
Automatically retrieve Allowed Types for Constrained Language mode

为了我的爱好项目ConvertTo-Expression, I would like the output expression of my cmdlet (by default) compliant with the Constrained Language mode。为此,我可能会包含一个硬编码的 列表,其中包含 Allowed Types:

$AllowedTypes = # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_language_modes?view=powershell-7

但我宁愿从 PowerShell 本身自动检索 允许类型列表 ,因为我知道那将是最新版本(例如 [Ordered] 类型是'在网站上列出,但在受限语言模式下似乎是允许的。

我如何检查(在 full 语言模式 中)特定类型是否符合 constrained 语言模式?

How can I check (in full language mode) if a specific type is compliant with constrained language mode?

您可以根据下面进一步定义的 Test-TypePermitted 函数使用如下内容:

PS> [System.IO.FileInfo], [int] | Test-TypePermitted -Mode Constrained

TypeName           Permitted Message
--------           --------- -------
System.IO.FileInfo     False Cannot create type. Only core types are supported in this language mode.
System.Int32            True 

关于 PowerShell 语言模式的官方 docs(您也 link 提出问题):about_Language_Modes

Test-TypePermitted 函数:

function Test-TypePermitted {

  [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]
    [Type[]] $Type
    [Parameter(Position = 1)]
    [ValidateSet('Restricted', 'Constrained', 'FullLanguage')]
    $LanguageMode = 'Constrained'

  begin {
    try {
      $ps = [powershell]::Create()
      $ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.LanguageMode = $LanguageMode
    } catch { Throw }

  process {
    foreach ($t in $type) {

      $expression = switch -Wildcard ($LanguageMode) {
        'Restricted*' {
          # In 'RestrictedLanguage' mode, seemingly just referencing the *type*
          # of a non-permitted type causes an error.
          '[{0}]' -f $t.FullName
        Default {
          # In 'ConstrainedLanguage' mode, whether a type is permitted or not
          # only surfaces when you try to *construct an instance*.
          # Note: New-Object can construct value types even without argument.
          #       For reference types, it succeeds only if there is a (public)
          #       parameterless constructor.
          #       However, fortunately, construction isn't even attempted if
          #       the type isn't permitted.
          'New-Object ''{0}''' -f $t.FullName

      $message = $null
      $permitted = try {
        if ($ps.AddScript($expression).Invoke().Count -ne 0) {
        } elseif ($ps.Streams.Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -Match 'CannotFindAppropriateCtor') {
          # Type is permitted in principle, but couldn't be constructed due to not having a parameterless constructor.
        } else {
          # Type is not permitted.
          $message = $ps.Streams.Error[0].ToString()
      } catch { # Happens in RestrictedLanguage mode.
        # Type is not permitted.
        $message = ($_.ToString() -split '\r?\n')[-1].TrimEnd('"')

    [pscustomobject] @{
      TypeName = $t.FullName
      Permitted = $permitted
      Message = $message

    # Prepare for next iteration.
    $ps.Commands.Clear(); $ps.Streams.ClearStreams()

  end {
