如何重构 for 循环中发生的递归以使其成为尾调用?

How do I refactor a recursion occurring in a for loop to make it a tail call?

考虑递归子例程append_until_exhausted。递归发生在主体的中间。我想把它放在最后进行进一步处理,也就是说一个简单的尾调用(没有任何优化,在 Perl 中通常涉及 goto)。除了子例程的签名和两个辅助子例程之外,您可以更改任何内容。


use 5.032;
use strictures;
use experimental qw(signatures);

# Returns mostly one value, sometimes multiple,
# and an occasional end condition which will cause
# the recursion to end because then the for loop will
# iterate over an empty list.
# This sub is also called from elsewhere,
# do not change, do not inline.
sub some_complicated_computation($foo) { # → ArrayRef[$foo]
    return [] if $foo > 45;
    return $foo % 5
        ? [$foo + 1]
        : [$foo + 2, $foo + 3];

# do not inline
sub make_key($foo) { # → Str
    chr(64 + $foo / 5)

sub append_until_exhausted($foo, $appendix) { # → HashRef[ArrayRef[$foo]]
    my $computed = some_complicated_computation($foo);
    for my $new_foo ($computed->@*) {
            push $appendix->{make_key $new_foo}->@*, $new_foo;
        __SUB__->($new_foo, $appendix);
    return $appendix;

my $new_appendix = append_until_exhausted(
    7, # start value for foo
    { dummy => [], dummy2 => [], dummy3 => [], }

这里的目标是让我理解原理,以便我可以将其应用到类似的情况和类似的语言中。如果您建议一些 {Sub::*, B::*, XS} 魔术,这也无济于事。

由于您的递归调用是在一个循环内进行的,因此您不能使您的函数尾递归。好吧,当some_expensive_computation returns 0个或1个元素时,你可以,但是一旦returns两个,就结束了。

我建议改用堆栈。基本上,将您的 append_until_exhausted 更改为:

sub append_until_exhausted_stack($init_foo, $appendix) { # → HashRef[ArrayRef[$foo]]
    my @stack = ($init_foo);
    while (@stack) {
        my $foo = pop @stack;
        my $computed = some_complicated_computation($foo);
        for my $new_foo (@$computed) {
            push @{$appendix->{make_key $new_foo}}, $new_foo;
        push @stack, @$computed;
    return $appendix;

小警告:它不会按照与您的原始功能相同的顺序执行工作。如果这对您很重要,请参阅 Ikegami 的 .

我很快就对它进行了基准测试,它似乎比递归实现快了不到 10%,所以没那么多。基准代码如下:

sub append_until_exhausted($foo, $appendix) { # → HashRef[ArrayRef[$foo]]
    my $computed = some_complicated_computation($foo);
    for my $new_foo (@$computed) {
            push @{$appendix->{make_key $new_foo}}, $new_foo;
        __SUB__->($new_foo, $appendix);
    return $appendix;

sub append_until_exhausted_stack($init_foo, $appendix) { # → HashRef[ArrayRef[$foo]]
    my @stack = ($init_foo);
    while (@stack) {
        my $foo = pop @stack;
        my $computed = some_complicated_computation($foo);
        for my $new_foo (@$computed) {
            push @{$appendix->{make_key $new_foo}}, $new_foo;
        push @stack, @$computed;
    return $appendix;

use Benchmark qw(:all);

cmpthese(2000, {
         'Recursive' => sub {
             append_until_exhausted(7, { dummy => [], dummy2 => [], dummy3 => [] })},
         'Stack'   => sub {
             append_until_exhausted_stack(7, { dummy => [], dummy2 => [], dummy3 => [] })},


            Rate Recursive     Stack
Recursive 1384/s        --       -8%
Stack     1505/s        9%        --

我尝试通过添加特殊情况对其进行一些优化,以避免将某些东西压入堆栈并立即将其删除,但它几乎不会影响性能(例如,在 [=16= 时执行 $foo = $computed->[0]; redo ]).不过可能值得尝试使用您的实际代码。


sub fact($n) {
   return 1 if $n == 0;
   return $n * fact($n-1);


sub _fact($n, $acc) {
   return $acc if $n == 0;
   return _fact($n-1, $n * $acc);

sub fact($n) {
   return _fact($n, 1);

这个特殊的解决方案依赖于乘法是可交换的这一事实。 (我们用 1*4*3*2 替换了 1*2*3*4。)所以我们仍然需要一个通用的方法。


   return TERMINAL_VALUE();
} else {
   return TAIL(recursive(HEAD()))


# Extra argument $tail
   return $tail->(TERMINAL_VALUE());   # Tail call
} else {
   return recursive(HEAD(), sub {      # Tail call
      return $tail->(TAIL($_[0]);      # Tail call


sub _fact($n, $tail) {
   return $tail->(1) if $n == 0;
   return _fact($n-1, sub($fact) {
      return $tail->( $fact * $n );

sub fact($n) {
   return _fact($n, sub($fact) { $fact });

这就是 Promises 的基本工作方式。

# Promise is a fictional class akin
# to the JS one with the same name.

sub fact_p($n) {
   return Promise->new(1) if $n == 0;
   return fact_p($n-1)->then(sub($fact) {
      return $fact * $n;

fact_p($n)->done(sub($fact) {
   say $fact;


# Loop body
sub __append_until_exhausted($appendix, $computed, $i, $tail) {
   if ($i == $computed->@*) {
      return $tail->();  # TC
   } else {
      my $new_foo = $computed->[$i];
      push $appendix->{make_key $new_foo}->@*, $new_foo;
      return _append_until_exhausted($appendix, $new_foo, sub {  # TC
         return __append_until_exhausted($appendix, $computed, $i+1, $tail);  # TC

# Function body
sub _append_until_exhausted($appendix, $foo, $tail) {
   my $computed = some_complicated_computation($foo);
   return __append_until_exhausted($appendix, $computed, 0, $tail);  # TC

# Public interface
sub append_until_exhausted($appendix, $foo) {
   return _append_until_exhausted($appendix, $foo, sub {  # TC
      return $appendix;


sub append_until_exhausted($appendix, $foo) {
   local *helper2 = sub($computed, $i, $tail) {
      if ($i == $computed->@*) {
         return $tail->();  # TC
      } else {
         my $new_foo = $computed->[$i];
         push $appendix->{make_key $new_foo}->@*, $new_foo;
         return helper1($new_foo, sub {  # TC
            return helper2($computed, $i+1, $tail);  # TC

   local *helper1 = sub($foo, $tail) {
      my $computed = some_complicated_computation($foo);
      return helper2($computed, 0, $tail);  # TC

   return helper1($foo, sub {  # TC
      return $appendix;

Perl 不执行 tail-call 消除,函数调用相当慢。你最好使用数组作为堆栈。


sub append_until_exhausted($foo, $appendix) {
   my @todo = [ $foo, undef, 0 ];
   while (@todo) {
      my $todo = $todo[-1];
      \my ( $foo, $computed, $i ) = \( @$todo );
      $computed //= some_complicated_computation($foo);
      if ($i == $computed->@*) {

      my $new_foo = $computed->[$i++];
      push $appendix->{make_key $new_foo}->@*, $new_foo;
      push @todo, [ $new_foo, undef, 0 ];

   return $appendix;


sub append_until_exhausted($foo, $appendix) {
   my @todo = some_complicated_computation($foo);
   while (@todo) {
      my $computed = $todo[-1];
      if (!$computed->@*) {

      my $new_foo = shift(@$computed);
      push $appendix->{make_key $new_foo}->@*, $new_foo;
      push @todo, some_complicated_computation($new_foo);

   return $appendix;