从 R 中的数据库中删除空格?

Remove whitespace from a database in R?


url1 <- 'https://www.pro-football-reference.com/draft/2019-combine.htm'


get_pfr_HTML_file1 <- GET(url1)

combine.parsed <- htmlParse(get_pfr_HTML_file1)

page.tables1 <- readHTMLTable(combine.parsed, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

data2019 <- data.frame(page.tables1[1]) 

请告诉我如何清理 data2019。

使用 base R,可以在逻辑 matrix 上使用 rowSums 来创建逻辑向量到 select 没有空白的行 ("")作为行索引

data2019[!rowSums(data2019 == "") > 0,]

data2019 == "" # // returns a logical matrix
rowSums(data2019 == "") # // get the rowwise count of blank elements
rowSums(data2019 == "") > 0 # // convert the count to logical vector
!rowSums(data2019 == "") > 0 # // negate so that it would be 
             # // TRUE when all values in a row are non-blank