
            .WithField("PracticeName", fieldName: "Practice Name")
            // Limit the result to page 1 since the fields below only exist on the 1st page
                .Where(r1 => r1.page == 1)
                .Select(r1 =>
                    var lines = (dynamic[])r1.lines;
                    return new
                        FileName = inputFile,
                        Page = r1.page,
                        PracticeName = lines[6].text,


public static void JsonToCsv(IEnumerable<string> jsonInputFiles, string csvFile)
    using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csvFile)
        .WithField("FileName", fieldName: "File Name")
        .WithField("PracticeName", fieldName: "Practice Name")
        foreach (var jsonInputFile in jsonInputFiles)
            using (var p = new ChoJSONReader(jsonInputFile).WithJSONPath("$..readResults"))
                    .Where(r1 => r1.page == 1)
                    .Select(r1 =>
                        var lines = (dynamic[])r1.lines;
                        return new
                            FileName = inputFile,
                            Page = r1.page,
                            PracticeName = lines[6].text,

第二个选项。将 FileStream 与 A​​ppend 选项一起使用,并做一些额外的代码来处理不同的情况,请参阅评论。

using (var fs = new FileStream(@"D:\file.csv", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))
    using (var writer = new ChoCSVWriter(fs))
        writer.WithField("FileName", fieldName: "File Name")
            .WithField("PracticeName", fieldName: "Practice Name");

        if (fs.Position == 0) // we don't need header if file already existed before

            FileName = "Test",
            Page = 1,
            PracticeName = "Abc"


    fs.Write(Environment.NewLine); // append new line carrier so we don't write to the same line when file reopened for writing

第三个选项 - 来自评论(基于第二个)。在创建和附加选项之间切换

bool someCondition = true;
FileMode fileMode = someCondition ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create;
using (var fs = new FileStream(@"D:\file.csv", fileMode, FileAccess.Write))