用 numpy 构建一个基本的立方体?

Build a basic cube with numpy?

我想知道 numpy 是否可以用来构建最基本的立方体模型,其中存储了所有交叉组合及其计算值。


AUTHOR         BOOK          YEAR        SALES
Shakespeare    Hamlet        2000        104.2
Shakespeare    Hamlet        2001        99.0
Shakespeare    Romeo         2000        27.0
Shakespeare    Romeo         2001        19.0
Dante          Inferno       2000        11.6
Dante          Inferno       2001        12.6


                             YEAR                  TOTAL
AUTHOR            BOOK       2000       2001         
(ALL)             (ALL)      142.8      130.6      273.4
Shakespeare       (ALL)      131.2      118.0      249.2
Dante             (ALL)      11.6       12.6       24.2
Shakespeare       Hamlet     104.2      99.0       203.2
Shakespeare       Romeo      27.0       19.0       46.0
Dante             Inferno    11.6       12.6       24.2

我希望使用 meshgrid 之类的东西可以让我达到 75%。基本上,我想看看是否可以使用 numpy(不是 pandas)构建所有预先计算值的结构来构建一个结构,以便我可以检索所有可能的上述结果组合。为了简单起见,我们只将 SUM 视为唯一可能的计算。也许这是一种可循环的询问方式,但是 numpy 可以 backbone 这样做吗,还是我需要使用其他东西?

最后,如果在 numpy 中不可能,如何将其存储在 MDA 中?

这是一个解决方案的草图,显然您需要包装辅助函数和 类 以提供简单的界面。这个想法是将每个唯一名称映射到一个索引(为简单起见,这里是顺序的),然后将其用作索引以将值存储在数组中。它是次优的,因为您必须将数组填充到最大数量的不同项目的最大大小。否则该数组为零,因此不要包含在总和中。如果你想避免添加零元素,你可以考虑掩码数组和掩码和。

import numpy as np

def get_dict(x):
    return {a:i for i, a in enumerate(set(x))}

#Mapping name to unique contiguous numbers (obviously put in a fn or class)
author = 4*["Shakespeare"]+ 2*["Dante"]
book = 2*["Hamlet"] + 2*["Romeo"] + 2*["Inferno"]
year = 3*["2000", "2001"]
sales = [104.2, 99.0, 27.0, 19.0, 11.6, 12.6]

#Define dictonary of indices
d = get_dict(author)

#Index values to put in multi-dimension array
ai = [d[i] for i in author]
bi = [d[i] for i in book]
yi = [d[i] for i in year]

#Pad array up to maximum size
A = np.zeros([np.max(ai)+1, np.max(bi)+1, np.max(yi)+1])

#Store elements with unique name as index in 3D datacube
for n in range(len(sales)):
    i = ai[n]; j = bi[n]; k = yi[n]
    A[i,j,k] = sales[n]

#Now we can get the various sums, for example all sales
print("Total=", np.sum(A))

#All shakespeare (0)
print("All shakespeare=", np.sum(A[d["Shakespeare"],:,:]))

#All year 2001
print("All year 2001", np.sum(A[:,:,d["2001"]]))

#All Shakespeare in 2000
print("All Shakespeare in 2000", np.sum(A[d["Shakespeare"],:,d["2000"]]))

我认为numpy 记录数组可以用于这个任务,下面是我基于记录数组的解决方案。

class rec_array():
    def __init__(self,author=None,book=None,year=None,sales=None):
        self.dtype = [('author','<U20'), ('book','<U20'),('year','<U20'),('sales',float)]
        self.rec_array = np.rec.fromarrays((author,book,year,sales),dtype=self.dtype)
    def add_record(self,author,book,year,sales):
        new_rec = np.rec.fromarrays((author,book,year,sales),dtype=self.dtype)
        if not self.rec_array.shape == ():
            self.rec_array = np.hstack((self.rec_array,new_rec))
            self.rec_array = new_rec
    def get_view(self,conditions):
            A list of conditions, for example 
        mask = np.ones(self.rec_array.shape[0]).astype(bool)
        for item in conditions:
            field,op,target = item
            field_op = "self.rec_array['%s'] %s '%s'" % (field,op,target)
            mask &= eval(field_op)
        selected_sales = self.rec_array['sales'][mask]
        return np.sum(selected_sales)


author = 4*["Shakespeare"]+ 2*["Dante"]
book = 2*["Hamlet"] + 2*["Romeo"] + 2*["Inferno"]
year = 3*["2000", "2001"]
sales = [104.2, 99.0, 27.0, 19.0, 11.6, 12.6]


test = rec_array()



输出为 46.0



输出为 131.2


class Cube:

    def __init__(self, row_index, col_index, data):
        self.row_index = {r: i for i, r in enumerate(row_index)}
        self.col_index = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(col_index)}
        self.data = data

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        row, col = item
        return self.data[self.row_index[row] , self.col_index[col]]

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.data)

基本上是一个围绕二维 numpy 数组的轻型包装器。要计算交叉表,您可以这样做:

def _x_tab(rows, columns, values):
    """Function for computing the cross-tab of simple arrays"""
    unique_values_all_cols, idx = zip(*(np.unique(col, return_inverse=True) for col in [rows, columns]))

    shape_xt = [uniq_vals_col.size for uniq_vals_col in unique_values_all_cols]

    xt = np.zeros(shape_xt, dtype=np.float)
    np.add.at(xt, idx, values)

    return unique_values_all_cols, xt

def make_index(a, r):
    """Make array of tuples"""
    l = [tuple(row) for row in a[:, r]]
    return make_object_array(l)

def make_object_array(l):
    a = np.empty(len(l), dtype=object)
    a[:] = l
    return a

def fill_label(ar, le):
    """Fill missing parts with ALL label"""
    missing = tuple(["ALL"] * le)
    return [(e + missing)[:le] for e in ar]

def x_tab(rows, cols, values):
    """Main function for cross tabulation"""
    _, l_cols = rows.shape

    total_agg = []
    total_idx = []
    for i in range(l_cols + 1):
        (idx, _), agg = _x_tab(make_index(rows, list(range(i))), cols, values)
        total_idx.extend(fill_label(idx, l_cols))

    stacked_agg = np.vstack(total_agg)
    stacked_agg_total = stacked_agg.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

    return Cube(total_idx, list(dict.fromkeys(cols)), np.concatenate((stacked_agg, stacked_agg_total), axis=1))

假设输入一个 arr 数组:

[['Shakespeare' 'Hamlet' 2000 104.2]
 ['Shakespeare' 'Hamlet' 2001 99.0]
 ['Shakespeare' 'Romeo' 2000 27.0]
 ['Shakespeare' 'Romeo' 2001 19.0]
 ['Dante' 'Inferno' 2000 11.6]
 ['Dante' 'Inferno' 2001 12.6]]


result = x_tab(arr[:, [0, 1]], arr[:, 2], arr[:, 3])


array([[142.8, 130.6, 273.4],
       [ 11.6,  12.6,  24.2],
       [131.2, 118. , 249.2],
       [ 11.6,  12.6,  24.2],
       [104.2,  99. , 203.2],
       [ 27. ,  19. ,  46. ]])

请注意,此表示法 (repr) 仅用于显示结果,您可以根据需要进行更改。然后你可以访问立方体的单元格如下:

print(result[('Dante', 'ALL'), 2001])
print(result[('Dante', 'Inferno'), 2001])
print(result[('Shakespeare', 'Hamlet'), 2000])



请注意,大部分操作都在 _x_tab 函数中,该函数使用纯 numpy 函数。同时它为您选择的任何聚合函数提供了灵活的接口,只需更改此行的ufunc

np.add.at(xt, idx, values)

来自此 list. For more information see the documentation on the at 操作员的任何其他人。

可以找到代码的工作副本 here. The above is based on this gist

备注 这假设您正在为索引(行参数)传递多个列。

只是 class 初始化:

import numpy as np

class Olap:
    def __init__(self, values, headers, *locators):
        self.labels = []
        self.indices = []
        self.headers = headers
        self.shape = (len(l) for l in locators)
        for loc in locators:
            unique, ix = np.unique(loc, return_inverse = True)
        self.arr   = np.zeros(self.shape)
        self.count = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype = int)
        np.add.at(self.arr, tuple(self.indices), values)
        np.add.at(self.count, tuple(self.indices), np.ones(values.shape))

author = 4*["Shakespeare"]+ 2*["Dante"]
book = 2*["Hamlet"] + 2*["Romeo"] + 2*["Inferno"]
year = 3*["2000", "2001"]
sales = [104.2, 99.0, 27.0, 19.0, 11.6, 12.6]

olap = Olap(sales, ["author", "book", "year"], author, book, year)

从那里您可以使用 self.arr.sum() 沿不同轴创建求和函数,甚至可以使用 self.count.sum() 进行平均。您可能需要一些方法来添加更多数据(再次使用 np.add.at 将它们放入 arr)——但是您的数据结构现在是 Nd 而不是表格,这应该给它带来同样的好处pivot 所做的高维数据。

不打算将所有这些都放入代码中(即使是 400 次重复),但是一旦你制作了多维数据结构,它似乎并不太复杂。