何时使用 record vs class vs struct

When to use record vs class vs struct

什么是记录? Anthony Giretti  Introducing C# 9: Records

  public class HomeController 
    public IHttpAction Search([FromBody] SearchParameters searchParams)

应该 SearchParameters 成为 Record 吗?


你的数据类型可以是类型吗?选择 struct。不?您的类型是否描述了类似值的状态,最好是不可变的状态?选择 record.


  1. 是的,如果是单向流,请为您的 DTO 使用 records。
  2. 是的,不可变请求绑定是 record
  3. 的理想用户案例
  4. 是的,SearchParametersrecord 的理想用户案例。




结构是值类型。 类 是 引用类型 。默认情况下,记录是 不可变的 引用类型。

当您需要某种层次结构来描述您的 数据类型时 例如继承或指向另一个 structstruct 或基本上指向其他的东西事情,你需要一个 reference 类型。

当您希望类型默认 时,记录解决了这个问题。记录是引用类型,但具有面向值的语义。


你的数据类型是否符合these rules所有:

  1. 它在逻辑上表示单个值,类似于原始类型(int、double 等)。
  2. 实例大小小于 16 字节。
  3. 它是不可变的。
  4. 不用经常装箱
  • 是吗? 应该是一个struct.
  • 没有?应该是一些参考类型.


  • 是吗?选择 record.
  • 没有?选择 class.

顺便说一句:不要忘记 anonymous objects。 C# 10.0 会有匿名记录。



class Program
    static void Main()
        var test = new Foo("a");
        test.MutableProperty = 15;
        //test.Bar = "new string"; // will not compile

public record Foo(string Bar)
    public double MutableProperty { get; set; } = 10.0;

记录的赋值是记录的浅拷贝。 with 表达式的记录副本既不是浅副本也不是深层副本。该副本由 C# 编译器发出的特殊 clone 方法创建。值类型成员被复制和装箱。引用类型成员指向同一个引用。当且仅当记录仅具有值类型属性时,您才能对记录进行深拷贝。记录的任何引用类型成员 属性 都被复制为浅表副本。

查看此示例(使用 C# 9.0 中的顶级功能):

using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;

var foo = new SomeRecord(new List<string>());
var fooAsShallowCopy = foo;
var fooAsWithCopy = foo with { }; // A syntactic sugar for new SomeRecord(foo.List);
var fooWithDifferentList = foo with { List = new List<string>() { "a", "b" } };
var differentFooWithSameList = new SomeRecord(foo.List); // This is the same like foo with { };

WriteLine($"Count in foo: {foo.List.Count}"); // 1
WriteLine($"Count in fooAsShallowCopy: {fooAsShallowCopy.List.Count}"); // 1
WriteLine($"Count in fooWithDifferentList: {fooWithDifferentList.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Count in differentFooWithSameList: {differentFooWithSameList.List.Count}"); // 1
WriteLine($"Count in fooAsWithCopy: {fooAsWithCopy.List.Count}"); // 1

WriteLine($"Equals (foo & fooAsShallowCopy): {Equals(foo, fooAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The lists inside are the same.
WriteLine($"Equals (foo & fooWithDifferentList): {Equals(foo, fooWithDifferentList)}"); // False. The lists are different
WriteLine($"Equals (foo & differentFooWithSameList): {Equals(foo, differentFooWithSameList)}"); // True. The list are the same.
WriteLine($"Equals (foo & fooAsWithCopy): {Equals(foo, fooAsWithCopy)}"); // True. The list are the same, see below.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & fooAsShallowCopy.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, fooAsShallowCopy.List)}"); // True. The records property points to the same reference.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & fooWithDifferentList.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, fooWithDifferentList.List)}"); // False. The list are different instances.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & differentFooWithSameList.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, differentFooWithSameList.List)}"); // True. The records property points to the same reference.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo.List & fooAsWithCopy.List): {ReferenceEquals(foo.List, fooAsWithCopy.List)}"); // True. The records property points to the same reference.

WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & fooAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(foo, fooAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. !!! fooAsCopy is pure shallow copy of foo. !!!
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & fooWithDifferentList): {ReferenceEquals(foo, fooWithDifferentList)}"); // False. These records are two different reference variables.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & differentFooWithSameList): {ReferenceEquals(foo, differentFooWithSameList)}"); // False. These records are two different reference variables and reference type property hold by these records does not matter in ReferenceEqual.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (foo & fooAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(foo, fooAsWithCopy)}"); // False. The same story as differentFooWithSameList.

var bar = new RecordOnlyWithValueNonMutableProperty(0);
var barAsShallowCopy = bar;
var differentBarDifferentProperty = bar with { NonMutableProperty = 1 };
var barAsWithCopy = bar with { };

WriteLine($"Equals (bar & barAsShallowCopy): {Equals(bar, barAsShallowCopy)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (bar & differentBarDifferentProperty): {Equals(bar, differentBarDifferentProperty)}"); // False. Remember, the value equality is used.
WriteLine($"Equals (bar & barAsWithCopy): {Equals(bar, barAsWithCopy)}"); // True. Remember, the value equality is used.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (bar & barAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(bar, barAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (bar & differentBarDifferentProperty): {ReferenceEquals(bar, differentBarDifferentProperty)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (bar & barAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(bar, barAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

var fooBar = new RecordOnlyWithValueMutableProperty();
var fooBarAsShallowCopy = fooBar; // A shallow copy, the reference to bar is assigned to barAsCopy
var fooBarAsWithCopy = fooBar with { }; // A deep copy by coincidence because fooBar has only one value property which is copied into barAsDeepCopy.

WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // True. Remember, the value equality is used.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

fooBar.MutableProperty = 2;
fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = 3;
fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 3;
WriteLine($"fooBar.MutableProperty = {fooBar.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty}"); // fooBar.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 3
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // True. Remember, the value equality is used. 3 != 4
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsShallowCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsShallowCopy)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {ReferenceEquals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 4;
WriteLine($"fooBar.MutableProperty = {fooBar.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty} | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = {fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty}"); // fooBar.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsShallowCopy.MutableProperty = 3 | fooBarAsWithCopy.MutableProperty = 4
WriteLine($"Equals (fooBar & fooBarAsWithCopy): {Equals(fooBar, fooBarAsWithCopy)}"); // False. Remember, the value equality is used. 3 != 4

var venom = new MixedRecord(new List<string>(), 0); // Reference/Value property, mutable non-mutable.
var eddieBrock = venom;
var carnage = venom with { };
venom.List.Add("I'm a predator.");
carnage.List.Add("All I ever wanted in this world is a carnage.");
WriteLine($"Count in venom: {venom.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Count in eddieBrock: {eddieBrock.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Count in carnage: {carnage.List.Count}"); // 2
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & eddieBrock): {Equals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True.
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & carnage): {Equals(venom, carnage)}"); // True. Value properties has the same values, the List property points to the same reference.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & eddieBrock): {ReferenceEquals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & carnage): {ReferenceEquals(venom, carnage)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.

eddieBrock.MutableList = new List<string>();
eddieBrock.MutableProperty = 3;
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & eddieBrock): {Equals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True. Reference or value type does not matter. Still a shallow copy of venom, still true.
WriteLine($"Equals (venom & carnage): {Equals(venom, carnage)}"); // False. the venom.List property does not points to the same reference like in carnage.List anymore.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & eddieBrock): {ReferenceEquals(venom, eddieBrock)}"); // True. The shallow copy.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom & carnage): {ReferenceEquals(venom, carnage)}"); // False. Operator with creates a new reference variable.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom.List & carnage.List): {ReferenceEquals(venom.List, carnage.List)}"); // True. Non mutable reference type.
WriteLine($"ReferenceEquals (venom.MutableList & carnage.MutableList): {ReferenceEquals(venom.MutableList, carnage.MutableList)}"); // False. This is why Equals(venom, carnage) returns false.

public record SomeRecord(List<string> List);

public record RecordOnlyWithValueNonMutableProperty(int NonMutableProperty);

public record RecordOnlyWithValueMutableProperty
    public int MutableProperty { get; set; } = 1; // this property gets boxed

public record MixedRecord(List<string> List, int NonMutableProperty)
    public List<string> MutableList { get; set; } = new();
    public int MutableProperty { get; set; } = 1; // this property gets boxed

这里的性能损失很明显。要在您拥有的记录实例中复制的数据越大,您获得的性能损失就越大。通常,您应该创建小而纤细的 类,此规则也适用于记录。

如果您的应用程序正在使用数据库或文件系统,我不会太担心这种损失。 database/file 系统操作通常较慢。

我做了一些综合测试(下面的完整代码),其中 类 是赢家,但在实际应用中,影响应该不明显。


using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

namespace SmazatRecord
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Test>();

    public class Test

        public int TestRecord()
            var foo = new Foo("a");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var bar = foo with { Bar = "b" };
                bar.MutableProperty = i;
                foo.MutableProperty += bar.MutableProperty;
            return foo.MutableProperty;

        public int TestClass()
            var foo = new FooClass("a");
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                var bar = new FooClass("b")
                    MutableProperty = i
                foo.MutableProperty += bar.MutableProperty;
            return foo.MutableProperty;

    public record Foo(string Bar)
        public int MutableProperty { get; set; } = 10;

    public class FooClass
        public FooClass(string bar)
            Bar = bar;
        public int MutableProperty { get; set; }
        public string Bar { get; }


BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.18363.1379 (1909/November2018Update/19H2)
AMD FX(tm)-8350, 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.103
  [Host]     : .NET Core 5.0.3 (CoreCLR 5.0.321.7212, CoreFX 5.0.321.7212), X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET Core 5.0.3 (CoreCLR 5.0.321.7212, CoreFX 5.0.321.7212), X64 RyuJIT

Method Mean Error StdDev
TestRecord 120.19 μs 2.299 μs 2.150 μs
TestClass 98.91 μs 0.856 μs 0.800 μs


  • 他们不支持继承
  • 它们在确定 价值平等 时效率较低。对于值类型,ValueType.Equals 方法使用反射来查找所有字段。对于记录,编译器生成 Equals 方法。在实践中,记录中值相等的实现明显更快。
  • 它们在某些情况下使用更多内存,因为每个实例都有一个 所有数据的完整副本。记录类型是引用类型, 因此记录实例仅包含对数据的引用。


  • 创建不可变引用类型的简明语法 属性

  • 值相等

  • 非破坏性变异的简洁语法

  • 显示的内置格式

  • 支持继承层次结构


  • C# 记录没有实现 IComparable 接口

  • 在封装方面,recordsstructs好很多,因为你不能把无参构造函数隐藏在一个struct中,但是Record还是有封装不良,我们可以实例化一个具有无效状态的对象。

  • 无法控制相等性检查


  • Records 将取代 C# 中的 Fluent Interface 模式。测试数据生成器模式就是一个很好的例子。您现在可以使用新的 with 功能,而不是编写自己的样板代码,从而节省大量时间和精力。

  • 记录对 DTO 有利

  • 在将数据加载到或时,您可能还需要临时数据 类 从数据库中检索它或在进行一些预处理时。 这类似于上面的 DTO,但不是作为数据 您的应用程序和外部系统之间的合同,这些数据 类 充当您自己系统不同层之间的 DTO。 C# 记录也很重要。

  • 最后,并非所有应用程序都需要丰富的、完全封装的域模型。在大多数不需要太多封装的简单情况下,C# 记录就可以了。否则使用 DDD 值对象

^ ^

我非常喜欢上面的答案,它们非常精确和完整,但我缺少一个重要类型readonly struct (C#7.2) and, coming soon, record struct (C#10)

As we find C# and .Net used in new domains, some problems become more prominent. As examples of environments that are more critical than average about computation overheads, I can list

  • cloud/datacenter scenarios where computation is billed for and responsiveness is a competitive advantage.
  • Games/VR/AR with soft-realtime requirements on latencies

所以,如果我错了,请纠正我,但我会遵循 the usual rules:

class / record / ValueObject:

  • 引用类型;不需要 refin 关键字。
  • 已分配堆; GC 的更多工作。
  • 允许非public无参数构造函数。
  • 允许继承、多态和 interface 实现。
  • 不必装箱。
  • 使用 record 作为 DTO 和 immutable/value 对象。
  • 当您既需要不变性又需要 IComparable 或精确控制相等性检查时,请使用 ValueObject

(readonly / record) struct:

  • 值类型;可以使用 in 关键字作为只读引用传递。
  • 堆栈已分配;适合 cloud/datacenter/Games/VR/AR.
  • 不允许非public无参数构造函数。
  • 不允许继承、多态,但interface实现。
  • 可能要经常装箱。