如何以较小的增量 (Python) 更改 Tkinter 小部件的宽度?

How do I change the width of Tkinter widgets in smaller increments (Python)?

box 的左侧与 some_label 的左侧对齐。我无法设置宽度,使 some_label 的右侧也与 box 的右侧对齐,因为不同宽度值之间的增量太大。 35 的 width 使 some_label 的右端太靠左,而 36 的 width 使它太靠右。

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()


box = Frame(root, width=383, height=246, bg='black')

box.place(x=241, y=65, anchor=CENTER)

some_label = Label(root, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')

some_label.place(x=50, y=210)

some_label.config(width=35, font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))  # whether width is 35 or 36, the label never aligns with the box


要以像素为单位设置标签的宽度,您必须包含图像。最简单的方法是使用透明像素并将其呈现在带有 compound='center' 的标签中,这不会偏移文本。



from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

box = Frame(root, width=383, height=246, bg='black')
box.place(x=241, y=65, anchor=CENTER)

some_label = Label(root, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')
some_label.place(x=50, y=210)
img = PhotoImage(file='images/pixel.gif')       # Create image
some_label.config(image=img, compound='center') # Set image in label
some_label.config(width=379, font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))    # Size in pixels

# Alternateivly control size by an containing widget:
container = Frame(root, bg='tan')   # Let frame adjust to contained widgets
container.place(x=241, y=360, anchor=CENTER)
# Let the contained widget set width
other_box = Frame(container, height=100, width=383, bg='black') # Set width
other_label = Label(container, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')
other_label.pack(expand=True, fill=X, pady=(20,0))  # Expand to fill container
other_label.config(font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))


如果您要进行复杂的 GUI 设计,grid() 几乎总是更容易使用。


import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

box = tk.Frame(root, width=383, height=246, bg='black')
box.place(x=241, y=65, anchor='c')

some_label = tk.Label(root, text='Some Label', borderwidth=1, relief='solid')
some_label.place(x=241, y=210, width=383, anchor='c') # set width to same as 'box'
some_label.config(font=('TkDefaultFont', 15))
