这个 "Edit Widget" 视图的名称是什么(对于 iOS 14 个小部件)以及我如何定义这样的东西?

What is this the name of this "Edit Widget" view (for iOS 14 widgets) & how can I define something like this?

当我按住(长按)iOS14 中的一个小部件时,会出现一个弹出菜单,当我点击 Edit Widget 项目时,小部件会翻转到配置视图。


要使您的 Widget 可配置,您需要使用 IntentConfiguration(而不是 StaticConfiguration)。

来自Making a Configurable Widget

To add configurable properties to your widget:

  1. Add a custom intent definition that defines the configurable properties to your Xcode project.
  2. Use an IntentTimelineProvider in your widget to incorporate the user’s choices into your timeline entries.
  3. If the properties rely on dynamic data, implement an Intents extension.
