在 R 中自动化(循环)欧氏距离测量

Automating (loops) Euclidean distance measurements in R

AIM: 我想自动执行(循环)下面的代码,而不必为每个示例手动 运行 它。我有一个很糟糕的习惯,在 base 中写长手,并且需要开始使用循环,我发现这很难实现。

DATA: 我有两个数据框:一个样本数据(样本)和一个参考数据(ref)。 它们都包含相同的变量 (x, y, z).

代码说明: 对于每个样本 (sample$sample_name),我想计算它与参考数据中每个案例的欧氏距离。然后使用结果对参考数据重新排序,以显示欧几里德(3 维)space.

中哪些点 'closest' 到样本数据点

我当前的代码允许我简单地替换示例名称(即“s1”),然后重新 运行 代码,最后更改 .csv 文件的文件名。输出是参考数据列表,按照最接近样本的顺序排列(欧几里得 space)。

我想自动执行该过程(进入循环?),这样我就可以使用样本名称列表 (samples$sample_name) 在两个数据框中简单地 运行 它,并希望还可以自动导出到 .csv 文件。


# Reference data
ref<-data.frame(country,x,y,z,pb_age) # Reference data

# Sample data (for euclidean measurements against Reference data)
samples<-data.frame(sample_name,x2,y2,z2,pb_age2) # Sample data
colnames(samples)<-c("sample_name","x","y","z","pb_age") # To match Reference data headings

# Euclidean distance measurements
library(fields) # Need package for Euclidean distances

# Currently, I have to update the 'id' for each sample to get a result (for each sample)

id<-"s1"  # Sample ID - this is simply changed so the following code can be re-run for each sample

# The code

result_distance<-rdist(x1,x2) # Computing the Euclidean distance
result_distance<-as.vector(result_distance) # Saving the results as a vector

euclid_ref<-data.frame(result_distance,ref) # Creating a new data.frame adding the Euclidean distances to the original Reference data
colnames(euclid_ref)[1]<-"euclid_distance" # Updating the column name for the result

# Saving and exporting the results
results<-euclid_ref[order(euclid_ref$euclid_distance),] # Re-ordering the data.frame by the euclide distances, smallest to largest
write.csv(results, file="s1.csv")   # Ideally, I want the file name to be the same as the SAMPLE id, i.e. s1, s2, s3...

一个循环就足够简单了,但是更像 R 的解决方案是利用向量化和应用函数族:

result_distances <- data.frame(t(rdist(samples[, 2:4], ref[, 2:4])), ref)
colnames(result_distances)[1:3] <- rep("euclid_distance", 3)
# str(result_distances)
# 'data.frame': 7 obs. of  8 variables:
#  $ euclid_distance: num  0.346 0.346 0.24 0.695 0.355 ...
#  $ euclid_distance: num  0.424 0.424 0.25 0.594 0.286 ...
#  $ euclid_distance: num  0.334 0.334 0.205 0.666 0.319 ...
#  $ country        : chr  "Austria" "Austria" "Italy" "Italy" ...
#  $ x              : num  18.9 18.9 18.9 19.1 19 ...
#  $ y              : num  15.6 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.7 ...
#  $ z              : num  38.6 38.6 38.8 39.4 39 ...
#  $ pb_age         : num  -106 -106 -87 -6 -55 -26 -104


results <- lapply(1:3, function(i) data.frame(result_distances[order(result_distances[, i]), c(i, 4:8)]))
names(results) <- samples$sample_name

现在我们有一个名为 results 的列表,其中包含名为“s1”、“s2”和“s3”的三个数据框。列表使将函数应用于许多组织相似的数据集变得容易。例如 results[["s1"]]results[[1]] 打印第一个样本的数据框。现在我们把结果写出来:

sapply(names(results), function(x) write.csv(results[[x]], file=paste0(x, ".csv")))

这将创建 3 个文件,“s1.csv”、“s2.csv”、“s3.csv”。

这是一个循环,使用您的原始输入数据和代码的关键部分计算所有样本与参考数据位置的欧氏距离。它比 vectorised-apply 解决方案更冗长,但可能更容易阅读,因为它不那么简洁和嵌套。最终输出是单个数据框。

# prepare an empty list object to store the results
output <- vector("list", length = nrow(samples))

  # this is the start of the loop
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(samples))){
   # we can read this as 'for row i of the samples dataframe, do this...'

    # get coords for sample i
    sample_coords <- samples[i ,c("x","y","z")]
    # get coords for all reference locations
    # this line would be fine above the loop
    # since it gives the same result for each 
    # iteration. I place it here to echo your
    # original workflow
    ref_coords <- ref[,c("x","y","z")]
    # compute Euclidean distance and coerce to vector, 
    e_dist_vec <- as.vector(rdist(sample_coords, ref_coords))
    # store in data frame
    e_dist_ref_df <- data.frame(e_dist_vec,  ref) 
    # update colname
    colnames(e_dist_ref_df)[1] <- "euclid_distance"
    # order df by euclid_distance values
    results <- e_dist_ref_df[order(e_dist_ref_df$euclid_distance),]
    #  store results for sample i in the list
    output[[i]] <- results
  } # this is the end of the loop

# assign sample names to list items
names(output) <- samples$sample_name

此时我们有一个数据框列表(每个样本一个),您可以将其写入单独的 CSV(就像我们在@dcarlson 的回答中看到的那样),每个数据框一个文件,或者我们可以继续放置它们都在一个数据框中用于下游分析等。这是循环输出列表的样子:

> output
  euclid_distance country      x      y      z pb_age
3       0.2401874   Italy 18.929 15.654 38.842    -87
7       0.2428559  France 18.883 15.629 38.740   -104
1       0.3461069 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
2       0.3461069 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
5       0.3551197  Turkey 19.008 15.699 39.048    -55
6       0.5206563 Romania 19.083 15.741 39.224    -26
4       0.6948388   Italy 19.139 15.772 39.409     -6

  euclid_distance country      x      y      z pb_age
3       0.2499000   Italy 18.929 15.654 38.842    -87
5       0.2856186  Turkey 19.008 15.699 39.048    -55
7       0.2977129  France 18.883 15.629 38.740   -104
1       0.4241509 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
2       0.4241509 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
6       0.4288415 Romania 19.083 15.741 39.224    -26
4       0.5936506   Italy 19.139 15.772 39.409     -6

  euclid_distance country      x      y      z pb_age
3       0.2052657   Italy 18.929 15.654 38.842    -87
7       0.2195655  France 18.883 15.629 38.740   -104
5       0.3191583  Turkey 19.008 15.699 39.048    -55
1       0.3338203 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
2       0.3338203 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
6       0.4887627 Romania 19.083 15.741 39.224    -26
4       0.6661929   Italy 19.139 15.772 39.409     -6


# bind list dfs into one big data frame, not sure what the one-line equivalent in base R is
output_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(output, .id = "sample_id")


> output_df
   sample_id euclid_distance country      x      y      z pb_age
1         s1       0.2401874   Italy 18.929 15.654 38.842    -87
2         s1       0.2428559  France 18.883 15.629 38.740   -104
3         s1       0.3461069 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
4         s1       0.3461069 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
5         s1       0.3551197  Turkey 19.008 15.699 39.048    -55
6         s1       0.5206563 Romania 19.083 15.741 39.224    -26
7         s1       0.6948388   Italy 19.139 15.772 39.409     -6
8         s2       0.2499000   Italy 18.929 15.654 38.842    -87
9         s2       0.2856186  Turkey 19.008 15.699 39.048    -55
10        s2       0.2977129  France 18.883 15.629 38.740   -104
11        s2       0.4241509 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
12        s2       0.4241509 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
13        s2       0.4288415 Romania 19.083 15.741 39.224    -26
14        s2       0.5936506   Italy 19.139 15.772 39.409     -6
15        s3       0.2052657   Italy 18.929 15.654 38.842    -87
16        s3       0.2195655  France 18.883 15.629 38.740   -104
17        s3       0.3191583  Turkey 19.008 15.699 39.048    -55
18        s3       0.3338203 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
19        s3       0.3338203 Austria 18.881 15.627 38.597   -106
20        s3       0.4887627 Romania 19.083 15.741 39.224    -26
21        s3       0.6661929   Italy 19.139 15.772 39.409     -6