我必须下载哪些软件包才能使 unity 与 hololens 交互以检测和获取我的手的位置?

What packages do i have to download to make unity interact with hololens in order to detect and get positions of my hand?

我在 visual studio 2017 年编写了一个代码,并将其放入 unity 2018 脚本中,该脚本使我可以通过交互管理器及其事件获得我戴着全息眼镜的手的位置。但我的问题是:我应该将哪些包导入到统一场景(统一 2018.4.17)中,以便使整个工作正常进行,并使全息眼镜在我的手处于视野中时真正与我的手互动?非常感谢您。


如果是这样,MRTKv2 be always recommended for accelerating cross-platform MR app development in Unity. It provides a set of components and features including Hand tracking,Interactable,Object manipulator. Besides, if you're new to MRTK or Mixed Reality development in Unity, we recommend you start at the beginning of our Unity development journey 在 Microsoft 文档中。