未收到推送通知 - AWS SNS 和 Expo

Push Notification not received - AWS SNS and Expo

我正在尝试使用 AWS SNS 发送我的推送通知。我现在只是在测试。我已经在 SNS 中创建了平台和端点。当我从 SNS 控制台发送推送通知时,我毫无问题地收到了它。这就是我从那里发送它的方式:

{"GCM": "{ \"notification\": {\"title\": \"Test\", \"body\": \"It works\" } }"}

现在,我正在尝试使用 Javascript SDK 以编程方式发送推送通知,但我无法使其正常工作。我正在真实 Android phone 上测试该应用程序。它连接到我在本地托管的服务器应用程序。当应用程序打开时,我按下一个按钮,向我的本地服务器应用程序发送一个 http 请求,然后它尝试发送推送通知。

奇怪的是我收到推送通知已发送的消息,但我从未在 phone:

Push notification sent successfully!!!!  {
  ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: 'XXX-5913-996f-b8ec0c010eac' },
  MessageId: 'XXX-5308-98e3-0689b03df4b7'


module.exports.sendPushNotification = () => {
    var sns = new AWS.SNS({ apiVersion: '2010-03-31', region: 'us-east-1'});

    var params = {
        Message: `{
            "GCM": "{ \"notification\": {\"title\": \"Test\", \"body\": \"It works\" } }"
        TargetArn: "######My Device ARN#######"

    sns.publish(params, function(err, data) {
        if (err) {
            console.log("There was an error sending the push notification----> ", err)
        } // an error occurred
            console.log("Push notification sent successfully!!!! ", data);
        }                // successful response


感谢一位名叫“Jitesh Prajapati”的人在 Facebook 上给了我这个问题的答案。它是这样工作的:

var sns = new AWS.SNS({ apiVersion: '2010-03-31', region: 'us-east-1'})
        let notification = JSON.stringify({
            'notification': {
                'title': "Notification Title",
                'body': "Your message goes here",
                'data': {}
        var params = {
            Message: JSON.stringify({
                GCM: notification
            MessageStructure: "json",
            TargetArn: "### Your target ARN ###"
        sns.publish(params, function(err, data) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("There was an error sending the push notification----> ", err)
            } // an error occurred
                console.log("Push notification sent successfully!!!! ", data);
            }                // successful response