修改 Fib 脚本以遇到会话

Modify a Fib script to encounter sessions

Drawing/explenation 我需要根据会话“1700-1700”调整以下脚本 (© TradeChartist),我不确定如何以正确的方式输入时间公式。已设置为每天使用,但这并不能解决我的问题...

2 如果 61,8 超过 15 点,第二个需要调整为两个时段。



// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © TradeChartist

study("Fib Retracement", overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000)

Fibs            = input("Plot Fibs based on Lookback", options = ["Plot Fibs based on Lookback", "Plot Fibs based on Price Input"], title = "Fibonacci Plot Type")

FIBS            = Fibs == "Plot Fibs based on Lookback"?1:Fibs == "Plot Fibs based on Price Input"?2:na

Foption         = input(defval = "1. Candles" , title = "Fibonacci Plot Lookback Type", options=["2. Days", "1. Candles"]) 
FP              = input(defval =     100 , title = "Days/Candles to Lookback") 
Reverse         = input(defval =  false , title = "Reverse Fibonacci Levels?")
ExtraFibs       = input(false, "Show 0.886 and 1.113 Fibs")

Note            = input(true, "════      ════")
High            = input(0., minval = 0,  title = "High - Enter Value")
Low             = input(-1., minval = -1, title = "Low - Enter Value")

Note2           = input(true, "══════  /  ══════")
Bull_Color      = input(#008000, type=input.color, title = "Support Fibs Color")
Bear_Color      = input(#ff0000, type=input.color, title = "Resistance Fibs Color")
CurrentFib      = input(false, "Show Fib Level of Current Price")
Current_Color   = input(color.orange, type=input.color, title = "Current Fib Label Color")
LineStyle       = input("Dotted", options = ["Dotted", "Solid"], title = "Fib Line Style")
LineWidth       = input(1, minval=1, maxval=3,title = "Fib Line Width")
Ext             = input(false, "Extend Lines Left")

// Transparency = input("Low", options = ["High", "Medium", "Low"], title="Fib Line Transparency")

BullColor       = Bull_Color//Transparency == "High"?color.new(#008000,75):Transparency == "Medium"?color.new(#008000,50):Bull_Color
BearColor       = Bear_Color//Transparency == "High"?color.new(#ff0000,75):Transparency == "Medium"?color.new(#ff0000,50):Bear_Color

FPeriod         = timeframe.isintraday and Foption=="2. Days"? (1440/timeframe.multiplier)*FP: 
                     timeframe.isdaily and Foption=="2. Days"? FP/timeframe.multiplier: 
                     timeframe.isweekly and Foption=="2. Days"? FP/(7*timeframe.multiplier): 
                     timeframe.ismonthly and Foption=="2. Days"? FP/(28*timeframe.multiplier): 
                     Foption=="1. Candles"? FP:100

Fhigh           = FIBS==1? highest(FPeriod) : FIBS == 2 and High == 0? highest(high,100): FIBS == 2 and High!=0? High:na
Flow            = FIBS==1? lowest(FPeriod) : FIBS == 2 and Low == -1? lowest(low,100): FIBS == 2 and High!=-1? Low:na
FH              = FIBS == 1?highestbars(high,FPeriod): 1
FL              = FIBS == 1?lowestbars(low,FPeriod): 2
revfibs         = not Reverse? FL>FH : FL<FH

Fib_x(n) =>
    revfibs ? (Fhigh-Flow)*n+Flow : Fhigh-(Fhigh-Flow)*n

Current         = revfibs?(close-Flow)/(Fhigh-Flow):(Fhigh-close)/(Fhigh-Flow)

var label Current_Fib_Label = na

if(CurrentFib and barstate.islast)
    Current_Fib_Label := label.new(bar_index, close, tostring(Current, "##.##"), textcolor = Current_Color, color = color.new(#000000,100), style=label.style_label_left, yloc=yloc.price)

EXTEND          = Ext?extend.left:extend.none 
STYLE           = LineStyle=="Dotted"?line.style_dotted:line.style_solid
WIDTH           = LineWidth

BB = FIBS==1?(FL<FH?bar_index[-FL]:bar_index[-FH]):FIBS==2?bar_index[50]:bar_index[50]

Fib_line(x)  => 
    var line ln = na
    ln:=line.new(BB, x, bar_index, x, color = close>x? BullColor:BearColor, extend=EXTEND ,style=STYLE, width = WIDTH)

Fib_label(x,_txt) => 
    var label lbl = na
    lbl:=label.new(bar_index, x, _txt + tostring(x, "##.########") + " )", textcolor = close>x?BullColor:BearColor, color = color.new(#000000,100), style=label.style_label_left, yloc=yloc.price)

Fib0        =    Fib_line(Fib_x(0))
Fib236      =    Fib_line(Fib_x(0.236))
Fib382      =    Fib_line(Fib_x(0.382))
Fib500      =    Fib_line(Fib_x(0.500))
Fib618      =    Fib_line(Fib_x(0.618))
Fib786      =    Fib_line(Fib_x(0.786))
Fib1000     =    Fib_line(Fib_x(1.000))

Fib886      =    ExtraFibs?Fib_line(Fib_x(0.886)):na


    Fib1113 =   ExtraFibs?Fib_line(Fib_x(1.113)):na    
    Fib1272 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(1.272))
    Fib1618 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(1.618))
    Fib2000 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(2.000))
    Fib2236 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(2.236))
    Fib2618 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(2.618))
    Fib3236 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(3.236))
    Fib3618 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(3.618))
    Fib4236 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(4.236))
    Fib4618 =   Fib_line(Fib_x(4.618))

LFib0       =      Fib_label(Fib_x(0), "0 ( ")
LFib236     =      Fib_label(Fib_x(0.236), "0.236 ( ")
LFib382     =      Fib_label(Fib_x(0.382), "0.382 ( ")
LFib500     =      Fib_label(Fib_x(0.500), "0.500 ( ")
LFib618     =      Fib_label(Fib_x(0.618), "0.618 ( ")
LFib786     =      Fib_label(Fib_x(0.786), "0.786 ( ")
LFib1000    =      Fib_label(Fib_x(1.000), "1.000 ( ")

LFib886     =      ExtraFibs?Fib_label(Fib_x(0.886), "0.886 ( "):na


    LFib1113 =      ExtraFibs?Fib_label(Fib_x(1.113), "1.113 ( "):na   
    LFib1272 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(1.272), "1.272 ( ")
    LFib1618 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(1.618), "1.618 ( ")
    LFib2000 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(2.000), "2.000 ( ")
    LFib2236 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(2.236), "2.236 ( ")
    LFib2618 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(2.618), "2.618 ( ")
    LFib3236 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(3.236), "3.236 ( ")
    LFib3618 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(3.618), "3.618 ( ")
    LFib4236 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(4.236), "4.236 ( ")
    LFib4618 =      Fib_label(Fib_x(4.618), "4.618 ( ")


study("Fib Retracement", overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000)

var int     sessionStartHour = input(17,    "Session start hour (UTC)",   input.integer)
var bool    extendLeft       = input(false, "Fib line extend left",       input.bool)
var bool    extendRight      = input(false, "Fib line extend right",      input.bool)
var float   fibBreakLevel    = input(61.80, "Fib break level",            input.float)
var int     fibBreakDistance = input(10,    "Level break distance (ticks)", input.integer)

var float   fibBreakLevelPrice = na
var string  extendType       = extendLeft and extendRight ? extend.both : extendRight ? extend.right :  extendLeft ? extend.left : extend.none
var float   curSessionHi     = na
var float   curSessionLo     = na
var float   prevSessionHi    = na
var float   prevSessionLo    = na
var int     curHour          = na
var int     curBarIndexHi    = na
var int     curBarIndexLo    = na
var int     prevBarIndexHi   = na
var int     prevBarIndexLo   = na
var int     fibLevelCount    = na
var bool    lowFirst         = na
var int     fibStartBar      = na
var         arrFibLevels     = array.new_float()
var         arrFibColors     = array.new_color()
var bool    levelBroken      = na

var l0 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l1 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l2 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l3 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l4 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l5 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l6 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l7 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l8 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var l9 = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)

f_moveLine(_id, _x, _y, _color) =>
    line.set_xy1(_id, _x, _y)
    line.set_xy2(_id, bar_index, _y)
    line.set_color(_id, _color)

fib_setLevels() =>
    array.push(arrFibLevels,  00.00), array.push(arrFibColors, color.green)
    array.push(arrFibLevels,  23.60), array.push(arrFibColors, color.blue)
    array.push(arrFibLevels,  38.20), array.push(arrFibColors, color.blue)
    array.push(arrFibLevels,  50.00), array.push(arrFibColors, color.blue)
    array.push(arrFibLevels,  61.80), array.push(arrFibColors, color.yellow)
    array.push(arrFibLevels,  78.60), array.push(arrFibColors, color.blue)
    array.push(arrFibLevels, 100.00), array.push(arrFibColors, color.red)

fib_retrace(_startBar, _levelLo, _levelHi, _lowFirst) => 
    var float level0   = na
    var float level    = na
    var line  ln       = na
    var int   dir      = na
    var color fibColor = na
    var float breakPrice = na
    var float fibLevel = na

    dir := _lowFirst ? 1 : -1
    fibRange = abs(_levelHi - _levelLo)
    level0 := _lowFirst ? _levelLo : _levelHi
    for i = 0 to fibLevelCount-1
        ln       := i==0 ? l0 : i==1 ? l1 : i==2 ? l2 : i==3 ? l3 : i==4 ? l4 : i==5 ? l5 : i==6 ? l6 : i==7 ? l7 : i==8 ? l8 : i==9 ? l9 : na
        fibLevel := array.get(arrFibLevels, i)
        level    := level0 + (dir * fibRange * fibLevel/100)
        if (fibLevel == fibBreakLevel)
            breakPrice := level
        fibColor := array.get(arrFibColors, i)
        f_moveLine(ln, _startBar, level, fibColor)

if barstate.isfirst
    fibLevelCount := fib_setLevels()
curHour := hour(time, 'UTC')
newSession = (curHour == sessionStartHour) and change(curHour)

if newSession

    prevSessionHi  := curSessionHi
    prevSessionLo  := curSessionLo
    prevBarIndexHi := curBarIndexHi
    prevBarIndexLo := curBarIndexLo

    lowFirst       := prevBarIndexLo < prevBarIndexHi
    fibStartBar    := lowFirst ? prevBarIndexLo : prevBarIndexHi

    curSessionLo   := na
    curSessionHi   := na
    curBarIndexHi  := na
    curBarIndexLo  := na
    levelBroken    := na

// Draw fibs for prev session
fibBreakLevelPrice := fib_retrace(fibStartBar, prevSessionLo, prevSessionHi, lowFirst)

if lowFirst
    levelBroken := close > (fibBreakLevelPrice + (fibBreakDistance * syminfo.mintick))
    levelBroken := close < (fibBreakLevelPrice - (fibBreakDistance * syminfo.mintick))

curSessionHi  := max(high, nz(curSessionHi))
curSessionLo  := min(low,  nz(curSessionLo, 1.0e23))
curBarIndexHi := change(curSessionHi) ? bar_index : curBarIndexHi
curBarIndexLo := change(curSessionLo) ? bar_index : curBarIndexLo

if levelBroken
    prevSessionHi  := max(prevSessionHi, curSessionHi)
    prevSessionLo  := min(prevSessionLo, curSessionLo)

// Debug section
// plotchar(prevSessionLo, "prevSessionLo", "")
// plotchar(prevSessionHi, "prevSessionHi", "")
// plotchar(prevBarIndexLo, "prevBarIndexLo", "")
// plotchar(prevBarIndexHi, "prevBarIndexHi", "")
// plotchar(curBarIndexLo, "curBarIndexLo", "")
// plotchar(curBarIndexHi, "curBarIndexHi", "")
// plotchar(lowFirst, "lowFirst", "")
// plotchar(bar_index, "bar_index", "")
// plotchar(fibStartBar, "fibStartBar", "")
// plotchar(fibBreakLevelPrice, "fibBreakLevelPrice", "")
// plotchar(levelBroken, "levelBroken", "")

bgcolor(newSession ? color.yellow : na)

2020 年 12 月 2 日更新:

study("Fib retr 4", overlay=true, max_bars_back=5000)
// study("Fib retr 4", overlay=true)

// ======== INPUTS ========
// {
var bool    i_extend_left           = input(false,  "Fib line extend left",     input.bool)
var bool    i_extend_right          = input(false,  "Fib line extend right",    input.bool)
var float   i_fib_break_level       = input(61.80,  "Fib break level",          input.float)
var float   i_fib_break_margin      = input(00.00,  "Fib break margin",         input.float)
// } === END INPUTS ===

// ======== VARIABLES ========
// {
var bool    newSession              = na
var string  extendType              = i_extend_left and i_extend_right ? extend.both : i_extend_right ? extend.right :  i_extend_left ? extend.left : extend.none
var int     sessionsBack            = 0
var int     max_keep_sessions       = 100

var float[] arr_fib_levels          = array.new_float()
var color[] arr_fib_colors          = array.new_color()
var float[] arr_fib_draw_coords     = array.new_float() // (x1, y1, x2, y2)

var line    l0                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l1                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l2                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l3                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l4                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l5                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l6                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l7                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l8                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)
var line    l9                      = line.new(x1=na, y1=na, x2=na, y2=na, extend=extendType)

var float   fibLevelToBreak         = na
var bool    fibLevelBroken          = na

var int[] arrNewSessionBars = array.new_int(na)
var int barsBack = na

// } === END VARIABLES ===

// ========= FUNCTIONS =========
// {
f_move_horizontal_line(_line_id, _bar_start, _level, _bar_stop, _color) =>
// {
    line.set_xy1(_line_id, _bar_start, _level)
    line.set_xy2(_line_id, _bar_stop,  _level)
    line.set_color(_line_id, _color)
// }

// Initializes fibonacci levels and colors.
f_fib_init_levels(_arr_fib_levels, _arr_fib_colors) =>
// {
    array.push(_arr_fib_levels,  00.00), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.green)
    // array.push(_arr_fib_levels,  23.60), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.blue)
    // array.push(_arr_fib_levels,  38.20), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.blue)
    // array.push(_arr_fib_levels,  50.00), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.blue)
    array.push(_arr_fib_levels,  61.80), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.yellow)
    // array.push(_arr_fib_levels,  78.60), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.blue)
    array.push(_arr_fib_levels, 100.00), array.push(_arr_fib_colors, color.red)
// }

// Retrieves the direction of the fibonacci retracement for the given coords (point1, point2)
f_fib_get_direction_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) => (_y1 < _y2) ? -1 : (_y1 > _y2) ? 1 : 0

// Retrieves the zero level of the fibonacci retracement for the given coords (point1, point2)
f_fib_get_level_zero_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) => _y2

// Retrieves specifications from a fibonacci retracement for the given coords (point1, point2)
f_fib_get_specs_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) =>
// {
    fib_range       = abs(_y1 - _y2)
    fib_direction   = f_fib_get_direction_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2)
    fib_level_zero  = f_fib_get_level_zero_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2)
    [fib_range, fib_direction, fib_level_zero]
// }

// Draws a fibonacci retracement with given coordinates.
f_fib_draw_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _x_stop) =>
// {
    // Fib is drawn from point1 to point2. Point1 = 100%-level, Point2 = 0%-level.
    var int fib_linecount = array.size(arr_fib_levels)

    if not fib_linecount
        f_fib_init_levels(arr_fib_levels, arr_fib_colors)
        fib_linecount := array.size(arr_fib_levels)

    [fib_range, fib_direction, fib_level_zero] = f_fib_get_specs_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2)
    fib_x_start     = min(_x1, _x2)
    fib_x_stop      = max(max(_x1, _x2), nz(_x_stop) ? _x_stop : bar_index)
    for i = 0 to fib_linecount-1
        fib_line    = i==0 ? l0 : i==1 ? l1 : i==2 ? l2 : i==3 ? l3 : i==4 ? l4 : i==5 ? l5 : i==6 ? l6 : i==7 ? l7 : i==8 ? l8 : i==9 ? l9 : na
        fib_level   = fib_level_zero + (fib_direction * fib_range * array.get(arr_fib_levels, i) / 100)
        fib_color   = array.get(arr_fib_colors, i)
        f_move_horizontal_line(fib_line, fib_x_start, fib_level, fib_x_stop, fib_color)
// }

// Retrieves the value of the requested fib level for the given coords (point1, point2)
f_fib_get_level_value_for_coords(_requested_fib_level, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) =>
// {
    [fib_range, fib_direction, fib_level_zero] = f_fib_get_specs_for_coords(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2)
    fib_level = fib_level_zero + (fib_direction * fib_range * _requested_fib_level/100)
// }

// f_getHiLoCoords(_sessionsBack) =>
f_getHiLoCoords(_len) =>
    lo      = lowest(_len)
    hi      = highest(_len)
    bar_lo  = bar_index + lowestbars(_len)
    bar_hi  = bar_index + highestbars(_len)
    if bar_lo < bar_hi
        [bar_lo, lo, bar_hi, hi]
        [bar_hi, hi, bar_lo, lo]

f_setFibDrawCoords(_barsBack) =>
    [x1, y1, x2, y2] = f_getHiLoCoords(_barsBack)
    array.push(arr_fib_draw_coords, x1), array.push(arr_fib_draw_coords, y1)
    array.push(arr_fib_draw_coords, x2), array.push(arr_fib_draw_coords, y2)

f_getFibDrawCoords() =>
    x1 = int(array.get(arr_fib_draw_coords, 0)), y1 = array.get(arr_fib_draw_coords, 1)
    x2 = int(array.get(arr_fib_draw_coords, 2)), y2 = array.get(arr_fib_draw_coords, 3)
    [x1, y1, x2, y2]

f_fib_draw(_x_stop) =>
    [x1, y1, x2, y2] = f_getFibDrawCoords()
    f_fib_draw_coords(x1, y1, x2, y2, _x_stop)
f_fib_get_level_value(_level) =>
    [x1, y1, x2, y2] = f_getFibDrawCoords()
    f_fib_get_level_value_for_coords(_level, x1, y1, x2, y2)

f_get_bars_back(_sessionsBack) =>
    arrSize = array.size(arrNewSessionBars)
    result = bar_index - (arrSize > 0 ? array.get(arrNewSessionBars, min(_sessionsBack, arrSize ? arrSize-1 : 0)) : bar_index) + 1 // number of bars to look back for high/low
// } ==== END FUNCTIONS ====

// ======== MAIN ========
// {
newSession  := change(time("D"))

if newSession
    array.unshift(arrNewSessionBars, bar_index) // Most recent addition always at index 0
    if array.size(arrNewSessionBars) > max_keep_sessions
        array.pop(arrNewSessionBars) // remove last element
    sessionsBack := 0


fibLevelToBreak := f_fib_get_level_value(i_fib_break_level)
fibLevelBroken  := cross(close, fibLevelToBreak - i_fib_break_margin) or cross(close, fibLevelToBreak + i_fib_break_margin)

if fibLevelBroken
    sessionsBack := sessionsBack + 1

// } === END MAIN ===

// ======== DEBUG ========
// {
// plotchar(bar_index, "bar_index", "")
// plotchar(myFibLevel64, "myFibLevel64", "")
// plotchar(myFibLevelBroken, "myFibLevelBroken", "")
// plotchar(barsBack, "barsBack", "")
// plot(myFibLevel64)
// bgcolor(newSession ? color.white : na, 70)
// } === END DEBUG ===