我是否以正确的方式用 C 语言编写了选择排序算法?

Have I written the Selection Sort Algoithm in C the right way?

我书中的一个问题用三行解释了选择排序,然后要求 reader 用 C 为它编写代码。我在这里编写了代码,它工作正常,但我有点混淆我是否以正确的方式编写它。请阅读代码,我什至添加了评论并在需要时纠正我。

    #include <stdio.h>

    #define VALUESIZE 10

    int main(void)
        int temp;
        int value[VALUESIZE] = {3, 5, 46, 89, 72, 42, 312, 465812, 758, 1};

// Printing array just for the user to see.
        for (int k=0; k<VALUESIZE; k++)
        printf("%d", value[k]);
        printf("] ");

// Sorting algo begins
for (int i=0; i < VALUESIZE - 1; i++) // This will obviously loop through each element in our array except the last element as it will automatically be sorted after n-1 steps
    for (int j= i+1; j <= VALUESIZE; j++) // This nested loop will go through each element which appears after ith element. For e.g. If i = 2, then j will loop through entire array starting from j = 3
        if (value[i] > value[j])  // This basic if statement will compare our ith and following jth value
            temp = value[i];      // If the program finds any value[j] greater than value[i], then the values will be swapped.
            value[i] = value[j];
            value[j]  = temp;
// Now after sorting, print the new sorted array.
for (int l=0; l<VALUESIZE; l++)
    printf("%d", value[l]);
    printf("] ");


Select排序需要遍历数组比较第i个值。在此遍结束时,它将交换 2 个值。这就是为什么对于中型或大型数组它不是一个很好的排序算法的原因。



// Sorting algo begins
for (int i = 0; i < arr_length - 1; i++)
    int min = i;
    for (int j = i + 1; j <= arr_length; j++) 
        if (value[j] < value[min])
            min = j;
    //now swap
    int cache = value[min];
    value[min] = value[i];
    value[i] = cache;