Chart.js scatter/bubble pointstyle 自定义文本

Chart.js scatter/bubble pointstyle custom text

我正在寻找一种解决方案,其中使用 chart.js 呈现自定义文本而不是散点图或气泡图的点。例如,如果绘制棒球运动员的击球率与重击率,我希望运动员的名字水平和垂直居中显示在基础 x,y 坐标上,例如 'MANTLE' 或 'RUTH',而不是典型的 dot/square/triangle/bubble 点样式。我注意到回调函数可以让我编写自定义轴标签,但我需要为图表的实际点做类似的事情。




chartjs-plugin-datalabels does what you're looking for. The positioning of the labels is largely customizable. A custom label 格式化程序功能可让您显示数据值以外的文本。

请查看 chartjs-plugin-datalabels samples, especially at Custom Labels

Keep in mind that this plugin registers itself globally, meaning that once imported, all charts will display labels. In case you want it enabled only for a few charts, you first need to unregister it globally. Then, you can enabled the plugin for specific charts.